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AzureWolf 11-02-2001 04:17 AM

I've noticed lately that I have become very emotional over sad books or movies which for me is a surprise. In the course of about 6 years I could count the amount of times i cried on the fingers of one hand, yet in the last few months I would have doubled that. Emotion has never been my strong suit but when I read books I find myself sad or happy without realising this. Is anyone else like this? I have a feeling its because I feel i relate more to the people in books then those I see around me everyday where so many people are shallow.

Azure very confused but still demanding that Cloudy sing some Incubus

"I was born of darkness. My fathers eyes closed before mine opened. I am not of this world or the other, and I have the right to be what I am..."

Overlord of all that I behold and anything that i happen to not notice either.

Founding Hamlet of the HADB.

Neb 11-02-2001 04:19 AM

I seriously find it easier to cry because of a sad book or movie than RL sometimes.

Prime2U 11-02-2001 04:32 AM

Sings some incubus since he's listening to it right now hehe.

I dig my toes into the sand
the ocean looks like a thousand diamonds strewn across the blue plain
I lean against the wind
pretend that I am weightless
and in this moment i am happy...and i say
IIIIIIII wish you were here
IIII iiiIIIII wish you


"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans." - Lennon

tracey 11-02-2001 04:37 AM


that's interesting!

i think it's probably because it's easier and 'safer' to involve emotionally in a book/film than with real people.

it's good to do both. books give you time to consider and immerse yourself into another world, where you 'live' the emotions of the people who you identify with, books also allow you to see and experience people's emotions who you wouldn't necessarily 'click' with in rl. so, you can gain a lot of experience from reading, albeit second hand and biased. (it's all someone's viewpoint, so therefore all relevant.)

the last film i cried at was last week - it was 'secrets and lies' a wonderful film by mike leigh.

the last line is 'cor, this is the life ain'it'. it's so understated and explores the underneath turmoil from the surface of a black woman who discovers, on the death of her mother, the need to find her biological mother, who turns out to be white, poor and a bit stupid! she herself is intelligent, cultured, professional etc..,,, it's amazing - terribly english.

another really good film is 'withnail and i' if you've never seen it - do.
i cried laughing, although, it's not upfront funny.


offended mistress of the illuminati

AzureWolf 11-02-2001 04:40 AM


Originally posted by Prime2U:
Sings some incubus since he's listening to it right now hehe.

I dig my toes into the sand
the ocean looks like a thousand diamonds strewn across the blue plain
I lean against the wind
pretend that I am weightless
and in this moment i am happy...and i say
IIIIIIII wish you were here
IIII iiiIIIII wish you

Damn I love that cd
Oh wait I love all Incubus songs.
Only got that Cd 2 days ago.
Of course than again I had the bootleg for months before that
Uh Prime2u are you feeling alright?

"I was born of darkness. My fathers eyes closed before mine opened. I am not of this world or the other, and I have the right to be what I am..."

Overlord of all that I behold and anything that i happen to not notice either.

Founding Hamlet of the HADB.

Argus 11-02-2001 04:57 AM

I always find that my reaction to books/movies (and can't forget music!) is oftentimes a reflection on what's going on in real life. If everything in R/L is extremely emotional and or stressful I tend to have a much greater emotional release when reading/watching/listening. I guess that's why I love RPGs so much, the catharsis is really helpful.

Prime2U 11-02-2001 05:06 AM


Originally posted by AzureWolf:
Damn I love that cd
Oh wait I love all Incubus songs.
Only got that Cd 2 days ago.
Of course than again I had the bootleg for months before that
Uh Prime2u are you feeling alright?

feel fine azure Incubus is coooool hehe. Makes me think of a girl sometimes, then I get a lil misty. Especially "I Miss You".

MMMMM I love getting CD's ahead of time. Had Creed's new one "Weathered" for a few days now, very good, a little different in spots from the last two. It'll be out Nov 20th.

[This message has been edited by Prime2U (edited 11-02-2001).]

Epona 11-02-2001 05:42 AM


Originally posted by tracey:

the last film i cried at was last week - it was 'secrets and lies' a wonderful film by mike leigh.

the last line is 'cor, this is the life ain'it'. it's so understated and explores the underneath turmoil from the surface of a black woman who discovers, on the death of her mother, the need to find her biological mother, who turns out to be white, poor and a bit stupid! she herself is intelligent, cultured, professional etc..,,, it's amazing - terribly english.

Hi Tracey!
That is an amazing film, although I sometimes find Leigh parodies working class people dreadfully. I'm working class - and I am also intelligent & cultured, and not the tiniest bit hysterical (or not usually) and I did cringe a bit at Blethyn's (sp?) portrayal of the mother! I thought the moody daughter was absolutely brilliant though, I was just like that when I was between about 16 and 18 years old!!

As far as Azure's original question goes, I get really overemotional at films & books. There are some films which, despite the fact they are really crappy, will always have me in tears. City of Angels for example - the first time I saw it I cried at the end, now if I see it I start crying at the beginning because I know what the end is... And the film is complete bollocks too, it's not even a good film! It is a safe way of letting out emotion - probably you are expressing some of your RL emotions but the film/book is a good safety valve.

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Epona of The Laughing Hyenas
Proud winner of the 'Most Useless Post 250 Has Ever Seen' Award 2001. "I'd just like to thank my friends and family, without whom none of this would have been possible..."

Jorath Calar 11-02-2001 07:06 AM

I can be like that Azure, except I don't really cry, I get this lump in my troat and my eyes fill with water. It usually happens if I'm watching a film alone and it gets sad... or sappy...


AzureWolf 11-02-2001 07:08 AM


Originally posted by Epona:
As far as Azure's original question goes, I get really overemotional at films & books. There are some films which, despite the fact they are really crappy, will always have me in tears. City of Angels for example - the first time I saw it I cried at the end, now if I see it I start crying at the beginning because I know what the end is... And the film is complete bollocks too, it's not even a good film! It is a safe way of letting out emotion - probably you are expressing some of your RL emotions but the film/book is a good safety valve.

LOL actually tho City of Angels is a rather cheesy movie I cried at the end of that one too. Come to think of it I think that was the first time I did cry over a movie. Am I getting sentimental as I get older?

"I was born of darkness. My fathers eyes closed before mine opened. I am not of this world or the other, and I have the right to be what I am..."

Overlord of all that I behold and anything that i happen to not notice either.

Founding Hamlet of the HADB.

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