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Gilidarius 10-12-2001 01:30 AM

I have been watching CNN for about 4 hours a day off and on since the attacks started on Afghanistan. This is what I have noticed.


No matter what time you turn on the TV there is a live feed from Afghanistan that displays a green "nightscope" screen. Why do they always have to show this "nightvision" display. According to the Pentagon this is a 24 hour strike, but we never see any daytime strikes. Instead we see a sideways shot of constant explosions. some of these explosions take up the entire screen. How is it possible that CNN has a camera that vies a small portion of Afghanistan possibly Kabul that is constantly 24 hours a night being bombed by America. Something does not seem right with this. Please, before you respond to this E-mail, watch CNN and decide for yourself. Let me know what you think.

Liliara 10-12-2001 01:33 AM

I've been watching CNN. Are you aware of the time zone diference?

At around 2 AM eastern, you can catch live daytime feed from Afghanastan. They are almost 9 hours ahead of the U.S.

Welcome to the board by the way!

Captain of Bouncers, Boogre Bar

LH Member

"I've had it up to here, listening to a small segment of people try to put down America! America's the greatest land on Earth, and we oughta be proud of what we have! I'm proud of America, I'm proud of our people, and I'm gonna prove it. We're American and DAMN proud of it! Frankly I'm getting a little ticked off...go ta ****"... Dink (if anyone knows who originally said this, please let me know!)

[This message has been edited by Liliara (edited 10-12-2001).]

Gilidarius 10-12-2001 01:41 AM

As I said before I watch CNN a lot and I have watched it all of hours of the day. I am extremly aware of the Time Zone. My point is have you ever seen daytime bombing shots. I am not anti-American quite the opposite. I am just trying to help people see the other side. This CNN thing does not make sense and I REALLY would like a resonable explanation. Even now at 11:30MT it is daytime in Afghanistan yet they still show the Green screen with LIVE showing on the screen.

My second point was why would the camera angle display so many bombs being dropped on one small area. Some of the explosions take up half of the screen. It just does not seem right.

At least try to be a little open-minded.

Liliara 10-12-2001 01:47 AM

My TV is back and forth between the news channels from 9AM to 3 AM.
I notice a distinct difference in the bombing patterns. True, not much daytime footage is shown, but then again, you have to make sure that the footage you are seeing is truly said to be LIVE. The news repeats itself for those who haven't been watching all day. As for the daylight footage, the journalists and camera men there are in great danger. Maybe the only time they feel it is safe to come out is when it is night.

Captain of Bouncers, Boogre Bar

LH Member

"I've had it up to here, listening to a small segment of people try to put down America! America's the greatest land on Earth, and we oughta be proud of what we have! I'm proud of America, I'm proud of our people, and I'm gonna prove it. We're American and DAMN proud of it! Frankly I'm getting a little ticked off...go ta ****"... Dink (if anyone knows who originally said this, please let me know!)

Ziroc 10-12-2001 11:37 AM


Originally posted by Gilidarius:
As I said before I watch CNN a lot and I have watched it all of hours of the day. I am extremly aware of the Time Zone. My point is have you ever seen daytime bombing shots. I am not anti-American quite the opposite. I am just trying to help people see the other side. This CNN thing does not make sense and I REALLY would like a resonable explanation. Even now at 11:30MT it is daytime in Afghanistan yet they still show the Green screen with LIVE showing on the screen.

My second point was why would the camera angle display so many bombs being dropped on one small area. Some of the explosions take up half of the screen. It just does not seem right.

I have seen a rare few daytime shots, but yeah, I have yet to see any live footage of attacks.. I personally think that the Reporters are staying away in the daytime--VERY dangerous to be a non-Afgan (Taliban) during these times. I think one female reporter even dyed her hair from Blonde to brown so she wouldn't 'stick out'. It was a bit easier in Iraq, they had highrises.. and camera crews could get close, and kinda be hidden.. in Kabul, there is nothing but land really..

Just guessing..

Ironworks Webmaster

skywalker 10-12-2001 12:34 PM

Is it possible they are not allowed to show daytime attacks due to security measures?


Gilidarius 10-12-2001 12:48 PM

Your points are good ones but what about the camera angle and the constant explosions that take place on the screen. If the camera was set up to cover several hundred miles then it would make sense that there would be a lot of explosions. The explosions, however, take up 50-90% of the screen. So therfore the camera would have to be fairly close, or zoomed in to a specific location. Given that the camera is close why is there constant live bombings of one area of land. Do you see where I am coming from or is my logic erred.

Yorick 10-12-2001 01:03 PM


Originally posted by Gilidarius:
Do you see where I am coming from or is my logic erred.
I see where you are coming from, but I think your logic is slightly erred. No human is without bias. Sometimes it's easy to mistake bias and agenda/motive as propaganda. Undoubtably the media is presenting a filtered side. This does not mean it's untrue or fabrication, rather that there is an intent behid the selection of coverage.

I have no problem accepting news reports, with the knowledge they have an inherant bias.

Anytime someone tells you anything there is a bias.

I am the walrus!.... er, no hang on....

A fair dinkum laughing Hyena!

Ziroc 10-12-2001 01:32 PM


Originally posted by Gilidarius:
Your points are good ones but what about the camera angle and the constant explosions that take place on the screen. If the camera was set up to cover several hundred miles then it would make sense that there would be a lot of explosions. The explosions, however, take up 50-90% of the screen. So therfore the camera would have to be fairly close, or zoomed in to a specific location. Given that the camera is close why is there constant live bombings of one area of land. Do you see where I am coming from or is my logic erred.

It may look like the explosions are close, but they are 9 miles away (CNN Said this), and It's true, with 3rd Gen Night vision, even a car headlights on a flat desert land from 30 miles away look like they are pulling up to you.. Also--If you ever get to use a pair, (at night), look at the stars--you will see 8000% as many. Stars you can't see by eyesight, these night vision goggles will show them bright as the north star! It's wild.

Ironworks Webmaster

Gilidarius 10-12-2001 01:35 PM

That explains things. I want to get a pair to check out the stars.

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