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250 04-06-2001 05:59 AM

Gaulent of of Rocket Launcher:

This gaunlet appears to be gnome made, and you dare not to wear it for fear of the "legandery" gnomish wisdom of weird, and often disastrous, conventions. The size of the gaunlet is made so that can be easily wore by any gnome or halfling. It belonged to a gnome inventor named Qeor Sandmill of Beranding Hills, also of Trielta Hills.

Trielta Hills is located direct north of the village Triel. The small town has been opened for trade many years ago. Triel had became a main stop for merchants from Baldur's Gate and Waterdeep to mid-land nations such as Carmonthyr and Sembia. Lands surrounding Triel are often dangerous and unwelcoming to both weary travellers and local residents. To the west, before reaching Sword Coast is the Plains of the Dead, where dark creatures loomed and preyed. To the southwest, is the infamous Forest of the Sharp Teeth, which is said that where the Durlag's Tower rested hiddenly somewhere within. Human thugs, bandits and evil patrols such as ones from Darkhold are the constant threats to the lands as well. Therefore, the people of Triel are incredibly hardened. Though a small farming community, tough and strongminded people of Triel are more than capable of defending themselves, as those qualities are always required for against the various dangers. Legands of heroics sprouted for centuries that encouraged folks of Triel to continuously live on.

Sandmill is a quite anciet gnome clan. They migrated from a place called Beranding Hills from the northern land seven Sandmill generations ago, and they settled down at Trielta Hills, where haflings and gnomes co-existed in peace. Like all gnome clans, the Sandmills dedicate their lives and duties to their family first. As part of the unwritten tradition, Sandmills only mind their own business, one could rarely seen a Sandmill chatting with folks other than Sandmill, well, except for Qeor Sandmill.

The little fellow was so inspired by the local legands that he was eager and fascinated to go on his own adventures. He vaguely remembered hearing to the north west stood a grand City of Splender named Water something, and he determined to destiny there. Carrying with him, was his prized invention known as the Rocket Launcher. He used what gnomes call a "sparkle stone", which is capable of hosting illusionery magic, to make this gaunlet. The first few days of his travelling was uneventful, so it appeared to be. He hadn't awared he was shadowed by a band of orcs, who were waiting for him to be out of the border of Triel so they could have an easy kill. Qeor would have died, had not the dumb orcs became over confidence with their battle prowess. When the bandits waylaid Qeor, they did not even set up a proper plan, believing their prey is single and utterly helpless. Though Qeor was caught by suprise, the youthfully-brave gnome battled with typical Sandmill cunning and courage. When the five orcs walked to the seemingly defenseless little gnome, talking half-clear orcish jokes and laughing stupidly, Qeor triggered his rocket launcher. With a unique "tink" sound, a huge ball of flame shot out and exploed at the orcs' feet. All five of them jumped with surprise and started screaming as the flame caught their bodies, the vicious fire seemingly to have a life of its own had twisted and shrouded them and their face no longer showed stupid laughs but terror. Then they scattered running at full speed to escape their lives just to discover later that the fires, explosions and burnings were all the trickery display of their "utterly defenseless prey."

Angered for being fooled, the orcs formed a full speed chase after Qeor. And they caught up with him again. This time, the orcs were a little bit more careful, they approached with formation and caution. Again, the rocketed launcher "tink" a unique sound, and a ball of flame exploded at their feet. The orcs held their breath when the fireball came, and to their expectations, the fireball was an illusion. All of them began to laugh at the same time, and one of the orcs waved his axe towards Qeor's way taunting with orcish about "skinz da little bratz." With a big grin, the rocket launcher "tink" again, and all orcs started to laugh and joke about "shtupid gnome" just to their surprise...


A real fireball exploded at their feet. All five of them stunned for a brief second, then the laughers made a sharp turn into a wild scream. It was filled with such pain that Qeor regreted to ever shot them. All of the orcs began to roll on the ground desperately hoping to put down the fire that were devouring their fleshs. Crys and moarns were so miserable to bear that Qeor leaved with all haste.

When he reached Soubar, a border community of the Plains of the Dead, he met his life long friends who changed his fate forever. Xandria, Mulin and Xandria's best friend as well childhood playmate, the little ruby dragon Gugu. They were on a quest to search Xandria's lost father and discover Xandria's mysterious blood linerage. The four quickly became good friends for they all share the same quality, that is the desire and interest to discover and the love of adventuring. The grand adventure had just began!

Type: gaunlet
Weight: 10
casts Pseudo-fireball three times per day: The Pseudo-fireball is an image of fireball. It serves the purpose of confuse and scare away enemies. When the fireball is triggered, all creatures with less than three hit dice will run away in terror or confusion for 4d4 rounds. Creatures with more than three hit dice will receive a save vs spell to neg the effect or run in fear/confusion for 4d4 rounds. Creatures with more than 10 hit dice or natual ability to detect illusions are completely immune to the effect.

casts fireball once per day: The fireball itself is limited by the gaunlet's power. It does 8d6 damage. However, due to the pyscalogical effect, creatures with equal or less than 9 int will consider the fireball as fake one, and stand there not trying to dodge. They will take maximum damage of 8d6. Creatures with more than 9 int receive a save, and a successful save reduce the damage by half. (half of 8d6)

When user reach level 10, he will be able to invent new skills for the gaunlet

Shapeshifte once per day: can change wielder's appearance into a Adminante Golem. However, this is only an illusion. The wielder still has the same stats as before, only his appearance changes. Creatures with less than 5 Hit Dice must make save vs spell when near the wielder to avoid being overwhelmed by the awesome sight. A Ture Seen, Dispel, Dispel Illusion will neg the effect. Creatures with the ability to dispel illusion will be immune to the effect no matter their hit dice.

Mirror image twice per day: same as mage spell mirror image

When reach level 15, can use new ability:

Beauty Phantom once per day: this is mass domination. To any victim, they will strongly believe they witnessed the most beautiful sights. They will be under spellbond by the caster, and do his binding. All humanoid creatures will receive a save vs spell at -2 or be dominated for 1d4 turns. Humanoid creatures less than 5 hit dice are automatically dominated for 1d4 turns.

Usable by:
mages (single, muti)
thief (single, muti)
16 int minimum

[This message has been edited by 250 (edited 04-06-2001).]

dafan 04-06-2001 06:29 AM

cool thing


I'm a protector of good

a seeker of truth

a symbol of light

250 04-06-2001 06:32 AM


Originally posted by dafan:
cool thing

I know
., j/k I spent three hours on this man!! and the part with Xandria and Mulin and ruby dragon Gugu is also part of the big story... aye... I am really tired

thx for taking the time to read I am going to make this item this weekend!!

dafan 04-06-2001 07:05 AM



I'm a protector of good

a seeker of truth

a symbol of light

250 04-06-2001 07:56 AM

now it is a shortened vision

[This message has been edited by 250 (edited 04-06-2001).]

250 04-06-2001 01:33 PM

self bump

demus 04-06-2001 02:05 PM

Nice, but won't the new abilites at high levels part be very hard to make?
I haven't done any item creating myself, so I don't really know, but it does seem difficult to make!

Nicodemus Deathslayer, Paladin of the Order of the Holy Flame

Hesperex 04-06-2001 03:24 PM chuckle...chuckle...very novel I like it

My website
Hesperex Freth: 1st son of Matron Mother Shi'nayne Freth, 1st house of Ched'Nesad. Weapon master and patron of house Freth.

Nex 04-06-2001 03:40 PM

cool beans. Good story too.

Accord 04-06-2001 07:25 PM


Long live H22A1!!!!!

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