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Madman-Rogovich 12-09-2001 02:12 PM

i guess i just wanted to voice this misconception i had before i started playing rpg's.

ONce upon a time i was (i still am but over everything else) a first person shooter kinda chance on day i was on holiday a year or 3 (maybe 4) back and i wanted a shiny new game for my i hunted for the usual only to realise that i couldnt find anything of interest..the i spyed a game hidden towards the back a game named Baldur's Gate.

BALDUR'S GATE !?!?!?! said i . what could this foreign game be???
i read the box and was enticed by the class descriptions the decription of the gameplay and the pretty pictures. however my grumbling began at the mention of dungeons and dragons... well as quite the ignorant young sod that i was i was all like...DUNGEON AND DRAGONS>> AGHAST THATS REALLY LAME..... which although i knew little about i had only vague memories of my older bro cheating me outof victory in D&D aswell as much ass wuppin on my acccount on the feild of warhammer..... i dont play those now and didnt when i bought Bgate...but ithough hmmm itll be crap but hey ill risk it ...and it turned out to be a wise now your thinking (if youve been bothered to read this far in my little flashback) Whats his point ...well as simply put as possible if id stuck to a judgemental attitude ten i would have missed out on mucho fun thankfully i dint and now im better off in lif ..thanks guys ye have been great...

feel free to stick yer own experiences up her as i'm intrigued to see all yer opinions and fables... Madman,.

Willard 12-09-2001 02:18 PM

I first found Baldur's Gate at Ames, a store near where I live. I went to the electronics section, and most of the games there stink, but I wanted something new for my computer. I found a demo CD for Baldur's Gate, tried it, and loved it. I just had to buy the full version, and that led me to Baldur's Gate 2, Shadows of Amn.

Madman-Rogovich 12-09-2001 02:59 PM

ahhhh memories

Scholarcs 12-09-2001 06:51 PM

I borrowed BG from my friend when he got BG2 nearly a year ago. I still have it and am getting BG2.

Redblueflare 12-10-2001 08:29 AM

I played through BG1, and then my friend Shane decided to buy BG2. From the first time I saw it I wanted it. He played it exactly three times, before I bought it. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Grojlach 12-10-2001 08:35 AM

One of my friends was very positive about BG1, and wanted me and another friend to purchase it as well in order to do a multiplayer game. Loved the game, and when BG2 was released a few years later, I immediately bought the game. PS:T, IWD and all the various available expansion sets followed shortly after that. :D

Istaron 12-10-2001 01:51 PM

I'll go against the stream and admit that my first RPG acctually was FFVII to the PSX [img]smile.gif[/img]

Galadria 12-10-2001 01:59 PM

I had only played Crystal key, Myst, and Timelapse on my PC, never really liked them. I saw BG at the Wal-Mart.(on sale!) Liked the cover art, turned it over and saw the magic words Dungeons and Dragons. I hadn't played for a long time, school, etc. got in the way of playing tabletop games, and there was always some smart aleck who wanted to play an SS-Commando wizard. So I installed it. Fell in love with it! Now, maybe I could get my mage past 2nd level! Thanks, Bioware.

SSJ4Sephiroth 12-10-2001 07:25 PM

my first RPG was actually Super Mario RPG for the SNES, followed by Earthbound for the same system... its no wonder i got hooked!

Lifetime 12-11-2001 12:40 PM

My first rpg was FF7 on the PC. I bought it, fell in love with it, and still am. Its pretty much the best RPG I've ever played, no holds barred. I never get tired of it.

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