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MiffiMoppelchen 10-22-2000 12:31 AM

Just wondering where to find all that money for training?!
I am happy that i got the memberships for my chars (warrior/rogue/2 clerics,2 wizards). But then i saw the prices for training and *UAAAAAAAAAAH* so expensive!
Is somewhere an monkey that shits gold?? Please dont tell me something about cheats or i will curse you (or i will put a mantrap into you toilett *g*).

Thx for some help!

Winston 10-22-2000 11:14 PM

Pool gold on one character.. all of your gold, while in the armory. Then leave and go to the inn
. Pool the gold to a DIFFERENT character. Then REMOVE the original gold character from your group and add him back in. Pool the gold again.. you will get the gold from the character you just pulled back in.. repeat until rich as hell.

apparently it saves the info at wrong times... game may be bugged to hell

mitres 10-23-2000 01:39 AM

That was a cheat... curse him Miffi!

MiffiMoppelchen 10-23-2000 11:47 AM

Thanks for this cheat! But i will not use it,this ... this annoying shit!

Curse on you, your feet will stink now forever *MUAHAUHAUHAUHAUHAUHAUAUAUUA*.

Is there another way to get some gold?

DomGrrl 10-23-2000 11:56 AM

In the warriors guild, buy the blue arrows for $450, then sell them back for $1700. Do it over and over again

smylingsam 10-23-2000 03:15 PM

Hi Miffi,

I'm not that far into the game (I just got to Ishad N'ar) and it seems that the short answer to question is: There is no way afford any of the equiptment or traning short of cheating. To date, I've only been able to elevate one of the clerics to Warlock and one of the Fighters to Paladin ($2000 gold), Gain 2nd level in clerics guild (I should not have taken the quest, it cost $1000 to complete and gave no usualful benefit). I also added artifacts and lore to the Warlock ($1000) but it's a useless skill for right now as it only ID's items with mean ID cost ~$2. All the chars have robes and daggers/regulat swords and round shields. I can't afford any other equiptment.

At this point the game became un-fun as my pitiful 5th level chars kept dying as they could neiter hit anyone for apreciable damage nor withstand much damage. So I did what I generally don't: used a cheat. The arrow cheat seems the easiest and does not un balance the game. It seems to resotre balance. This is because the game is designed by the reverse of the monty-haul style: the mean old grinch DM.

The core problem is these:
1) The longer you wait to change classes, the longer you will need to wait to reach "parity" with the old level.
2) Also, the monsters are geting tougher but you are not. Ratlings offer you ~100 exp each and deal about 50HP in damage while taking about 25HP. Since my 2 wizards have ~25HP, the figheters have ~45HP and the two clerics ~35HP it's a loosing propsition and un-fun.

So if you are having fun, don't worry about the money. If you're no longer having fun, you either have to return this buggy game or cheat. The situation reminds me of Baldur's Gate: Constant crashes and lack of fun without cheating. Unlike BG, cheating with the money does not seem to ruin the game's balance or playability.


Sam, smyling

MiffiMoppelchen 10-23-2000 05:43 PM

I "love" game where you HAVE TO CHEAT!
This sucks, really!

To you Bradley: *lol* for this "game". Without cheating it's TO HARD!! Next time: Test your game longer than 5 minutes!


Casper 10-23-2000 07:19 PM

Although the game is much more difficulty to play without cheating it is possible. after beating the game the first time with using the gold cheat and a few other minor ones I decided to try it without cheats. I died tons more times and had to decrease the difficulty setting to beat a bosses, but I was able to beat the game. So take one of two methods play the game like it was supposed to be played and struggle(some) or cheat the choice is yours.
Here are some hints if you are not going to cheat. all the items of one type(swords axes scrolls potions etc) one one character before identifing, and you will identifing it all.
2.Dont bother identifing object when you know what they are(granted alot easier after you have beat the game)
3.dont waste money on buying equipment in shops, you will eventually find better stuff as loot on monsters.
4.after meeting the min requirements for the desired class you want, focus on int iyt will help you learn quiker
5.have you character focus one one type of magic/skill at a time. For example have your wizard focus on stone spells and your samurai on sun that way you will have both sets of high level spells available to you quiker(make sure you learn lavawalk its a life saver)
6.sell all your scrolls and potions. between your priest paladin or monk you should have plenty of heal spells available even if you have to run away a few times.
7. have one character specialize in pole and staffs as thier weapon. there are some really nice ones later including lance of the lady(valkyrie only) which is the most powerful I have found to date
8. I wouldnt waste points or money in skills like artifacts blacksmith etc to get them to a useful level ( 7- 8 ) you either need to cheat or specialize in them

Hoffenbecker 10-24-2000 02:19 AM

I just made it to the serpent temple and have yet to see any big jackpots. But I have decided the best way to start this game is with a minimalist attitude. My fighters got a weapon and doublet, magic users even less. Always pick up enemies droppings and group all bows, swords etc to be id'd. The smith will ID all if they are the same thing for price of one. I typically give each char a group to id and flip thru chars while on id at armory. Also try to put any ability points you can into Intelligence for the multiple skill points to award next time you level. If I have more than one ability point to distribute one goes to prime for class, and then I alternate between int and a secondary for class. One last piece of advice, if you keep getting killed by a particular monster maybe your strategy needs to be re-thought or you need more experience. Go do a mini quest and come back. I have run back and forth between the toads and crypt many times in order to get more experience and complete a mini while I mull over a problem in the other area.

Eddie 10-24-2000 09:05 PM

What is the arrow cheat? And are there any other gold cheats?


Eddie G

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