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Lisyra 10-15-2000 04:21 PM

Does anyone knows what the extra CD(s)in the collector edition is/are exactly?

Ive heard they contain extra items and npcs for the game, and if thats true, frankly i think its pretty cheap to allow only a minority to enjoy the full game. I personally didnt wanted to wait to get the collector edition and i dont trust the system enough to order things with my credit card on the net.

If its only sound track CDs and such, though, i woudnt complain

If its gameplay elements though, Id also like to heard about where I could download the extra CDs, and more especially if it would work with the un-hacked game. If anyone using the ordinary version found the bonus CDs and menaged to install them, id like to hear about it

Thanks for the help guys. I dont really like the idea of having only a partial product: i want to squeeze the most gameplay possible out of this game.

Anselm 10-15-2000 05:16 PM

I have the Collector's edition, which comes with a bonus CD. The bonus CD only contains audiotracks and promotional materials (nothing that you would not find on websites). The collectors edition, does have an extra store in the Adventure's Mart. The store is way cool, especially for Planescape: Torment fans such as myself. They sell items such as the Zerth Blade of Dakkan, Vaihlor's Helm, Harmonium Halbreds, Mercykiller rings, etc. The cost for these items are prohibitively expensive, and the store disables your ability to steal. So only till the late game can you pick em up.

Uncle Lester 10-16-2000 12:00 AM

Well, Lisyra, if I were you, I wouldn't display that file on a web-page because Bioware is acting like a bunch of jerks again, they are demanding that the file is removed from all of the sites. Kinda like that second expansion pack for BG, first it was ok to download it from the net but suddenly it was removed due to "legal problems with Bioware and Black Isle". I still haven't had a reply from Bioware what the legal problem was. Guess it was a pain in their **s because it was free to download and NOT a legal problem!

Tobbin 10-16-2000 01:02 AM

The bonus CD also has an extra merchant. This will give you 10 more items that you can buy too, but really, they aren't that necessary. I mean, the +5 sling of Everard is pretty cool (never runs out of ammo), but you don't really have to have it. There are some places on the web that you can download them (bonus CD's) from and yes, it will work with the unhacked version of BGII. I got the collectors edition and was able to find the bonus CD online. It's normally a setup file that will self install. At first I didn't think it did anything cause it runs and then it's done. You won't notice til you find the merchants where they weren't at before. Either way, you still have to buy the items. They don't come too cheap either. Most of the items are like +3 and do different kinds of damage. There's like a +3 axe that does acid damage or something like that, but I found the +3 flail from the de'Arnise keep and it seems to work pretty good for me. There are some other +3 axes and stuff in the keep too. Gobs plenty of spells, etc. I tried e-mailing Black Isle and asking about getting the CD's as a replacement to the 10 dollar refund from buying BGII and IceWind Dale at the same time, but they just sent me a catalog in the mail. Go figure. If you know of anyone that ordered it online and did get both the CD's, you could just borrow from them too. I have a copy of the bonus CD that I d/l'ed from the web. If you like, I could e-mail it to you. Just give me a heads up so I can tell you when I send.

Tobbin 10-16-2000 01:03 AM

Oh right, the merchant that you get with the bonus CD seems to mainly have ICEWIND DALE kinda items too. Just a heads up.

Lisyra 10-16-2000 01:24 AM

Awesome, thats exactly what I wanted to know .

Ive tried to look on the net for the Bonus CD, but unfortunately I just seem to be cursed when it comes to finding things on the net.

If anyone has an URL for the file handy, it would be great to share it with us.

Im happy that its just a merchant, it would have been unfair to cut most people from quests and such. On the other hand, if i get this to work, ill have something to do with all my extra gold I have almost 800k now, money is a bit too easy to come by.

UnForGiven 10-16-2000 02:40 AM

yeh, i second to that, if anyone knows the address of a site which u can download the collectors addition cd then plz post the whereabouts.

Tobbin 10-16-2000 05:53 AM

Well, I went and looked where I got the file from, but Interplay shut down that file there. It was at

I guess they do care more about the money than the satisfaction of their customers. I guess I should just be happy that I got it when I did. Sad thing is that I have plenty of money for the game (whether pre-order or not), just didn't have a credit card. Feel like I was being penalized for this. I did buy the Collector's edition though. I can still send it to you if you like though (Bonus CD stuff I mean). I dont know what is needed from the Collector's CD, so I can't do much there, but hey, the Bonus CD was supposed to be given away free with the game anyway. Maybe for pre-orders, dunno, but it was still free.

Lisyra 10-16-2000 09:17 AM

Shut down eh? Well at least its certainly still somewhere on the net

I dont want to bother you with this, but if you have a little time and a high speed connection, perhaps youd accept to send me the file via email?

My adress is

Id gladly put it on a FTP then and allow everyone who wants to download it. Or if you can, perhaps you could do that yourself

Thank you,

Lisyra 10-16-2000 01:51 PM

Well, Id like to thank the person who tried to send me the files via email. Unfortunately though, the email had no file attached... I dont know what the problem is, possibly the hotmail servers blocked the file because of its size, or perhaps you forgot to attach the files... .

I still appreciate the effort though. I'll keep looking, it has to be somewhere.


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