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Halfknight 01-06-2001 04:37 PM

Where do I find it? And does it give experience past the XP cap? And what is the point of playing the game if you're just going to "touch up" characters anyway?

Ertai, Wizard Adept 01-06-2001 07:16 PM

1.- Ironworks
2.- No unless you use a xp cap remover. You can set your xp to 5000000 for example but if you havent removed the xp in the game you will have 2950000
3.- If you feel that you wont be able to avoid cheating, dont download it. The point of playing the game is just PLAYING the game, not cheating it. Personal choice

Ronn 01-06-2001 08:43 PM

I agree that the point of playing is just to PLAY it, but the reason for playing it is to have FUN. Some people want super duper characters and every awesome weapon from the very beginning of the game, while others mearly want to make small adjustments. Everyone else falls in between.

Don't get me wrong, I know it's still cheating, but if that's how you have the most fun them by all means

A GREAT use for Shadowkeeper is adjusting bugs! Before the patch, I had a problem with my monk. Normal movement speed is 0, for monks it's 2, and they get faster as the game goes on. His movement should have been 4, but for some reason when I leveled up it went to zero?!?!??!?! I was able to fix this using Shadowkeeper.

The only cheat I actually used was changing my mages'Intelligence from an 18 to 19. I did this later in the game, because I hated trying to figure out which spells to memorize and which not to. There is nothing worse than a full spellbook, when you finally find the great spell you've been looking for. With a 19 I can memorize all of the spells from every level. Now, I don't use all the spells. I only use a couple from every level, but this way I was able to bypass all the tedious spell "research". Cheating? Yes, but it made the game much more enjoyable for me.

Download SK and look it over, you don't have to use it, but it is a great tool.

!Unknown! 01-06-2001 11:05 PM

What I want to know is if everybody thinks cheating is wrong then why does everyone do it? Face it everyones cheated at some point. If no one did then why would people even make things like SK? Just My two cents.

Tobbin 01-06-2001 11:49 PM

Yes, you are probably right, most people end up having to fidge one thing or another. But then, if games were designed better, a lot of that cheating wouldn't have to be done in the first place. So far, I had to cheat because I had a system failure and lost my BGI savegames. Now, I could have played BGI all over again, but that is an enormous amount of time I don't have. Also, they could have made it where the NPC's would have transferred from BGI savegames to BGII. They didn't do that. Also, the game is so buggy that I have had to use CLUACONSOLE to get past certain areas in the game. I either do that or I have the eternal blue screen of death. Don't get me wrong. BGII is a great product. We were talking about cheating here. Those were my reasons for cheating. I didn't make any super powerful characters or add any mega powerful items. I just wanted what I had earned.

Memnoch 01-07-2001 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Halfknight:

And what is the point of playing the game if you're just going to "touch up" characters anyway?

The point of the game is to ENJOY it. If you want to cheat by doing so then by all means do so! After all you spend the money, so do what gives you the most value for it. If you decide you want to turbocharge your car, that could be construed as cheating but you're not a professional racer so who cares?

I'm not trying to flame you at all so don't take this the wrong way, but I get irritated when I read statements like the above which imply that game cheaters/hackers are a lower life form because they cheat. If you cheat in real life and someone is disadvantaged as a result (ie in a test, in business, in sport) then that is obviously a negative thing if you have high ethical standards in your life.

But in leisure activity such as BG2, the only one being affected is you. Do you think the developers care if you cheat? Who's losing out if you cheat? NOBODY. (If you play online MP then that's a different story.)

To answer your question Halfknight It's all about YOU and what YOU want. If you want to play the game like a demigod because it gives you a kick, then by all means do so. If not then don't.

Halfknight 01-07-2001 09:56 AM

I like how you think, Memnoch.

Memnoch 01-07-2001 09:59 AM

Don't think I'm picking on you though!

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