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WOLFGIR 12-08-2000 09:38 AM

Hello there!
Well I do have a normal(?) life apart from Baldurs Gate2, but the first thing that hit me in this game was except for some annoying comments from Imoen was a beserked Minsc in a cage, hehe started too laugh there, got impressed when I spoke to Jaheira, and then well I was caught..
I love the way the followers starts speaking too each other, recently Keldorn started to sing a song from his youth.. See battle Boo? Run Boo run !!

Well so far I must say I like Minsc the best, can´t play without him sofar.. Maybe I´ll get a Iceweasel!

Well so come on, who do you think has the best comments and lines in this game??

Zenith 12-08-2000 09:42 AM

Living- Boo (squeeeeeak!)
Non-living- Lilarcor- the one with no formal edjumacation!

Armisael 12-08-2000 09:45 AM

Jan Jansen. Nobody rivals Jan's long-winded and pointless stories, not even Minsc.

Axis 12-09-2000 12:35 AM

Nature, take the life she gave!! One of my favorites, always get me ready for some bashing.

Sebastian_Kell 12-09-2000 01:34 AM

I'd have to go with Korgan's constant bashing of everyone in the party especially Nalia and Jaheria Taking the Trademeet quest and listening to Korgan cutting her down is classic.

Razer 12-09-2000 01:56 AM

I'd have to say minsc. and boo. minsc's best i'd say is: we are all good, you and boo and i, hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice!

also, i think its funny when aerie and jaheira have little fights.

i think the worst comments that are said when you just move your character or something, are aerie's. eg: faster than chickticka fastpaws. weird.

Jaxonite 12-09-2000 02:40 AM

Without a doubt, Jan Jansen takes the cake (or should it be a turnip?) for having the best lines in the game (not to mention the most.) He's a laugh riot AND a decent NPC to boot!

Minsc comes a close second (especially if you equip him with Lilarcor!)

Viconia also has some pretty scathing comments, especially if you show any uncertainty or weakness while trying to romance her.

Edwin's constant plots and asides are also a rip.

All in all, BG2 is one of the best scripted games out there. Cheers to Bioware and Black Isle for such an entertaining and rich game playing environment.

Kaël 12-09-2000 03:21 AM

I think Valygar could have been very cool but he doesn't really say anything
to bad
Edwin rocks though

Zoratorak 12-09-2000 08:53 AM

minsc for me... in the last battle, there was 3 npc with me (the other 3 were my men) . Jahera, Aerie and Minc...when Irenicous finally came out and became slayer, Jahera and Aerie started saying thier final saying, I was surprised with the words Minsc, he was the last one to say anything... i cant really remember what he said back then but not his usual sayings. the one thing that made it all so cool was when he said it at the same time with the music reached its climax... it was really like a battle moral boost for me against irenicous... i always found that so cool.

PS: hmmm.. i remember that minsc did saying something stupid in the asylum nearly in the exit... that was also funny

Morninglord 12-09-2000 09:13 AM

Bah, thanks for that spoiler, Zoratorak =(

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