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Thore-UndeadHunter 11-22-2000 07:50 PM

List them with an idea of your fighting style, like how you line them up. I will start,

Thore (me) Level 10 Undead Hunter
Jan Jansen
Mazzy Fentan
Valygar Corthala

I use my guy -7, Valygar -5, and Mazzy -6 as tanks, Jan and Aerie for missle attacks and spells, and Yoshimo for a little extra kick with his 2 Katana +1 swords. I am planning on dropping Mazzy, she is a fighter, but is not a very good one. I will probably go back and pick up Anomen Delryn, I use to have him, or I will wait until someone better comes along later on in the game.

Armisael 11-22-2000 09:23 PM

Armisael (dual-classed level 12 fighter, level 15 mage)

Armisael 11-22-2000 09:29 PM

Ah, forgot the tactics. Myself, Jaheira and Korgan double as tanks and fighters. I cast disabling spells, keep myself stoneskinned / mirror imaged, and haste the front line. Jaheira summons and disables mages with insect plague. Viconia raises skeleton warriors, holy smites / unholy blights, mass cures, and uses bless spells and the like. Jan attacks with minor / medium level offense spells and also uses his crossbow (and triples as a utilarian thief for lockpicking, etc). Edwin is the primary mage and casts mainly offensive or disabling spells.

kupolu 11-22-2000 10:50 PM

Minsc (Main Fighter, uses Infinite Book of Spells, on Level 7 Spell Turning)
Keldorn (Good Fighter with Dispel Magic)
Viconia (AWESOME FIGHTER! Using Flail of the Ages and Belt of Hill Giant Strength)
Jaheira (Pretty good fighter, pretty good druid. In party for emotional reasons
Tazroth (Sorcerer, my character. Kickass Sorcerer at that. Mages suck compared to him
Imoen (In mostly for emotional reasons She's a pretty good mage, decent thief)

My main tactics are just going in with my hasted 4 fighters and backing them up with my Iron Skinned mages. Heh, Viconia is at -9 AC. She ownz

omegadawn 11-23-2000 01:26 AM

Aerie- Most versatile good Aligned party member who casts limited wish with a 16 wisdom.
Anomen- He'll go toh to toh with viconia any day!( once he cast sunray vs 4 vamps and destroyed all of them instantly! one of them took One thousand Fourty two points of freakin damage!!!)
Garen Fish- Me True fighter grand master with two hand sword, 18/00 non-cheating str
Keldorn- Tue sight and dispel magic at x2 lvl + holy avenger
Nalia- weak thievery aside, a nice mage.
Jaheria- call lightning, summons, death by insect

In a solo-M.P.
Knimbly Mackerus- Gnome Illusionist Chaotic good ( Protaginist)
Leif Mojo- Avenger druid true neutral
Annie Fairo- Cleric of Helm Chaotic Neutral
Warren Laughingbeard- Dwarf fighter Lawful neutral
Emowen-dual class Thief/mage Neutral good ( I'm a snetimental sucker,aren't I?)
Nicoli- Monk Lawful neutral ( soon to be replaced with valygar for the Planar Sphere)

Armisael 11-23-2000 01:41 AM

All bias aside, I still think Anomen would lose against Viconia. Viconia's got a very good magic resistance; she could just greater command / hold person / unholy blight Anomen to death.

Zoratorak 11-23-2000 04:35 AM

the time i finished the game:
1.Zor- thats me... i love being a mage, imagine, i took out 4 demons in one spell of aldazimswhatever spell during the last battle
2.Averon Baltmoon- cleric/mage, usually for backup but since she has great since she can fight (and she has the elven chainmail+1) while casting spells
3.Merci Hellspawn- love the girl since she is my archer,fighter,wizard-killer,frontliner and thief at the same time.
4.Minsc-i love to make him the guini pig for critical situations
5.Jahira- best fighter and healer
6.Aerie- nice backup and healer (used to be my lover in the last game but i blew it)oppps..

Draggor 11-23-2000 06:07 PM

Okay heres my current party
Daniel(me) level 11 fighter true class, grand master in katana with celestial fury
Minsc has lilarcor
Jan Jansen (will dump for Imoen)
Most of my battles are solved with basic combat. My fighter runs in and attacks while everyone else blasts the enemie with missile weapons. I've been using the bait and run tactic a lot. Minsc sometimes comes into melee if there are a lot of enemies or they have special attacks like shadows or something. Viconia has the flail of ages and gauntlets of ogre strength so she can defend the missile troops if need be. The worst armour class besides Jan is -3 for Aerie.

Suul-Yinn 11-23-2000 08:42 PM

I am playing a good party, currently in the Underdark.

Suul Yinn, elven mage/thief lvls 14/17. Str 8, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 19, Wis 19, Cha 10. Imported from BG
Keldorn, lvl 17
Valygar, lvl 16
Jaheira, lvl 13/13
Imoen, lvl 13/7
Aerie, lvl 15/14

NB I have removed the EXP cap, but that is my only cheat.

Tactics are Suul Yinn scouts, protected by cloak of mirrowing, stone skin and hiding in shadows. Once an enemy is spotted, she casts area spells to soften them if necessary. Typically Greater Malison, Emotion, Cloudkill, Fireball etc depending on target. Jaheira uses insect plague to disable mages and summons fire elementals, before closing in h-to-h. Keldorn wields Carsomyr and is equipped with boots of speed, regeneration ring, red dragon armour etc. Valgar dual wields Celestial fury and his family Katana. Both fighters have boots of the Cheetah and wade in rapidly, often wiping out the enemy before they can react. They killed an elder orb in 1 round before he could blink! Aerie is used as backup, casting defensive spells and breach etc and in her anti-undead role, ie turning and casting false dawn or sunray. Imoen is also used in a similar role, targeting the tougher targets.

I tend to dispose of mages first, as they have the potential of dominating my fighters and using area spells. Often I use one 2nd line NPC to fire missiles at mages to disrupt their spell-casting.

Favourite spells: Malison, Emotion, Chaos, Sunray, Summon Elemental(cleric), haste, Insect Plague, Domination

omegadawn 11-23-2000 10:26 PM

Viconia is better one on one versus Anonmen, but the topic here is Party combinations. If you are taking alignment into account when constructing a party, Anomen is the only good aligned only choice to reach high lvl with a priest. ( unless you play one as the protaginist)

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