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Suul-Yinn 02-03-2001 12:37 AM

I remember my first post and thinking 'I wonder if they will think me a fool for asking such a basic question?' Luckily Armisael answered my plee for help promptly, curteously and accurately (thanks again) and I felt part of the community. However, it wasn't until somebody thanked me for my help in answering their question that I felt I had truly arrived.

Moiraine 02-03-2001 05:10 AM

Just wondering when you old friends stopped feeling you were newbies on this board, and why ?

And, newcomers, feel free to comment !

I myself stopped feeling a newbie when I had that car crash and so many people I didn't know existed told me that they read my posts and liked them ! And that made me feel very warm inside ... enough that, although I am generally very attached to objects, I don't regret my car at all !

Memnoch 02-03-2001 05:18 AM

I stopped feeling like a newbie when someone posted a thread titled "Does Memnoch have any other hobbies?" That was about two months ago and made me realize that people were actually remembering all my posts!

fighter-thief 02-03-2001 06:56 AM

i still don't know if i'm considered a newbie or not ,i just enjoy everyones company .this is the only place i can talk about a game that i enjoy and have such interesting conversations so ,i'm counting on you all to tell me if i'm still a newbie or not

el_kalkylus 02-03-2001 07:02 AM

I stopped feeling like a newbie when I had posted about 10 posts, and had finnished the game. After reading a lot of posts, I know a lot about this game, and a little about the off-topic-people. This board is getting more like a chat-forum, but I like it.

Rikard T'Aranaxz 02-03-2001 07:08 AM

Damn i've been here for 6 months and i still feel like a newbie
no seriously
the first time i didn't really feel like a newbie was
ehm when they started replying on me
and ofcourse when the Clan started 5 months ago

Memnoch 02-03-2001 07:21 AM

Originally posted by el_kalkylus:

After reading a lot of posts, I know a lot about this game, and a little about the off-topic-people. This board is getting more like a chat-forum, but I like it.

Another example Moiraine, all we need to do is make sure people know there's an off topic forum they can go to when they want to get involved in off topic discussion and they will visit to have a chat. It's like a bookstore, there's sections for each genre (fantasy, fiction, biographies, etc), then there's a cafe in the middle of the store where people can talk about anything! Please trust me when I say this will work!

Zoratorak 02-03-2001 08:14 AM

lets see... now i feel the same way with el_kalkylus... i stopped feeling a newbie since i have finished the game and just dedicated myslef to just helpin out people... sometimes i feel left out sometimes im like a ghost... but sometimes i have lots of friends... it makes me feel i have real life here...

ps: warning to all that dont forget that your real life is outside of this computer...

Memnoch 02-03-2001 08:26 AM

Zor, pare, how can you feel left out?? You've been here even before me!

Moiraine 02-03-2001 08:38 AM

Zor, why, our real life is partly here, are we not real people ?!?

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