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Salinye 08-01-2005 05:19 PM

I'm going to copy my message from another board so that I don't have to be redundant.

I don't have much time to type this because I need to get back to the hospital in time for Sophia's next feeding. I'll give an in depth report of explanation when we get home from the hospital for good. The short end of it is as follows.

I started to develope Preeclampsia last week so they decided to induce me so that it wouldn't develope into full blown Pre-Eclampsia. For whatever reason my body didn't agree with that plan and I was in labor for 66 hours, or the better part of three days. This resulted in me developing a raging infection the last day of labor. The sickness was so severe that they had to pack me in ice so that I could push the baby out. I was too hot and so baby Sophia was born too hot as well. She took a while to get breathing and is currently in the Nicu (Newborn intensive Care Unit) at University of Washington Hospital.

She's not techinically needing to be in something as serious as the ICU, but whenever a newborn has to have an IV, that is where they have to go. Because she got the same infection I did, she has to be on IV antibiotics until this Friday at best. She's doing really great. I'm finally discharged from the Hospital, but am getting to board at the hospital at least through tonight because I need to be able to feed her every three hours. After that we will stay at a hotel near the hospital that offers reduced rates to parents who have children at the hospital. I'm also arranging to see my other children every day for at least 2 hours between feedings.

Sophia weighed 7lb 1oz at birth and is absolutely beautiful. We are praying that everything continues to go well so that we can bring her home this weekend. I'm a mother who is very attached to her children and having to not have Sophia with me is a severe emotional hardship for me. Having to be away from my other children all the time is just as hard. However, I know if one of them was in the hospital, I would make the same decisions for them.

So,please assume my participation in any storylines or games that I am in on hold. DM's can make the choice to temporarily remove my character from a game, or permanantly remove my character from a game or keep them on as an NPC. Senora is not a character I wish to have killed off, so I would appreciate something else as the excuse if the choice is made to remove her. I trust her actions in Cyril's hands should he want to npc her. (He may not.) I'll update on our situation when we get to come home for good, which will be this weekend if all goes well.

Thank you. :0)

Larry_OHF 08-01-2005 06:25 PM

<font color=skyblue>Thanks for the update and know that we will be wishing you well and awaiting your return!</font>

Morgeruat 08-01-2005 11:42 PM

Good luck Salinye, take care of yourself and that baby [img]smile.gif[/img] I hope she gets better soon. Best wishes from both Ruby and myself [img]graemlins/knightsmile.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/elf.gif[/img]

[ 08-01-2005, 11:44 PM: Message edited by: Morgeruat ]

dplax 08-02-2005 10:56 AM

Was nice to hear from you! I've put Tiva on hold for you in Revelations and her actions will be able to determined retrospectively for the time you miss. Hope all goes well with the baby and you get home soon!

Salinye 08-16-2005 12:45 AM

Larry, Cyril and Patrick, I think I can be up and running in the two games again starting this coming weekend. I haven't looked at the game threads yet, so not sure where you've stashed my characters, but thought I'd give you a heads up if you want/will allow me back in at that time. :0)

I'll wait to hear from you and catch up on the game threads throughout this week. :0)

Thanks for your understanding on my need to step out for a few weeks. *hugs* It's been much appreciated.


Morgeruat 08-16-2005 04:01 PM

actually sadly enough your character in Lord of the Forums is only a post or two behind the rest of us in that group...

Salinye 08-16-2005 09:41 PM


Been on the speedy track, have you? *grins*

Looks like it won't take me too long to catch up then, eh?


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