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Ladyzekke 07-23-2001 10:08 PM

Just wanted to say how much Ironworks has had an impact on my life in so many ways. Just thinking back to this past November, when I first logged onto Ironworks. I had never "spoken" to anyone before on the Internet, no chat rooms, forums, etc., nothing.

Found myself in a dilemma of sorts while playing BGII, Firkraag was dusting the floor with my characters basically, and I decided to go out on a limb, do something I had never done before, and Registered on IWs, and posted a Question asking help and advice. I was a bit apprehensive at first, because I saw mainly males on the forum, and was worried about trolling and flaming from jerks because I was female. But...The next day, when I checked to see if I had any replies, I was astounded at how many I had. So many people from all over the world answered me, and advised me, and ultimately helped me get the job done!

Then, as time went by, it seemed we all wanted to get to know eachother a bit instead of always asking BGII questions. We all introduced ourselves, told eachother our real names, described what we looked like, said where we lived. Friends were made then, and our IWs Forum changed, and became not only a place to get BGII help, but a place for friends to get together Funny, when I think back then, I remember a lot of us had no sigs, had no fonts or colors, nevertheless smileys (smileys LOL were a wonder we only hoped to aspire to learn LOL)

Then our Stealthy came up with an idea, and created a website wherein we could all put our photos, so we could actually see what we all looked like, further enhancing the closeness between us. Then Stealthy provided some Sigs for everyone to choose from, and I snagged the "Kung Fu Gal", then more members started getting sigs, and it was so cool to see them all, as again, before there were very few people who had sigs back then (Memnoch of course had his back then, same one as he uses now, which I am so glad about , Victonik had one, Ertai and Wah, Stealthy used to have some girly pic for his LOL). So it was a sig frenzy all of the sudden LOL, then Ziroc took IWs offline to upgrade it (brown board). Funny, so many of us did not have MSN back then, so except for e-mails, we were totally cut off from eachother.

Enter Brown Board - Bigger..Faster..Better Well, how can I put this? It was INSANE! We came, we looked, we posted...oh yes, we POSTED. We posted until the cows came home, we got so bad we had to have guards hold us back for 30 seconds before posting again, we posted to 900 replies in one single thread of pure SPAM, thread was "locked" (first "locked" thread I had ever seen until then). We, though, by then, had gotten the excitement of the new Forum out of our systems, so slowly began to calm down LOL.

Then it was great, the Forum was rocking, new Members arriving, everything was thriving, then....CRASH. No Ironworks for a month. Some of us had rafts and drifted to Stealthy's Site Spam Central, and kept in touch there. Then some of us Stood Up, and Donated for the good of the Ironworks, to bring it back to life, "Ironworks Clerics" if you will, and then IT RETURNED.

Now so many things have grown and changed here. So MANY new Members, many from Mithril Hall, and most of us "veterans" are still here as well

The thing that is the real kicker, is that we all eventually converged into Messenger services, MSN, AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, whatever.. And I don't know about yall reading this, but I have made many True friends here on the IW's, and to actually be able to Talk to them on MSN, hearing their voice, is just astounding to me. Technology is great, I can actually talk to a friend that I have conversed with for months on IWs, and hear their voice, with a headset (like I have) it is no different than a phone call, yet for FREE! And I can talk to anyone no matter which country, the connection is the same.

Dunno, just I would have never thought a few years ago that I would meet and have friends from all over the world, thanks to a Baldurs Gate II Website (aka, Ironworks)!! Sorry, feeling sentimental tonight I guess.

Thank you Dan, Ironworks is much more than a Game Site


Ramon de Ramon y Ramon 07-23-2001 10:22 PM

Well, Wendy, I hope you are feeling sentimental in a good way tonight. However that might be: without any doubt you have used that nostalgic feeling very productively. Thank you !

Wannabe be our official board historian ?

Btw, you KungFu gal is still a treat for the eye - even slightly shrunk.

So long !

R³ - proud to be the official spokesman for the most noble Lady Bilqis, Desert Rose of Ironworks

Btw, the cow is queuing in the slaughterhouse right now !

