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Liliara 09-10-2001 10:01 PM

Well, actually, it was some time this morning.

I had a dream that I was in this antique bookstore (after escaping from an all girl school, don't ask) and there was this one book of particular interest. It had an image that when looked at in different ways, had many, many pictures imbeded within. Kind of like that optical illusion that had the old woman but when you looked at it a dfferent way, it was a young woman. Anyway it was ony a dollar, so I bought it.

Anyone else had any strange dreams like this?

Captain of Bouncers, Boogre Bar

LH Member

Gwhanos, Lord Of Evil 09-10-2001 10:06 PM

I had this dream......... where I had to beat on this archon (starcraft protoss archon) and it was from the white team (actually I think it was this guy, and me and and a few buddies (actually allies) were beatin his "final" form. We had to use firebats, zealots and hydras to beat him. It was from the angle from sc, and it looked like the real game too. Did I mention there were pink walkways and green orbs for inbetween pink designs?

All your base are belong to us! How Are you gentlemen?

The Spaminyte Emperor
Welcome to your doom!!!
Official villain/demon of IW!

Tobbin 09-10-2001 10:09 PM


Originally posted by Gwhanos, Lord Of Evil:
I had this dream......... where I had to beat on this archon (starcraft protoss archon) and it was from the white team (actually I think it was this guy, and me and and a few buddies (actually allies) were beatin his "final" form. We had to use firebats, zealots and hydras to beat him. It was from the angle from sc, and it looked like the real game too. Did I mention there were pink walkways and green orbs for inbetween pink designs?

Was this after an all nighter? I had a dream about TORMENT once. I was getting close to finding the Transcendant One and I had to fight a heck of a lot of baddies to get there. I kind relived it in a dream. Course, I had been playing Torment non-stop for like 36 hours. What's really worse, I had to work the next day. Man was I dragging.


Protectorate of the OHF
Death Waits 4 U ALL

Sharpedge 09-10-2001 10:13 PM


Originally posted by Liliara:
Anyone else had any strange dreams like this?
Indeed, all the time in fact. I enjoy dreams. They are a great source of inspiration and insight. Your dream seems to imply some sort of inherent complexity. Who knows what your brain was trying to make sense of at the time? I always try to write down my more unusual dreams and nightmares, as they have this weird habit of just fading from memory without a trace (as I'm sure you know). I often make short stories or poems out of the more interesting ones.

It's strange, because I know some people who never dream, or rather they can never remember what it was they dreamt. Do you dream often, or was this a rare occurrence?

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."

Grand-Ranger 09-10-2001 10:19 PM

I have really really messed up dreams all the time. Some are funny, some are scary, some might mean somthing, others might be nothing at all but pictures in my head. At any rate, I too enjoy dreams..FUn to think about..


So if in the forest look behind you, because that where the ranger is going to be

The ranger looked at the place out side of the elven town near the river, he looked near the rocks, then they showed the way ....

Grand-Jester of Laghing Hyenas
Currently in service for the Red Wizards

Memnoch 09-10-2001 10:19 PM

I dream every single night for some reason. I've had some really awesome lucid dreams (where you're dreaming and know you're dreaming and can control yourself in your dream - to an extent). I dreamed that I was in Baldurs Gate, also after playing BG2 for hours. I've also had dreams about having another life, strange as that may seem - and the dream continues over a period of nights, kind of like a story. It's pretty freaky!!


Gwhanos, Lord Of Evil 09-10-2001 10:22 PM

This was a classique justin and I sleep over..... seems i get wierd dreams when I have sleep overs with him.....

All your base are belong to us! How Are you gentlemen?

The Spaminyte Emperor
Welcome to your doom!!!
Official villain/demon of IW!

Wulfere 09-10-2001 10:22 PM

I have had some <font color="ff99ff">VERY</font> odd dreams...maybe I should try writting them up and posting them. All three of the weirdest are much too long to condense for even a long post. Too long at least to make any sense if I cut them down.

I am planning on writting up and posting the family Ghost story in October.
Lets see how many stories like that we can get. I will work on the Nightmares.

Lets just ask...Have you ever dreamt you were dead, and looking for revenge?

The line between good and evil is razor sharp. Be careful of misteps,
lest you find yourself spitted upon your own blade.

Tobbin 09-10-2001 10:27 PM

Welp, for the most part, I usually don't dream. Most of the time, I do live my life by them though. What's really weird is that sometimes I dream during the day (best that I can explain it). I don't mean a daydream either (well, maybe I do, not really sure how it works). Every once in awhile, I can see something that will happen in 2 years. I don't understand it, because most of what I see has nothing to do with something that I've seen before. I saw myself in MI before I ever got there. I visited my niece at her school before I'd ever been there with her. I even saw my first GF at my house before she was ever there. Most of the time, I forget what I had dreamed because it's like 2 years later, but then when it's happening, I remember. Anyways, maybe that's why I don't normally dream because subconsciously it scares the bejeebers outta me.


Protectorate of the OHF
Death Waits 4 U ALL

Sharpedge 09-10-2001 10:28 PM


Originally posted by Memnoch:
I've had some really awesome lucid dreams (where you're dreaming and know you're dreaming and can control yourself in your dream - to an extent).
Yeah, I've had one or two of them myself. They really are quite an experience. When I was younger, I used to have this pet phobia about getting on to buses anyway, in the dream I was being forced to get onto one, but when I got inside it suddenly hit me that I was dreaming! I remember laughing out loud in front of all the startled people. Then I turned myself into a dragon and broke out of the bus, soaring high into the sky... it was amazing.

Grand-Ranger, my dreams are usually pretty messed up too. In one I was being hunted down by gigantic butter knives, and that was a mild one. Some of them are just totally insane.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."

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