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Jorath Calar 09-05-2002 05:33 AM

Here are some icelandic ones...

Žaš fer nś aš verša verra feršavešriš

Syšri garšurinn er sķšri en sį nyršri.

Ég kom viš hjį Nirši nišri ķ nošrfirši nyršri.

Hnošri ķ noršri veršur aš vešri žótt sķšar verši.

Stebbi stóš į ströndum,
var aš troša strż.
Strż var ekki trošiš,
nema Stebbi tręši strż.
Ein trešur Stebbi strż.
Tvķ trešur Stebbi strż.

Žrķbrotin blżkringla.

Ljśktu upp lśgunni, ljśfurinn.

Stuttur steyttur fluttur fleittr
fljótt er breyttur skjótt hér threyttr
thįttur skreyttur hįttur hreyttr
hętti neyttur mętti reyttr.

Frank Zappa i svampfrakka.

Rough Translations

[ 1 ]
It is getting worse, the travelling weather
[ 2 ]
The south garden is worse than the north one.
[ 3 ]
I dropped in at Njordurs place in the north of Nordfjord.
[ 4 ]
A small cloud in the north becomes (bad) weather sooner or later.
[ 5 ]
Stebbi stood on a beach, was stuffing straw. Couldn't stuff the straw, unless Stebbi stuffed the straw. One Stebbi stuffed the straw. Two Stebbi stuffed the straw.
[ 6 ]
Discus in three pieces.
[ 7 ]
Open the hatch, dear.
[ 9 ]
Frank Zappa in a sponge-coat.

Have fun! [img]smile.gif[/img]

LennonCook 09-05-2002 05:37 AM

<font color="lightblue">Whether the weather be fine, or whether the weather be not;
Whether the weather be cold, or whether the weather be hot;
We`ll whether the weather whatever the weather;
Whether we like it or not


Or ofcourse the classic...
Red Leather, Yellow Leather, Red Leather, Yellow Leather... </font>

Epona 09-05-2002 05:40 AM

Jorath, I have a feeling that *any* sentence in Iclandic would be a tongue-twister for a poor monolingual Brit like myself.... :(

Bokken 09-05-2002 08:50 AM


Originally posted by Epona:
Jorath, I have a feeling that *any* sentence in Iclandic would be a tongue-twister for a poor monolingual Brit like myself.... :(
I totally agree with you there. Here's an easier one for you :D

The olives in Kalamata
Are better than bread and butter!

Donut 09-05-2002 10:34 AM

Okay - I'll post this before anyone else:

I'm not the pheasant plucker
I'm the pheasant pluckers son
Pleasantly plucking pheasants
till the pheasant plucker comes.

Lord Shield 09-05-2002 10:49 AM

say "I was born on a pirate ship" and repeat it again and again getting faster each time ;)

Madman-Rogovich 09-05-2002 10:57 AM


Originally posted by Lord Shield:
say "I was born on a pirate ship" and repeat it again and again getting faster each time ;)
while holdin the cheeks? in the ''my dads a banker and he banks all day '' vain?

Melusine 09-05-2002 11:24 AM

De kat krabt de krullen van de trap, de kat krabt de krullen van de trap, de kat krabt de krullen van de trap - repeat ad nauseam ;)

Lord Shield 09-05-2002 11:34 AM


Originally posted by Melusine:
De kat krabt de krullen van de trap, de kat krabt de krullen van de trap, de kat krabt de krullen van de trap - repeat ad nauseam ;)
ooh - can you translate for us barbarian Brits? :D :D

Epona 09-05-2002 11:39 AM


Originally posted by Bokken:

The olives in Kalamata
Are better than bread and butter!

And that's no lie, I love Kalamata olives!

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