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Cloudbringer 03-15-2001 12:49 AM is with great JOY and SORROW that I announce here, officially, that the Original thread on this new board for the admission of Spammerness is closed. (sniffle)

Joy, because Memnoch started the confessions of MANY spammers, old and new and we converted a few non-spam-believers. You know who you are and Moridin, I claim you for my own convert! LOL (grin) Perhaps other former non-believers will come forward and say how they were converted? Please, do not be shy, we all had to start our spamming life somewhere. You who have been converted, please try and remember your 'first time' spamming and tell us about it if you would!

Yes, I wish to dedicate the retired thread to Memnoch and his tireless efforts to make spammers comfy and cozy and then KICK their spamming butts to get them to help out on other forums...teehee...But that is just his way. And we shall all make him suffer horribly one day, won't we? (gleefully rubbing her hands together and chortling) Don't panic, I love ya Memnoch, namer of the queen and first poet (big smile).....See? My spellbook is closed and no storm on the horizon! HEHEHE

The first spam thread past 1000 for our BG2 family...sigh...I am awestruck And we bid it fond adieu, as it cannot be answered directly now. Our Fearless, Tireless, Wondrous Webmaster, Ziroc the Magnificent, has closed the thread...OH the PAIN...sorry..those words cause an immediate 5 hp drain on me....sigh...(takes very deep breath, looks at twinklysparklyfrabjouslyhappystars given to the forum by Ziroc and smiles again).

Yes, we say goodbye, but now we say it with PRIDE! I could not be there in person for the glorious 1000th post or beyond...But I must thank Tobbin for quoting me (mercilessly - teeheehee ) at the end and in that landmark post(?)! BIG HUGS to that sweet knight! I was spirit and he brought my words (out of context and quite amusing!) to the foreground for the momentous ending! (HUGE smile)

All Hail Memnoch's Self-Confessed Spammer Thread!!! The epitome of spamdom from it's lowly meaningless gutter existence to the Pinnacle of Jovial uneccessary Banter and pure fun exchanges.

The legacy lives on in us all my spammer brothers and sisters. I am so very proud and so very happy (wipes a tear from her eye). We shall always have the first 1000+ memories...(sniffle....wail, sob) uh, hiccup...I can't, yes I can...(dries her eyes...takes deep breath) (Soul-stirring theme from Nalia's Keep plays loudly in background. StormQueen stands tall, well as tall as 5ft can be...hehehe and she faces the forum with determination, eyes sparkling, lashes still wet with tears- She speaks: )

<H1><font color="Plum"> SPAM GLORIOUS SPAM!</font></H1>

My name is Cloudbringer , one of many other names I have been given...I am a spammer and PROUD to say so before you all this day. May I always bring you joy, laughter, wisdom and wonder, may I always be there when you need me, may I always respect your opinions and right to have them. But most of all, may I never forget that spamming is not just a hobby, but a way of life!

A spaming creed, for all to live by. Thank you. And may you live long, and spam forever!

Memnoch's grateful StormQueen

------------------ Storm-Queen of Ironworks

[This message has been edited by Cloudbringer (edited 03-15-2001).]

JJ/newbie 03-15-2001 01:01 AM

Hello, my name is JJ, and I am (room replies) Hi, JJ
heh heh heh

When given a choice, take both.

Memnoch 03-15-2001 05:29 AM

Gee thanks Cloudy *blushes*
That post broke a long-standing record at the BG Dungeon. I've NEVER seen a post reach 1000 ever.

------------------ Memnoch - Custodian of the Order of the Holy Flame

Drake 03-15-2001 05:48 AM

ya Memnoch 1000 that's quite a lot, but no I was not converted.

Drake A.K.A. bocaj

Cloudbringer 03-15-2001 06:34 AM

JJ: And your conversion story? Or have you always been a spammer?

Drake: Purrrty cool, no?!

