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Larry_OHF 08-13-2001 05:17 PM

<font color="white">I have always been interested in Phycology and such. Once, I wanted to be a shrink that used dreams as important input. I have recently been reading on a hypnotherapy discussion board (while we were down), and have learned a great deal more than ever. Some people, mostly religious people, see hypnotism as bad, or an unholy practice that will only result in men doing the nasty with women. I have read the posts of many hypnotherapists teaching less experienced practitioners the ways to help their patients. I have read testimonials of people who were cured through hypnotherapy. To me, it is exciting. The professionals state that you cannot be hypnotized without knowing you are being put under, and believing that it will work. If you are doubtful or afraid, then your mind will not succomb to the healing that is tried for.
What are your views on the matter, as I am eager to hear what each of you have to say about it. And for an extra note, how many of you if you could easily hypnotize a person, would use it to your own advantage? For me, I know of alot of ways that I can use it to help others with their problems. But there is that voice in my head that is saying that I may not be able to resist temptation if given the perfect opportunity. </font>

Devoted member of the Ironworks
Loyal guardian of the OHF
Member of the Ancients' club

[This message has been edited by Larry_OHF (edited 08-13-2001).]

Harkoliar 08-13-2001 05:50 PM

two things for me...

intriguing and scary

reasons: who isnt curious about it?
and who isnt scared since you letting someone else to control your body??

Revived I Am to hunt this world... Banish ye evil or face my wrath...

Moni 08-13-2001 10:13 PM

I used a form of self hypnosis to cure myself of insomnia.
I would recommend it for people who find a need for it when dealing with problems of this type and as a means to hone the skill of focusing.

As far as it being used in Psychotherapy, if the patient has need for being led through past events or being led to a different way of thinking, I think it can be useful but I doubt the abilities portrayed on TV where you see someone making someone else act like a monkey or a chicken for the sake of fun can happen.
I really don't believe anyone would do anything they really don't want to without the influence of narcotics.

Personally, I have "hyptonized" insomniacs to sleep by talking them through the relaxation techniques while massaging their feet. It has never failed. Never once though did I ever consider taking advantage of these people. They trusted me to help them and nothing more.


Yorick 08-14-2001 01:22 AM

Moni that's not exactly what I'd call hypnotism, more relaxation and somnolence assistance. Hypnotical subconcious suggestion/manipulation from another person is something I personally would avoid like the plague. I guard my subconcious as much as possible. There are so many ways in which it can be affected, and I'd never willingly be put in the situation where someone had direct voice into it.

Learning techniques to master and control your subconcious - rather than the other way round - is in my book a far better alternative as it is both empowering and self perpetuating. (and ultimately cheaper)

Just my view.

I am the walrus!.... er, no hang on....

A fair dinkum laughing Hyena!

Moni 08-14-2001 03:17 AM


Originally posted by Yorick:
Moni that's not exactly what I'd call hypnotism, more relaxation and somnolence assistance. Hypnotical subconcious suggestion/manipulation from another person is something I personally would avoid like the plague. I guard my subconcious as much as possible. There are so many ways in which it can be affected, and I'd never willingly be put in the situation where someone had direct voice into it.

Learning techniques to master and control your subconcious - rather than the other way round - is in my book a far better alternative as it is both empowering and self perpetuating. (and ultimately cheaper)

Just my view.

The method I used to cure myself of insomnia was self hypnosis as I stated above. The method does exist for people willing to help themselves.

The reason I said I "hypnotized anyone to sleep" was because they described it as such...being put into a transcendental state by listening to me talk them into (actually) going to sleep while I massaged their feet.
We're talking some people who had not been to sleep in days and others who were just too stressed to sleep but needed to in order to return to work the next day.
After one or two of these sessions, these people took this method of self hypnosis upon themselves (without the massage) and were able to deal with their insomnia on their own. I don't know of any one of them that still suffers bouts of insomnia.
If you want to read the definitions below, you'll see that through my power of suggestion, combined with the massage and their willingness to listen and succumb, that I can say what I did without being totally wrong.
I merely suggested that these people allow themselves to relax and sleep, not act like a monkey or a chicken.

1) A state that resembles sleep but is induced by a person whose suggestions are readily accepted by the subject.
2) any of various conditions that resemble sleep


Harkoliar 08-14-2001 04:58 AM

hmmm, to be honest, ive tried to do self-hypnosis on myself... things is, it never worked. but im still giving it an open-mind. i read a book once that you must be completly controling yourself during the time you are having your hypnosis or else you wont wake up from your dream world or subconcious.. is that true?

Revived I Am to hunt this world... Banish ye evil or face my wrath...

Redblueflare 08-14-2001 08:40 AM

I think hypnosis is a good thing. It can get people to remember their dreams, and overcome their worst fears. I've heard of people with a phobias, who couldn't even remeber why they were so afraid in the first place. I could use that self induced sleep technique Moni. Sometimes I go to bed, wake up two hours later, and can't go back to sleep. It happens very often. I'm doubtful about things like hypnotism. So it probably won't work, but anything is worth a try. (And besides I hate the taste of nyquil!)

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I just don't have to listen.

Earthdog 08-14-2001 09:10 AM

I wont quote Larrys entire post but i will comment ,first, on one thing he said.
Religious people are afraid of it. They see it as bad or an unholy practice. IMO there are alot of religious people that have been hypnotised. Brainwashed even. They come out with excuses and explanations about "speaking in tongues". Personally I think speaking in tongues is a load of crap. ive been to churches and seen hundreds of people start making stupid babbling squeeking noises--- all on que from a minister????? Thats NOT speaking in tongues. Thats the piper leading the rats, so to speak.

The way I always understood speaking in tongues, the person who is speaking in tongues wont even know what they were saying. Its completely spontanious. There is supposed to be one person in the room who will know what they said and translate it for the others. Even to the person who spoke in tongues.

I believe in God. But I think most people who are what others would call "religious fanatics" are people that have been hypnotised, or brainwashed.
Im not trying to put anyone who belives in God down. Im a believer myself. But you wont see me falling to the floor and convulsing because some preacher told me too. God gave us a brain for a reason. To use it. There have been SOOOO many fakes that have been caught out (the TELEVangelists for example, ie., Robert Tilton ect.,) suckering people into thinking that "GEE if I send Him $400 this month Gods really gonna fix my car."

Hypnotism is real. It can be very beneficial. It can be abused. But one has to believe that they will be hypnotised in order for it to happen. Thats a fact.

As for the people that believe hypnotism will "lead men into doing the nasty with women" ---- it shows where their thoughts really lie. They are already thinking that way.

Ive seen the Comedian/Hypnotist act. The entire show is rigged. They get people to participate BEFORE the show and tell them how the show is supposed to go. Its all in fun. Funny that, Dont TelEvangalists do the same thing only they issue the crutches and wheel chairs 4 hours before the "sermon" ??? Ive seen the video tapes of the guys getting caught in the act.

Ooops sorry got a little off the subject there.


Larry_OHF 08-14-2001 09:35 AM

I thought since some of you seem interested in the topic, I will supply you with the link to that site I had mentioned. There are a few quacks on there, and a few patients or self inducers, as well as many professionals. I hope you find it as intriguing as I have. <u>Go Here</u>

Devoted member of the Ironworks
Loyal guardian of the OHF
Member of the Ancients' club

Diogenes Of Pumpkintown 08-14-2001 12:59 PM

One of the misconceptions about hypnotism is that it can be used to get a person to do something against their will. That is not the case, as I understand it. It is not some mind-control technique out of science fiction.

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