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Reeka 10-22-2001 01:24 PM

Ok, I have collected quite q few birthdays. I have a list on my comp. Here's the deal:

If I don't have your birthday (or if you aren't sure), please E-MAIL ME! Please don't post on a thread now, that is getting hard for me to keep up with. My e-mail is: E-mail me and I will add you to my list.

Now for some input from you guys. What do you think would be the best way to post the birthdays. Here are some ideas (I am open to suggestions):

1) Someone said post the list at Stealthy's. I must confess that I only go there to look at pictures. Good idea? Bad idea?

2) Post the birthdays for a month at a time.

3) Post them for two weeks at a time?

4) Post them weekly?

I don't really care how it is done. I was thinking that perhaps the monthly thing, well people might forget, unless the thread is kept bumped up.

Post your feedback here and I will be checking this thread and get a consensus of opinions. Then I will let you guys know what we will do.

Thanks for all the help. And remember, e-mail me your birthday if I don't have it.


Order of the Holy Flame
Member of Clan HADB
Laughing Hyena
Clan Illuminati
Clan Liaison, IW Peace Keeping Force
Official Scribe, Clan TLFB

DragonMage 10-22-2001 01:28 PM

Personally, I think the weekly post is better. I agree that monthlies will get lost. With the 'weekly' one, we can post b'day congrats to each person on the same thread and not spam the forum with multiple b'day posts (although it's nice to start one for each member so they feel special). But at least as far as notices go, weekly seems best.

just my 2c.

Elif Godson 10-22-2001 01:33 PM


I would have to go with the weekly also. Monthly can be so
BLAH. Here at my work that's how they do it, and then the individual
teams will usually decorate the persons cube. You hear this a lot,
"I didnt know it was Birthday" mostly because peep's forgot.

So mho is go with the weekly.

The Ruby Rouge of the ALSB Official Slayer of Pest's in Cloudy's Kitchen
Blessed is the Warlock
Advisor to the Lady Lioness for Kitchen raid's and such...

Legolas the Elven Archer 10-22-2001 01:47 PM

Another vote for a weekly list here

The last arrow of Legolas kindled in the air as it flew,
and plunged burning into the heart of a great wolf-chieftain.
All the others fled. -J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Hiram Sedai 10-22-2001 01:49 PM

Perhaps an annual list would be most beneficial. That way you are certain that you didn't leave anyone out. <---tongue planted firmly in cheek

"I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."
-Robert McCloskey

<LI>Token lackwit of HADB
<LI>Sycophant to the Wolf of Azure Hue
<LI>Long lost brother of DragonMage
<LI>Bearer of a work of art created by Sazerac
<LI>Jeg burde blive gennembanket for min flatulens.[/list]

demus 10-22-2001 01:58 PM

Uh, I think I'd have to go with two of the ideas (just to be difficult ), I think that a complete list should be posted somewherwe where it won't get lost (maybe at Stealthys, I dunno, I just look at the pictures too ) and also a weekly list should be done so none is missed out.
But thats just my opinion

Nicodemus Deathslayer, Paladin and Undead Hunter of the Order of the Holy Flame

Reeka 10-22-2001 10:58 PM


Order of the Holy Flame
Member of Clan HADB
Laughing Hyena
Clan Illuminati
Clan Liaison, IW Peace Keeping Force
Official Scribe, Clan TLFB

Djinn Raffo 10-22-2001 11:45 PM

I vote for thanking<H1><FONT COLOR=silver>Reeka</FONT></H1>
for her dedication to such a great idea!

[This message has been edited by Djinn Raffo (edited 10-22-2001).]

Blade 10-22-2001 11:53 PM


Originally posted by demus:
Uh, I think I'd have to go with two of the ideas (just to be difficult ), I think that a complete list should be posted somewherwe where it won't get lost (maybe at Stealthys, I dunno, I just look at the pictures too ) and also a weekly list should be done so none is missed out.
But thats just my opinion

I second that motion

All blades cut, be they made from metal or wood, but the sharpest and deadliest blade is the one of knowledge.

An Archmage of the HADB

DragonMage 10-23-2001 07:06 AM

I second THAT!

Alureth...Dragon friend of Breanna, Mage and Advisor in the Court of Lady Lioness

Co-Owner/Operator of the Evil Petting Zoo and devout member of the HADB clan.
Commander of the Dragon Fleet, IW Peacekeeping Force
Sublime Sister of the Illuminati - may the Light shine forever!
Second Historian and Scribe of IW. Mother Hen of IW.
Mage extraordinair, Pin-Up Girl for the OLD-COOTS
Magey-Wagey: performer in the Nekked Dancing Trio of the ORT.

Hopeless Romantic *sigh*

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