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Larr2 11-25-2000 12:23 AM

Chaotic Chaotic !!!

Actually, I probably change alignment depending on what it will accomplish for me. My wife sees me as Chaotic Good. My employers and some friends see me as Lawful Good, my best friend knows me as neutral, and I personally must give myself a run between Neutral Evil and Chaotic Evil, for my dark past, dreams, and desires hold no good. I am taking personal training under a three time black belt, who knows I don't know how many arts, including Ninjitsu, so that my tendencies to strike back at those who would do me wrong will never forget their mistake.
I am driven by two forces, both for good, and my own little evil. Am I just some wierdo that needs to be locked up??
I must mention that I had a dream once, that I was a vampire, and the blood I tased in my dream still seems real and enticing to this day!
(I hope that I did not scare any of you younger kids...)

Memnoch 11-25-2000 03:54 AM

Okay, I'm not sure how everyone will react to this poll, but I was curious as to how you would classify your alignment in REAL LIFE.
It's ok to be honest! No-one will hold anything against you if you're evil (unless you're chaotic evil in which case you will probably lie)
But seriously even if you say you're neutral evil, that's not necessarily a bad thing, it just means you're a selfish pig, that's all Or it might mean that you're seeing someone get mugged but you won't help them because it's got nothing to do with you.

So I'll start. Chaotic good with neutral tendencies!

LilKid 11-25-2000 04:02 AM

Neutral evil, with tendencies toward true neutral... and I'm not really a selfish pig, that's so mean of you all! *evil grin*

Had to play a lawful evil monk, but he's neutral evil, he just doesn't know it

Armisael 11-25-2000 04:14 AM

Heh, that's a bit personal... but chaotic neutral with chaotic evil tendencies.

Zoratorak 11-25-2000 04:57 AM

chaotic good for me =)

Suul-Yinn 11-25-2000 09:06 AM

Hmm, I think I spot a common denominator here. Chaotic good too.

LilKid 11-25-2000 09:24 AM

Too many nice people... noooo bad, keep away from me! (runs from incoming lynch mob)

Draggor 11-25-2000 09:39 AM

Probably Chaotic good too

Autumn_232 11-25-2000 02:51 PM

I'm probably one of the nicest out here. I would have to say I am neutral good. That anybody would say they are evil makes me sad I do not like to think that there are truly evil people in this world.

Archmagi Wah 11-25-2000 03:43 PM

Chaotic Good for me. Although people tend to refer to me as being Lawful Good sometimes. Nah, being too goody goody isn't any fun at all...............

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