Ladyzekke 07-23-2001 10:33 PM

Ramon - LOL, sure I'll be the Ironworks Historian, my Resume is impressive! Yes I'm in a GOOD Sentimental mood, just thinking about how things have progressed with our beloved forum

Ooops! My sig hasn't been shrunk yet Ramon, I...err...let it slip... ... still waiting for the "legal" mini version soon.

bilqis 07-23-2001 10:37 PM

Thank you LadyZ for posting that. It is really a well written "History of Ironworks". This site has impacted my life in much the same way, even tho I am an 'experienced' chatter. The people here are truly special and my life would be missing a lot without them.

Ziroc has made something truly great here -- and the people who stay enhance it beyond measure.

Awwwwwww *GroupHug*

Having abandoned my
search for truth, I am
now looking for a good

For R³ in thanks:
Sometimes I think I
understand everything,
then I regain consciousness.

Moni 07-23-2001 10:39 PM

Thank you Lady Wendy for expressing the thoughts of many!

Personally, I only just signed up for a hotmail account (so I could hear Yorick's music) and haven't had the opportunity to talk to any of you in chats that aren't part of the W&W yahoo club (even there I am still shy about using the mic lol) but I for one have been completely impressed with the quality of people I have met here, either through posts or the ocassional yahoo chat.
As long as I am welcome here, I'll keep dropping in, even when my life takes a turn for the really busy as it is about to soon.



[This message has been edited by Moni (edited 07-23-2001).]

Lady Avalon 07-23-2001 10:42 PM

Very well written Lady Zeke. Yes, the power of Ironworks, how true, how true.


Cloudbringer 07-23-2001 11:17 PM


I am very glad you did find this place and just as glad that I did too! I have to admit, I'd miss my chats with you immensely if I didn't have them!

And as for the board and all the rest of the people we've met by being here...well I can't say how very much it means without getting far to sentimental and mushy... some folk would be embarassed for sure.

Great Community, Great people who make it happen! Long live the Ironworks! Thanks Z.

And thanks for the little nostalgic pep talk, sis!



Raindancer of the Laughing Hyenas Clan
StormCloud of the Black Knight: Heart Mind Soul Forever
"To sleep, perchance to dream..."

Ladyzekke 07-23-2001 11:19 PM


Originally posted by Moni:
Thank you Lady Wendy for expressing the thoughts of many!

Personally, I only just signed up for a hotmail account (so I could hear Yorick's music) and haven't had the opportunity to talk to any of you in chats that aren't part of the W&W yahoo club (even there I am still shy about using the mic lol) but I for one have been completely impressed with the quality of people I have met here, either through posts or the ocassional yahoo chat.
As long as I am welcome here, I'll keep dropping in, even when my life takes a turn for the really busy as it is about to soon.


Moni, if you have MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger or AIM Messenger loaded on your computer (it's all free), then all you need is a mic and speakers and you can "talk" in person to anyone. And headsets are even better (although for most people you can only use the headset earphones alone, can't have speakers AND Earphones at the sametime, it's one or the other), all can be configured in Audio HQ in Control Panel or Open Volume Controls in the desktop Sound Options. AIM is the best re sound quality in my opinion. It's really easy, you should give it a try sometime! I'd love to be able to talk to ya!

Moridin 07-24-2001 12:11 AM


Isn't this truly an amazing place. I too have made a few friendships here and I am very glad of it. This forum has helped me so much through the last 6 months that I feel I should donate my entire years pay to Ziroc (don't hold me on that Dan)

Did you see my Suess on Ironworks thread? I was feeling (probably) a little like you were tonight (but a bit more humerous ) memories and nostalgia are such wonderful things!

Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and it annoys the pig
I've got to admit it's getting better, it's getting better all the time

Ramon de Ramon y Ramon 07-24-2001 12:17 AM

Moridin, I definitely remember that thread of yours - it was just great !

So long !

R³ - proud to be the official spokesman for the most noble Lady Bilqis, Desert Rose of Ironworks

Btw, the cow is queuing in the slaughterhouse right now !

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