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Yorick 01-10-2001 12:44 AM

What a great name. My younger brothers real life nickname is Delboy!

Hey man try doing a search for Firkraag, for as Eric said there are many ways of dealing with him, from the ridiculously easy (being a Monk and using Quivering Palm) to the ludicrous (planting heaps of traps around him while he stands and watches you) and the more mundane (sending in a fighter, arm him with the wand of resurrection, and everytime health gets low hit him with it. You don't have to be dead for this very fast healing method to work.)

Everyone has their preferred method, but I'm sure some of it will entail being of a sufficiently high level yourself.

He doesn't need to be killed to complete the quest. You can always nurse your wounds, discover more about yourself (gain more experience) and return to kick his butt.

As far as reducing resistance, heaps of lower resistance spells will work, but after a while his spell protections wear off anyway and he starts taking some damage.

Hope this helps mate. Cheers


Magness 01-10-2001 12:57 AM

Actually, I'd think the most "challenging" method of taking on the red dragon would be to send in a single tanked up fighter to to the job.

A note on using lots of traps on the dragon...
I believe that if you kill the dragon outright with nothing but traps you MAY not get any XP.

2nd Note... do NOT disintegrate the red dragon. You may disintegrate the treasure as well.

3rd note... the point in summoning creatures in this battle is not really for cannon fodder (at least using my combat strategy), but to provide more firepower. Fire elementals and Aerial servants can kick some serious dragon butt!!!

4th note: Arm all fighters with any and all anti-dragon weapons and fire-resistant items.

I personally find the best non-cheesy method of taking on the red dragon is ...
a) summon the toughest creatures you can
b) cast all of your best buffing-up spells and potions (Resist Fear is important)
c) make the party invisible (druid Pixie dust spell is great!)
c1) Save your game at this point.
d) place your fighters and summoned monsters next to and around the dragon
e) have all melee fighters attack at the same time from surprise
f) after the dragon turns hostile, cast Insect Plague, if you have a druid
g) throw every last bit of firepower at the dragon (Cleric spell Holy Smite is great against dragons!!!)
h) have your mage(s) cast a Breech spell the moment the dragon successfully brings up a stoneskin

This straightforward, kick'em in the teeth strategy will always get the job done. There's always a little bit of luck involved (i.e. saving throws, to-hit rolls, etc.) so you may or may not have to reload, but it will succeed.

So... for whatever its worth, that's my dragon-slaying strategy. This bad-ass red dragon is completely beatable, even early in the game, with a little patience and good tactics.

delboy 01-10-2001 08:51 AM

I've tried using feeblemind and turning him into a squirrel as advised on the message board but he is immune to these spells.

I've used breach spell which helps very slightly and remove magic spell.

Anyone know how to remove his magical resistance as I've tried many times but with no success.

Elric Morlockin 01-10-2001 11:05 AM

I've read @ least twenty ways of killing him. The most interesting and non dangerous was having your thief set traps around him, go sleep then set more traps and so on. When you got to attack him he gets hammered and isnt much of a challenge. (Sounds kinda boring to me).
The most challenging would be to summon as many creatures as possible, with at least one elemental. He seems to get distracted by the elementals for some reason. Have mages cast breach and lower resistance spells, then go on the offensive with more powerful attacks. Warriors also join summoned creatures and go in for the kill....
Good Luck!

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