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SSJ4Sephiroth 11-10-2001 03:51 AM

Alright then, Larry and Mistral have just been wed.

Spree, Deiter, Sephi, and Jaclyn are at the tavern.

Neb is in the Sewers beneath the Temple District with Kaz nearby

hee! this's the first time ive made a new thread for this...

[ 11-15-2001: Message edited by: Larry_OHF ]</p>

Neb 11-10-2001 04:05 AM

Neb didn't even notice Kaz, he raised Swift Vengeance and prepared to strike when an overwhelming wave of psychic energy hit him, his brain felt like it was being fried, his vision dimmed and darkness engulfed him, he could hear the mind flayer thing approaching and WILLED himself to see it through the superior mental force that was destroying his mind, suddenly, it felt like something in his mind clicked into place, he saw, but not through his eyes, he felt as if his vision was placed a few inches in front of his body, everything was also unnaturally bright, his other senses were gone, he felt no pain, he heard nothing, he smelled nothing, he saw the mind flayer thing approaching cautiously, aware that it's psionic attack had not worked, as Neb suddenly ran forward with Swift Vengeance raised, ready to sever the thing's head from it's body, it raised it's left hand as if holding a sword to parry Swift Vengeance, and suddenly, it held a sword, it was almost completely two-dimensional and totally black, but not as much black as a total absence of all colour, it made a whummmmmm noise as it swung it upward to deflect Neb's strike, and Neb knew that it was Vorpal, the whummmm sound was the sound of air molecules being sliced in half as the blade was swung through the air.

The thing mainly parried Neb's attacks, seeking to wait until the poison overwhelmed him, Neb knew this and desperately sought to end it's life before that happened, suddenly, the weakness of the poison left Neb's body, he felt light and strong, dexterous and cunning, he knew that the poison had not left him, but that he was seconds away from death, he had seen this clarity in others just before they died, a strange smile spread across his face as he gripped Swift Vengeance in both hands and charged forward towards the thing, it brought it's blade down on his left arm, almost severing it, Neb didn't even feel it, he only felt his arm go limp and weak, he continued his charge, impaling the thing on Swift Vengeance and burying it in the thing's chest up to the hilt.

The thing writhed in agony as Neb pulled out the blade and swung it again and again until the thing was no more, Swift Vengeance fell from his fingers as his vision fled, darkness engulfing him once more, he felt all strength leave his body as he fell forward, he never felt himself hit the ground......

Kaz 11-10-2001 04:54 AM

<font color="ghostwhite">Kaz rushed forward, fumbling at her belt for the antidote. Kneeling besides Neb, she took out the stopper and held the bottle to his lips. At the same time she searched in her pack... I know I have a potion of healing here somewhere... Aerynkoryk was sitting next to Zephyra's body a short bit back. The little homunculus seemed to be dead.</font>

Neb 11-10-2001 05:03 AM

Neb opened his eyes to darkness, he was unable to see, his whole body hurt, his head pounded and he barely had the strength to raise his arms, he was lying on a cold stone floor, he could feel the taste of something in his throat, someone was nearby, he couldn't tell who it was, where was he anyway? He couldn't remember, his last memory was of being beset by assasins some time ago in an alley, someone aiding him, how long ago was that? He also remembered a face, an elven woman, and a name, "Kaz", his head hurt too much for him to think rationally, he would probably feel better after some sleep, he closed his eyes, he was tired, so tired, and sank into unconsciousness.

Kaz 11-10-2001 05:24 AM

<font color="ghostwhite">Kaz crouched next to Neb, feeling his pulse. It was weak but steady. Aerynkoryk, will he be all right? The raven hopped towards her. I'd say... The raven didn't finish his sentence. Kaz heard a hissing behind her. She spun around, to see a mind flayer. Desperately trying to recall a spell, any spell, she felt the beast's psionic powers like a hammer between her eyes. She stumbled, feeling the creature trying to take over her mind... suddenly darkness seemed to flare from her hand. The demon... the mind flayer must have disturbed it. She heard a sizzling sound. Her head clearing, she looked up to see the mind flayer lying stunned on the ground. Its skin seemed to be boiling. Kaz winced. We have got to get out of here now. Hoisting Neb over her shoulders, she silently said, Aerynkoryk, can you take Zephyra? Her familiar cawed, grasping the small homunculus. Kaz walked slowly, trying to keep her balance. Neb did not weigh much, but she was not strong either.</font>

Neb 11-10-2001 05:31 AM

Neb had managed to grab hold of Swift Vengeance before falling unconscious, he was now floating in a state of not quite conscious but not quite unconscious either, someone was carrying him, what was going on? Where was he? What had happened to wound him this badly and make him lose his sight? More memories revealed themselves, running through the doorway of a house in the forest, the same elf which he had remembered earlier holding a vial of..... something, he vaguely remembered feeling that it was important that she be stopped, he remembered her name, "Kaz", he sank into unconsciousness once more....

Kaz 11-10-2001 05:38 AM

<font color="ghostwhite">Kaz reached the sewers, gasping. She sat down for a moment, then started again. Stumbling and sliding in the green ooze, she searched for the nearest exit to the city. There, Aerynkoryk said. He was not having as much trouble, Zephyra was very light. Kaz staggered in the direction he had indicated. There was a ladder going upwards to a lid, leading to the streets above. Kaz gently set Neb down against the wall and climbed up. She tried to lift the lid, but it seemed to be bolted. Kaz bit her lip, then cast a Knock spell. The lid creaked open. Lifting Neb, she slowly climbed the ladder and resurfaced in the streets near the Temple district. No one seemed to be about.</font>

Neb 11-10-2001 05:43 AM

Neb awoke as he entered fresh air, he felt something in his mind, some latent power awakened, some power of the mind, one that would require willpower to tame, Neb willed himself to see, nothing, he focused, his brow creasing as he concentrated, and suddenly, he saw, things looked a bit different, as though his eyes were placed a few inches further in front of him than usual, the surprise of seeing shattered his concentration and his vision fled from him again, the knowledge of how to bring it back again didn't though, but he was too exhausted from that little use of his powers to try again right now, instead he would relax, recuperate, and try to remember.

Kaz 11-10-2001 05:48 AM

<font color="ghostwhite">Kaz felt Neb stirring as she reached the nearest Temple - the Temple of Mystra. Exhausted, she pounded on the doors. "Open up!"
The priests agreed to help Neb, and also allowed Kaz to stay, seeing that the small mage was too tired to find her way back. Kaz reached her quarters and immediately fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.</font>

Neb 11-10-2001 05:54 AM

Neb was awakened by a stinging pain in his left arm as someone examined the wound left by the mind flayer's attack, he heard a voice, "Hmmmm..... Seems pretty bad, what's caused this?" "Vorpal weapon," said another voice, "He's lucky to still have his arm, I think we might have to use a Regeneration prayer to save it, and a full Heal if we want him to recover before some time next year, he'll still be weak though." Once again, Neb willed himself to see and saw two clerics standing over him, the first one spoke again, "Shame that we can't do anything about his vision though, some part of his brain has been fried, we'd need a psionic to help him with that, but for now, let us do what we can." The hairs on the back of Neb's neck stood up as the clerics chanted and the air was filled with clerical magic, a heavy pain surged up through his left arm as the bone realigned it self and the flesh grew whole once again, a wave of healing energy then washed across his body, closing wounds and purging the final remnants of the poison from his body, leaving him with nothing except for a great exhaustion and a feeling that 25 angry dwarves had been busy hammering on his body with maces and flails.

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