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Dreamer128 01-31-2002 02:29 PM

Dark cloudes cover the magical kingdom of Faerl Rhal'ndiy Imladris since the dissapearance of the Noble queen Lioness and her court.
But the spirit of the court lived on in its noble members and one of them is just now entering the small town of Rilynt'tar.

Slowely the door of the Inn swings open and a lightly armored Paladin enters the room.
Innkeeper: Another traveler? This must be my lucky day! I mean, welcome M'lord. What can I get you?
Dreamer: I take it you still have a room available?
Innkeeper: I have a dozen rooms available, I don't get much travelers these days.
Dreamer: I know, the roads arent as safe as they once where.
Innkeeper: *Painfull smile, I know all to well. I used to get dozens of travelers each day, merchants and adventurers. That was when the Queens knights still guarded the countryside.
'Sir Dreamer', a cold voice comming from the other side of the room turns the head of both the Innkeeper and the Paladin.
At a table in the corner of the room sits a small man with a skin so pale you can almost see through it. He wears simple clothes, a dark blue cloak and a plain tunic. Yet it is obvious that this man is no ordinary traveler.
Dreamer: Neb?! I certainly wasnt expecting to see you in a place like this!
Neb: Bah, does it matter anymore? This place is as good as any other.
Dreamer: I havent seen you since the day you transported us out of that ambush.
Neb: The day the queen died...
Dreamer: How can you be so sure that she is dead? You should have taken her with us anyway!
Neb: Even my power is limited, I transported as many persons out of there as possible.
Dreamer: You did all you could I suppose.
Neb:But it didnt really matter did it. We might as well have died there.
Dreamer: Don't be ridiculas, why do you say that?
Neb: There is nothing left to fight for, didnt you see what happened to the lands?
Innkeeper: He is right m'lord. I still remember the days when you could travel from east to west withoud an armed escort. It seems far away however. These days, brigands and undead roam the woods and no traveler is safe anymore. And then there are the rumors about the dark horde. Word is they have left the mountains and are looting the lands west of here. Its only a matter of time before they reach our lands. And who will protect us? The Queen is gone, the court is gone, and the knights are gone. We are doomed.
Neb: Listen to the man Dreamer, he is right. Come, sit down and have a drink with me. There is no hope.
Dreamer: Hope didnt die with the queen Neb, there is still time!
Neb: What do you propose we do then?
Dreamer: There are still many good man and woman out there who are willing to fight for this land. All we have to do is find them. We shall restore the court, and restore law and order to the lands.
Neb: I suppose we could try, for old times sake then?
Dreamer: No my friend, for the future.
Neb: Very well then! Where shall we start?
Dreamer: In the capital, we shall ask the dwarven builder guild to rebuild Castle Kerhelm.
Neb: Lets do it then!
*Start walking towards to door.
Innkeeper: Where are you going? The roads arent safe at night!
Dreamer: Don't worry, we can handle ourselves.

A journey of a thousand mile starts with a single step, can two man really change the future of Faerl Rhal'ndiy Imladris? Perhaps you are the savior of the lands. Just write yourself in [img]smile.gif[/img]

[ 02-06-2002: Message edited by: Dreamer128 ]</p>

Neb 01-31-2002 02:36 PM

Neb, mightiest Psionic in the kingdom, capable of bending reality with his thoughts, travelling in time, frying his opponents minds or send them flying.

Wielder of the Valkyrie Blade, a mighty two-handed Great Scimitar with a limited intelligence and carved with runes of the greatest arcane power.

He has been described as both evil and good, cold in his actions yet loyal to his friends.

Appearing to have no other purpose than to rebuild Castle Kerhelm and reassemble it's court, does this person have another agenda? A secret purpose? Only the future will tell....

(OOC: Just a quick description of my char [img]tongue.gif[/img] )

Sir ReGiN 01-31-2002 03:14 PM

*Goignar! Have are ye comin with dem planks? You have to hurry, boyo, else we won't finish in time!*
Regin went back to plaining the planks he did have..
It was a dull job, but it was the only one he could get..
He looked up at the sun..
Perhaps if he told the town that he was one of the old Knights, then he might get a more worthy job!
But no..those times were gone..he didn't want to revive them again..
And the leaders of the dwarven building guild were kind and generous employers..
He picked up a bunch of planks and started walking towards the construction-site..
It was going to be a house for the mayor..
He knew that just thinking of the times of Castle Kerhelm would ruin his sleep that night..he would lie and remember, just like he always did..
But he couldn't stop himself, where had all the old knights gone?
He knew Neb was somewhere in the area, but no one had seen him for years..
But the rest, only the gods knew..
He missed those days, they were happy days, filled with adventure and friends..
But that was a long time ago..he shaked his head, trying to shake the thought out as well..
Goignar grabbed his shoulder
*Do ye wanna come to the pub tonigh, Regin, and have an ale with us?*
He'd much rather have one with the old knights though..and the queen..

