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Epona 04-09-2001 06:20 PM

Because half of my upstairs lights have gone on the blink. Must be something wrong with the wiring. Really annoyed about it, more expense I could do without, plus getting an electrician who isn't going to rip me off will be a nightmare. And I'll probably have to use up a day's leave from work to sit in waiting for someone to come fix it.
And yes, I did check the fusebox

And yes, I'm really sitting in the dark, my only light the glare of the monitor.

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Epona of The Laughing Hyenas and The Ladies Guild.

Rikard 04-09-2001 06:22 PM



MILAMBER 04-09-2001 06:27 PM

Your computer works?

Is all your power out, or just a circuit?

If your computer works, plug a light into that circuit. Failing that, sneak out into the dark with an extension cord and tap into your annoying neighbors electricity and stop paying your electrical bill forever!

If you think you got it bad, we have lost power in my office 2 times in the last month, and all the servers and everything have gone down. The building won't let us install a backup generator. Californias power problems are really starting to get annoying.

Tremble and despair, for I am power! All here are now judged, and are found wanting.

Epona 04-09-2001 06:28 PM

Not half as scary as it will be for my neighbours if I find out they have drilled through the wires...

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Epona of The Laughing Hyenas and The Ladies Guild.

Moni 04-09-2001 06:28 PM

Aw So Sorry!

Best thing you can ever do for yourself is to get a book on basic home would be suprised how easy electrical work is (provided you turn the power off LOL)!

I do my own, having been taught by friends with degrees in the field....that was years ago and just the basic knowledge has lead me through re-wiring half of my old home in AZ as well as changing out light switches in this one.

I have even installed a security lighting system outdoors...running conduit underground and fishing the line through to set up in a new power box, but that was detailed work that required me to at least need someone watching over my shoulder to make sure I did not lightthe property up lol.

I hope you get your power back soon!

Rikard 04-09-2001 06:29 PM

Just stay alive alright


Lady Avalon 04-09-2001 06:31 PM

Light some candles and don't worry about it. As long as your computer is working, that's all that counts. No, seriously, sorry about that.


Seeker of Truth

Ladyzekke 04-09-2001 06:31 PM

That is strange Epona that your lights would go out like that. Is the wiring fairly new in your house? Is it only the one room that is out? Got any candles?


Epona 04-09-2001 06:31 PM


Originally posted by MILAMBER:
Your computer works?

Is all your power out, or just a circuit?

No, just one light circuit. I could get a desk lamp, but I've run out of extension sockets and I'd rather have my computer on...

BTW, I posted in a thread of yours about this, but your sig (which incidentally is great) is so big that it means you have to scroll back & forth to read all of the text on posts - it kind of expands the text box - would you mind shrinking it a bit? It is really cool though.

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Epona of The Laughing Hyenas and The Ladies Guild.

Epona 04-09-2001 06:38 PM

My wiring isn't new - I'd guess mid 1970s when the flat was built.

Moni, I'm generally quite practical about that sort of thing and have fitted my own spotlights/switches that sort of thing (although downstairs, on a circuit that is still working, so it's not my tinkering that has done it! LOL!!) but I think this one might be beyond my skills... Don't want to start a fire by doing a botch job or anything.

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Epona of The Laughing Hyenas and The Ladies Guild.

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