CB, off to work nightowls will be the death of her if she doesn't repent her spammyways a little, and SLEEP sometime...sigh

Cloudbringer 03-15-2001 06:56 AM


Originally posted by Memnoch:
Gee thanks Cloudy *blushes*
That post broke a long-standing record at the BG Dungeon. I've NEVER seen a post reach 1000 ever.

Memsy! Awwww, you're so cute when you! teehee teehee..... Twas a post born of late night reading of the last 5 pages of the thread. And the dreaded "thread closed" sign...(shudder), well, you know how hard it is for the SpamQueen NOT to answer 5 pages of spam?! (terror, abject terror)

And it is a milestone. Just think, it happened in the VERY early stages of our new board! Can the Dungeon claim such great spammers? Would they even hold a conversation if 5 of 'em were on the street in person? Ahhhhhh, we have a good home, the spammers of Ironworks....sigh...
+ (uh the + was a gift from my cat...he just walked on the keyboard. LOLOL)

And you've forced me to go and answer questions/poll/discussions elsewhere...sigh... Ay me.....I shall soon be spread out upon the air like the so much fog a la the Little Mermaid, never to be seen again.......sigh...remember me, when I am nothing but teensy little subatomic particles drifting on the ether. (dramatic sigh, giggle)

And I have been lax in my stated profile goal.... But then, how could I have anything but compassion for the namer o' the Queen, hmmm? But, fair warning, poet-namer, first lull in you life and WHAMMO! I'm Maelstrom to the highest degree and no eye of the hurricane for you, pal!

StormQueen, pillowflufferextraordinaire (HAHAHAHA!!)

[This message has been edited by Cloudbringer (edited 03-15-2001).]

bilqis 03-15-2001 07:25 AM

bilqis falls to her knees in front of the such excellence as Cloudbringer, Memnoch, BK, Tobbin, LadyZ, Stealthy, and so many others displayed, and chants "I'm not worthy I'm not worthy"

Having abandoned my search for truth, I am now looking for a good Fantasy.

Cloudbringer 03-15-2001 10:23 AM

Oh Bilqis! You are fast becoming a very HIGH CLASS spammer of the Jubilant chat type! And I definitely relate to your problems at work/husband's problems with academia, my friend! Rise up, fair lady, and go forth to spam in peaceful harmony with the Universal Spam Can!

Cloudbringer, going BACK to the work on her desk and apologizing , but it will be sparse postings in the day if at all for some time to come...sigh.. Our faculty search is being re-opened and I am going to drown in paperwork and logistics.

Moridin 03-15-2001 11:18 AM


Originally posted by Cloudbringer:

Joy, because Memnoch started the confessions of MANY spammers, old and new and we converted a few non-spam-believers. You know who you are and Moridin, I claim you for my own convert! LOL (grin)

Thank you Cloudy! I do consider myself a grateful convert. For a long time I looked at ing as a terrible way to get post #'s, but now after becoming a SPAM convert I know this is........true (hehehehehe) has become a way of life. It is who we are. It is who we will become. Without SPAM we would never have reached 1000+ posts. It is an accomplishment that ranks up there with putting the first man on the moon and the discovery of penicillen (greatest discovery in the history of man and I am allergic to the damn stuff ) What is next for this glorious board. Has the run out? Where do we go now? Will another thread ever reach such greatness?

And to all those ers that made this thread reach the greatness that it did I offer up the following quote

"The secret of greatness is simple: do better work ( ) than any other man in your field - and keep on doing it."


[This message has been edited by Moridin (edited 03-15-2001).]

Cloudbringer 03-15-2001 01:31 PM

(clapping hands together in gleeful appreciations) Bravo, Moridin! Wonderful! Oh and there IS another thread started...I have yet to dip my feet in it's waters though...time stop has not become a reality for me, unfortunately! sigh

Cloudy, SpamQueen

[This message has been edited by Cloudbringer (edited 03-15-2001).]

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