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PurpleXVI 01-05-2007 08:29 PM

The basics

Alright dudes, flip open your Player's Handbook and ready your polyhedrons, because we're going on some sort of wild, wacky and above all heroic adventure!

The system is 2nd edition AD&D, without the Player's Option books. Characters start with ten-thousand Experience Points and you have 70 stat points to split between your six stats. Talk to me about equipment and spells known. We play with proficiencies. If someone who doesn't have the faintest clue what 2nd edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons is, then just throw me a PM and we'll talk about putting you together a character(Or contact me on MSN, email me, whatever.). Post in this thread if you're interested.

All basic classes and races are permitted, get a hold of me if you want something else. Don't post your characters in this thread, but just PM them to me instead, it's no fun if everyone knows everything you have and are capable of.

All alignments are allowed, but if you play evil or one of the neutral alignments, play them INTELLIGENTLY, don't just use them as an excuse to kill important NPC's and attack the other players all the time.

I will use some house rules, but honestly, I will not be rolling dice or constantly adhering to the rules for anything, they are mostly guidelines, so I will not detail them unless someone asks. If a certain rule would make the game very boring, or deny something awesome in a certain case, I'll just pretend I forgot to read it. Mostly rules and stats will just be there to guide you in how to play your characters, and me when the outcome of something is uncertain.

Whenever there's a fight of some sort, those involved in it will just PM me their strategies and I'll handle it until one side is dead or something happens that may require a new strategy, at which point I halt it and request strategies from everyone again.

ADDITIONAL INFO, Equipment: You may pick two weapons of no more than 100 gp cost total, any unused money is wasted(Free weapons like slings and staves, basically anything you can pick up off the ground or carve out of a stick do not count towards the max of two weapons.), you may pick one suit of armor of less than scalemail AC that your character can use, you may pick one shield of medium size or less that your character can use, additionally you have 10 gp which you can use to buy rations, minor adventuring gear, etc. and any excess money from THAT is your starting funds. As always, I can be talked to, so if you really want something that these terms do not permit for, ask me, though I may require you to make a sacrifice of some sort to get it(Loss of a proficiency point, something like that.). If you've got some sort of weapon that requires ammo(Sling stones, quarrels, arrows, etc.), assume you've got 50 normal arrows/quarrels/whatevers for free, you may buy extra ammunition with your "misc. gear" money.

The Amazing Plot

The start of the game will be that on your homeworld, a generic fantasy world that really will not play the greatest of roles in this thing, a gate has opened to another, seemingly relatively similar planet, for no apparent reason. Since no emissaries, diplomats or invaders have come through to your side, everyone has agreed that it must just be a random coincidence or because of the alignment of the stars or something of that order. All of the local rulers want to send their armies in to conquer the new lands on the other side, but the kingdom whose land the portal has appeared on, a small neutral one, is unsurprisingly not too thrilled about having foreign soldiers within it's borders, and has told the others, in no uncertain terms, that it will not be happening.

However, for the sake of exploration and discovery, they've permitted any adventurers or wild souls who want to find out what's on the other side to pass through. Your characters will be among these. Maybe you've been sent by your kingdom to discover what's there, maybe you're there for the glory of slaying new and hitherto unknown monsters, perhaps you're carrying your religion to this new realm or maybe you're just out to earn some quick money in an uncharted land.

Where it goes after the long-winded introduction

Once there, it's up to you what to do, who to team up with and who you choose to backstab. You can go exploring if you want, simply out to see new sights, collect new things and slay new foes. You can search out grand plots and become part of them, fighting for some greater cause. Perhaps your character's desires, mission or code of honour will earn them enemies and obstacles that will be defeated.

Be aware that this is not a very structured game, I will throw adventure and plot hooks at you, but you are not required to grab any of them, or forced to. If you don't move somewhere, you'll just stand still. If you choose to become part of any of the "grand plots," then you will become a part of something more structured, but it's not required, nor is it demanded that all players stick together. It's easier, much simpler, but not a necessity.

Post in this thread if you are interested or if you have any questions regarding rules, plot or game mechanics.

A few last notes worth paying attention to

If you want to join this game, I have only a few minor requirements. Firstly, you should be able to use English correctly. Everyone makes typos, you won't get kicked out of the game for that, but if you write "you" as "u," don't know what capital letters are for and fill every post with more LOL's and ROFL's than actual words, then I might just tell you not to join for the sake of my own sanity.

Secondly, I expect you, as stated above, to actually have a bit of initiative and creativity. Don't spend every moment sitting in an inn somewhere moaning about your character's tragic past while waiting for an elven princess to sweep you off your feet and tell you that you are the Chosen One of the Chosen People of the Chosen Land and that only you can clean their Enchanted Silverware. If you do that, I'm honestly more likely to just reply with a post about how the other patrons are doing their best to ignore you.

Thirdly, please, avoid joint posts unless you feel they are deeply necessary and can keep them to a manageable length. A five-page conversation with someone else about the colour of their character's eyes or their last period is just likely to be annoying and interfering. If it's just a short exchange, go for it, it'll take up less space and be easier than the two of you replying to each other in rapid succession.

Fourth, and second-last, if you cannot post for a while, please let me know, and ideally, you should be able to post once a day or once every second day. As much as I am resigned to this game moving slowly, I would prefer something slightly faster than the average glacier.

Fifth, and last, please turn off your sigs when posting in my threads, it'll save space and make the whole thing more readable for the rest of us.

[ 01-10-2007, 09:59 AM: Message edited by: PurpleXVI ]

Man Who Fights Like Woman 01-06-2007 02:58 AM

As expected, I'm in for this game. To start getting into character in anticipation for it, I put on my robe and wizard hat.

Ivelliis 01-06-2007 07:29 AM

I may be interested in this. Let you know when I have time...

PurpleXVI 01-06-2007 07:31 AM

Well, let's be honest, I'm hoping to get this started before next week is over at the very latest, and I can't guarantee that I can always parachute a character into the game in a way that makes sense and gives him a reason to be there. The lack of structure rather reinforces this.

It would be ideal if you could be in the game right from the beginning.

Of course, if you find the time and interest later, I'll make an attempt to fit you in if you seem like a capable player.

dplax 01-06-2007 08:17 AM

I also might be interested, time permitting. Will check your posts more in detail later, got loads of stuff to do now though.

PurpleXVI 01-06-2007 08:43 AM

Good to see some interest. Feel free to ask if anything is unclear, just post here or PM me.

dplax 01-06-2007 09:41 AM

First thing first...I only have the 3rd editon handbooks. Shall I make a character using those or shall I just bother you on MSN? [img]tongue.gif[/img]

Edit: added you anyway, so don't worry if you see someone adding you. ;) Will be online but not around for the next few hours. ;)

[ 01-06-2007, 09:48 AM: Message edited by: dplax ]

Ivelliis 01-06-2007 10:12 AM

Well I can at least get a character made this weekend...screw revision *wink*

Following dplax's initiative I also added you on msn...*has no handbooks*

PurpleXVI 01-06-2007 12:13 PM

Well, making a 2nd edition character thankfully requires little in the way of having the handbooks yourself, since a lot of the things are hardwired based on your class, stats and level and are just stuff I can look up.

And if it turns out you're totally incompetent at figuring it out, I'll just pawn you off on Seph so he can help you. But, yeah, your additions have been accepted, so yell at me when you get a chance.

Kazilan 01-06-2007 01:17 PM

I'm definitely interested, haven't played good ole 2nd edition in a while. I'll have a character put together today or tomorrow for your review.

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