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Diogenes Of Pumpkintown 09-07-2001 10:15 PM

In the Garden of Eden, God said to Adam that he could eat of the fruit of any of the trees of the Garden, except for one: The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (acutally my translation says "bad" instead of "evil" but the latter sounds more impressive

The Garden of Eden was a paradise on earth, without work or toil, where Adam and Eve simply wandered and ate of the fruits of the earth (And did Lord knows what else, being naked and all

When Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating of the forbidden tree, to gain the knowledge of good and evil, God punished them by driving them and their descendants out of the Garden of Eden forever, and cursing they and mankind with hardship and turmoil and eating of the dust of the earth.

According to Genesis in the Bible, Adam and Eve really had gained the knowledge of Good and Evil from eating of the tree, to which they had been blind before.

This myth has long fascinated me, but i am not sure what it means. I have a theory, a somewhat unconventional one. Anybody have any thoughts they would like to share, as to why Adam and Eve should be kicked out of paradise after gaining the knowledge of good and evil?

DragonMage 09-07-2001 10:22 PM

Well, IMHO, I think it may have to do with the fact that we could only remain innocent and completely sinless if we didn't know the difference. It's kinda convoluted and I may "evolve" my opinion as I go.

Think about it a minute...

If they stayed in the garden in ignorance (before eating the "forbidden fruit") and did what God told them, how could they do anything "bad"?

If they stayed in the garden after disobeying God, how could he ensure that they would not mess with the Tree of Life, too? And, once they had "sinned" by eating the fruit, could they remain in Eden which was supposed to be (more-or-less) Heaven on Earth? Doesn't it say that no sin is tolerated in Heaven?

Let me give this some more thought, too, but this might be a good start. Great topic.

"Things that make you go, hmmmm..."

"Allright! We'll call it a draw."

Dare to dream. Be bold enough to try.

The day we stop learning is the day we start dying!(c)

Larry_OHF 09-07-2001 10:24 PM

<font color="white">Disobedience.

Obedience was what he was asking of them.
They took the fruit, and broke a law.
Yet, at the same time, they were completing another commandment, Be fruitful and multiply.
They had to pass through sorrow, that they might gain joy.
In thier innocence, they knew no right from wrong, and so they could not progress.
To learn to make a choice and choose the right path is what God wanted them to do. They had no choice but to partake.
In so doing, they could repent of their transgression, and eagerly strive to gain favor back with God, thus proving their faith.

Father of the wicked but cute child known as MaryBeth
Padre de una niña bien traviosa pero guapa
Aisukuríimu ga tabetái desu.

DragonMage 09-07-2001 10:38 PM

Super-great take on that, Larry.

Are we a particular faith? Or just a "general believer"?

"Allright! We'll call it a draw."

"I'm INVINCIBLE! ... You're a LOONEY!"

Dare to dream. Be bold enough to try.

The day we stop learning is the day we start dying!(c)

Cloudbringer 09-07-2001 10:41 PM

They defied God, broke the only absolute law laid on them, were punished. Paradise was no longer possible for them, they had knowledge of right/wrong and the ability to DO evil for knowing what it was.

Dio, your mind works in most interesting, if unusual ways.

My quick and simple take, fwiw.



Raindancer of the Laughing Hyenas Clan
Raven's Cloud
StormCloud of the Black Knight: Heart Mind Soul Forever
"To sleep, perchance to dream..."

Larry_OHF 09-07-2001 10:41 PM


Originally posted by DragonMage:
Super-great take on that, Larry.
Are we a particular faith? Or just a "general believer"?


<font color="silver">Adam fell that men might be;
and men are, that they might have joy. ~2nd Nephi 2:25</font>

<font color="white">Can you name my religion?
Draconia can.</font>

Father of the wicked but cute child known as MaryBeth
Padre de una niña bien traviosa pero guapa
Aisukuríimu ga tabetái desu.

[This message has been edited by Larry_OHF (edited 09-07-2001).]

John D Harris 09-07-2001 11:00 PM

Diogenes, I would like to hear your theory. My theory is that while the story is true is is not literal. It is writen in a way that early humans could comprehend in order to grasp the concepts.

"the memories of a man in his old age,
are deeds of a man in his prime"

Blade 09-07-2001 11:08 PM

But what are thoes consecpts John D Harris??


Many blade cut weather they are mettle or wood, but the sharpest and deadlyist blade it the one of knowledge.

Jafin 09-08-2001 02:28 AM

I don't really know if there is any exact meaning behind it. God said not to do that, so you don't do that. However, they were tricked by the serpent and thus they disobeyed God. I really don't know, God's wisdom and understanding is beyond that of the puny little human brain that I have. I'm sure He had a good reason and I'm going to leave it at that, I don't want to go second guessing or trying to pick apart the mind of the creator of all. I think it is good to discuss these things though, it helps us all grow.


Arch-Mage of the HADB
Destroyer of the evil Bunnies
Guardian of Boo and best friend of Minsc

[This message has been edited by Jafin (edited 09-08-2001).]

Moridin 09-08-2001 02:49 AM


Originally posted by Larry_OHF:

<font color="white">Can you name my religion?
Draconia can.</font>

I can, I can...but sssshhhhh I will keep it a secret


Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and it annoys the pig
I've got to admit it's getting better, it's getting better all the time
Bossman of Better Funny Stuff.....of the Laughing Hyenas!

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