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WOLFGIR 07-19-2001 06:38 PM

Yup, so after a week of non-hi tech living without microwave, TV with more than three channels, computer and internet and cellphones, a well rested Wolfgir comes home and hugs his compy speaking sweetly to it..

Hehe, well It had to rain, didn´t it eh? A pre-summer with hottest tempartures in ages and many long afternoons staring out od office windows longing for the sea and for sunshine, and you get cold weather and rain.. GRRR someone hates me!
Well I at least caught up with some reading since there were no one else there so well.. not much to do when your alone with a TV that sends programs that are as amusing as it is to shave with a cheesegrinder..

ARGHHH!!! I really wanted to get down to the beach and bath and all that.. Well I´ll try to give it a try soon enough though..

So anyone else had a bad start to vacation??

And Ziroc, watch out for DJ C so he doesn´t get a bald spot on his head from the breakdancing!, wont be good when he is out chasing dames LOL!!

Yawning lazywolf dreaming about nice little fairies...zzzzz
Wolfgirs lair

Djinn Raffo 07-19-2001 06:41 PM

Sounds like you still had a fun time WOLFGIR!
Did go for any quests through the rain?

WOLFGIR 07-19-2001 06:47 PM


Originally posted by Djinn Raffo:
Sounds like you still had a fun time WOLFGIR!
Did go for any quests through the rain?

Yup! I found a couple of animal sightseeing nights. FOund two cat owls (Don´t know if you call ém that) But two big owls just three yards away from me. Really cool since they are pretty rare!

I also saw a fox and some badgers with cubs and there are alot of cat, one who found my neighbours IR sensor spotlight amusing and turned it on and off all night until I chased the bugger away! (He could have gotten away with it if he breakdanced beut nooo... booring cat )

Yawning lazywolf dreaming about nice little fairies...zzzzz
Wolfgirs lair

Ladyzekke 07-19-2001 07:06 PM

Welcome back to civilization Wolfgir! Even though it rained, sounds like you saw quite a lot of wildlife! Wish I coulda seen those badgers with cubs And owls are always a rare thing to see anyway, as they only come out at night, cool as hell when you do see one though, nevertheless a rare species

LOL!! Good one! (picturing cute blind siamese kitty with a bald spot from too much breakdancing)

Conan 07-19-2001 07:26 PM

WOLFGIR, growing up in Wisconsin we had many Badgers in our back fourty sorta say. Our pet German Shepard tangled with them once-> and once only! It is our State Animal and as tough as a Wolverine in battle!
Although I live in the DC metropolitain area now we will return to a northern territory. Welcome back! You are at the Ziroc wayside for rest..zzzz

------------------ Conan ~*~

WOLFGIR 07-19-2001 07:32 PM


Originally posted by ladyzekke:
Welcome back to civilization Wolfgir! Even though it rained, sounds like you saw quite a lot of wildlife! Wish I coulda seen those badgers with cubs And owls are always a rare thing to see anyway, as they only come out at night, cool as hell when you do see one though, nevertheless a rare species

LOL!! Good one! (picturing cute blind siamese kitty with a bald spot from too much breakdancing)

Thanks Lady Wendy!
Yeah, I really like to get some books read.. And the wildlife down there is really great! Alot of cool birds and animals running around, elks or moose or what you like to call them, we call them älgar, and also some deer and some heart.. Tough names for a swede to keep rådjur and hjort apart LOL..

Yawning lazywolf dreaming about nice little fairies...zzzzz
Wolfgirs lair

bilqis 07-19-2001 10:56 PM Welcome back Dear Wolfie!! Good to see you .. you were missed. Your stay at your summer home may have been wet and cool, but it sounds ohhhhh so peaceful!! Uninterrupted reading is a personal dream of mine... so I'm a bit green with envy. Glad you're back tho.
*Hugs* & a scritch!

P.S. I like those mp3s!!

Having abandoned my
search for truth, I am
now looking for a good

For R³ in thanks:
Sometimes I think I
understand everything,
then I regain consciousness.

Moni 07-20-2001 12:03 AM

*meaningful scritches*
Welcome Back Wolfie!
Sorry it had to rain on your parade and jealous of all you got to see!
Owls are the bomb! I had a great white owl that lived near me in Tucson who would visit every night. The sight of him/her swooping up into the night sky into the light of the full moon is etched in my memory forever.
So glad you got to add some of these sweet sights to your own.



Reeka 07-20-2001 01:00 AM

WOLFIE!!! So glad to see you back,you were a missed little fuzzy wolf!

Order of the Holy Flame
Member of Clan HADB

Bahamut 07-20-2001 10:54 AM

Dont' worry about it Woflie!

To me, something different than the usual, I like.

That is sure relaxing! nothing that will strain your eyes (except reading, natural causes, fingers and brain that much.. the cool wind hold your face gently... ahh.. the summer breeze...

Welcome back old fuzzie wuzzie!!! Back to playing Diablo? hehe

Yukishiro Tomoe

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