OOC>Regin's a dwarven cleric, if you don't remember, and he now works at the dwarven building guild in the town, if you have trouble reading [img]tongue.gif[/img]

[ 01-31-2002: Message edited by: Sir ReGiN ]</p>

Dreamer128 02-01-2002 11:22 AM

A few hours later, in the middle of the night.

Neb: Are you sure we are going the right way?
Dreamer: Well, its a bit too dark to look on my map isnt it?
Neb: *Puts a dead tree on fire.
Dreamer: *Looks at his map. Well, there should be a crossroad not far from here. We'd better be carefull however, its the perfect place for an.....( A loud scream interups him, followed by the sound of steel on steel)
Neb: Ambush!
Dreamer: Bandits must have attacked a merchant convoy! *Draws his blade. Lets move!

Neb 02-01-2002 12:09 PM

Neb unsheathes the Valkyrie and teleports directly into the fray, he slows the passage of time down for him so it appears to anyone that he's moving extremely quickly, while he is in fact moving at normal speeds.

He lashes out with the Valkyrie and cuts down a bandit, he disembowels another and gives a third a whack with the flat side of his blade, knocking him unconscious.

Dreamer128 02-01-2002 01:05 PM

Dreamer arrives on the scene just after Neb and sees at least twenty bandits charging at a convoy of half a dozen cars. Most of the guards are already dead or wounded but there are still a few left. As soon as he is spotted, three bandits break off and attack him.

Dreamer: *Drinks potion of teleportation.
Bandit: A knight! Kill him fast, lest the other take all the loot!
Bandit(2): Hehehe, don't move and you will go quick and painless.
Dreamer: *Dissapears
Bandit(2):What the..?!
Dreamer: Suddenly stands behind the first attacker, *knocks him on the head with the hilt of his blade.
Bandit(3): Damn you! You'll pay for this! *Swings his bastard sword.
Dreamer: *Dodges attack and attacks with his two-handed sword.
Bandit(3): Argh!
Bandit(2): *Turns around and runs in the direction of the woods.
Dreamer: *Lifts his throwing axe. This will be the last convoy you robbed, today you meet judgement!
Dreamer: *Throws axe and splits the bandits head in two, then turns and runs towards the convoy.

Lioness 02-01-2002 07:03 PM

As Dreamer approaches the convoy, he hears a scream echo from within. He is startled, the scream sounded feminine, but usually bandit convoys like this only took goods, not women for slaves or wives. He battles his way through more bandits hoping to reach the woman trapped within.

Suddenly a figure is knocked out of one of the cars. A bandit leaps down behind the person, his sword drawn and ready. With a quick roll, the stranger-it is cloaked too heavily to be discerned as male or female-narrowly avoids the rogue's blade. Gasping, the cloaked figure scurries back, graspiong about for a weapon, but trips and lands a few yards from Dreamer's feet.

He rushes over to the sprawled person, and as it rolls over, wide, long-lashed green eyes stare up at Dreamer. He gasps.

It can't be...she is dead...

OOC: Lady Lioness is a dexterous Kensai, with knowledge of a few simple spells as well. She is a young elf, having inherited the lands at age 13. She has a high dexterity to make up for lower strength and intelligence, and, of course, red hair. ;)

Dreamer128 02-02-2002 06:46 AM

Blinded by rage Dreamer charges at the bandits. A minut later, six of them have been killed while the others are running for the woods.
Dreamer: Blasted! She is dead! Our queen was returned to us, only to be taken again. I am no longer able to heal her, but perhaps there is a cleric powerfull enough to resurect her in the city.
*Throws the corps over his shoulder.
We should leave at once. Neb, where are you?
Suddenly a barrel opens and Nebs heads commes out. Neb: Uh, I was just making sure that no bandits where hiding here. But you are right, we should head for the capital at once.

Neb 02-02-2002 06:52 AM

(OOC: Please don't RP my character, Neb isn't cowardly.)

"I'll scout ahead in case there are any more ambushes." Said Neb and became a blur as he headed off down the road, using his powers to move at insane speeds.

Dreamer128 02-02-2002 12:31 PM

Very well, *Drinks potion of speed and runs towards the city.

Half an hour later at the south gate of Faneadar, the nations capital.

Guard: Hold! Who goes there at this hour?!
Dreamer: Sir Dreamer, knight of the crown.
guard: Hold it! Whats that over your shoulder?
guard(2): Bloody hell! Its a freak'n corpse!
Dreamer: Wait a sec, thats the queen. I'm just trying...
guard:*Grabs his crossbow
Dreamer: Sorry your highness, *throws Lioness body' towards the guard, then quickly turns around and hits the second guard in his face.
Guard: Damned! *Aims his crossbow at dreamer.
Dreamer: Hits the guard in his face with the hilt of his sword.
Guard: Ugh!
Dreamer: Those two are going to be very pissed when they wake up, *picks up Lioness and enters the city.
Dreamer: Ok, first to the nearest temple and then to the dwarven guild house. I wonder where Neb is?

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