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Angry Dwarf 02-11-2002 04:54 PM

I was fooling around this morning playing with an thief i made just to see what solo'ing as a thief would be like. anyway when i was initally creating him, i scrolled down in the thief abilities screen! what the crap? whats this about "setting traps", "climbing walls", "reading other languages"??! i never knew those were there!!! they aren't in the book anywhere i've read either.

anyway back to the question, if i have a thief with a high enough read other languages skill, can he read the book of kaza?(if so please DON'T tell me what it says). also does that ability affect his base lore value? and what does the climb walls ability do? and does "set traps" mean that your traps do more damage or what?

and since seeing those 3-4 new abilities for a thief....i have to ask. how od you guys assign points to your thieves? equal amounts to every ability? or more to some than others? if so why?

personally i'm not into pickpocketing...i want a backstabing/lock picking/trap detecting thief that will kick your butt!

ULockit I Stealit 02-11-2002 04:59 PM

I want to know too. :confused: Somebody out there must know!!!

andrewas 02-11-2002 05:01 PM

setting traps - yes, you can do this.

climbing walls, read other languages :- what game are you in? I dont know of one outisde of daggerfall (and thus morrowind) that allows this.

Personaly, I give my theives 130 pick locks ASAP, then I go for the stealth. Pick pocketing and setting traps just dosent appeal to me. Getting into locked buildings and backstabbing for *5 damage definalty does.

Sorcerer Alex 02-11-2002 05:02 PM

You can't climb walls or read languages in BG II - they're just standard attributes that thieves have in the D&D world, and put in there for show, as far as I can tell. So this doesn't mean your thief can read the book of Kaza or any other tome. Therefore it has no effect on your lore score either.

A high set traps percentage doesn't mean your traps do more damage, it means you have a bigger chance of being successful when trying to set one.

As for thief abilities... well, I usually give a thief 100 in pick locks and disarm traps, then go onto distributing points in hide in shadows/move silently, as these skills are essential for backstabbing. Set traps and detect illusion I find less important, but that is just me personally.

ULockit I Stealit 02-11-2002 05:06 PM

Well that certainly sucks!!!

There are so many walls to climb, and tomes to read.

Oh well, back to plain old stealing and stabbing.

Angry Dwarf 02-11-2002 05:25 PM

so if their not used why does it let you waste ability points on it?

andrewas 02-11-2002 06:57 PM

dunno. and it woudnt be too hard to implement a read other languages. just have a different set of text depending on how high your ability is. Illithid would require a really high rating, Dwarvish and Elven would require lower ones. except you then have to take account of what race the theif is and it all gets far to complicated.

Climb Walls would be nigh-on impossible to implement in Infinity - its basicaly 2d with a hightmap so it can get the fog of war right around staircases and such. the amount of extra data to allow climbing would be considerable.

Sorcerer Alex 02-11-2002 07:05 PM

You can't distribute ability points on read languages or climb walls, peeved dwarf ;)

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