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pritchke 10-22-2005 01:44 AM

<font face="Verdana" size="3" color="#00FF00">Went and saw this today and I thought it was a pretty good action movie with a twist towards the end. There was even a few scenes were you felt like you were actually playing the game. Not a great or indepth story but great mindless action with a few bits of chesse tossed in. (6.5/10)

There was also a preview for the second Underworld movie which looks like it will be better than the first.</font>

[ 10-22-2005, 01:46 AM: Message edited by: pritchke ]

Balintherlas 10-28-2005 12:10 AM

Yea, I saw it the other day and thought it was a pretty good action movie. Especially with that first-person view in the end.

Larry_OHF 10-28-2005 12:14 AM

I'll try to be going this weekend.

Thoran 10-28-2005 03:39 PM

I watched it tuesday... not a bad brianless action flick, oscar material compared to the dross hollywood has been putting out lately.

Hivetyrant 10-30-2005 11:17 PM

I went into the cinema with some doubts about how this would turn out (plus I had read countless bad reviews) But I think that even though there was no Hell or demons, te movie kicked ass.

Excellent action, excellent visual effects, I did notice some of the camera work at the begining was a bit dodgy (lots of small movement) but apart from that its definantly on my "to buy" list.

I would recomend this to any action film fans, and all the Doom fans out there ;)

Morgeruat 10-31-2005 01:42 PM

Some offensive content, but otherwise hilarious review of the movie.

Elif Godson 11-03-2005 11:31 AM

I have heard several mixed views on the movie, mostly about the end of the movie though

Timber Loftis 11-04-2005 01:58 PM

OMG, thats an AWESOME review Morgie! [img]graemlins/1drinkspit.gif[/img] "The Peoples Eyebrow."


but before, pirates operated on the Sneakernet; they copied that floppy and handed it to a buddy. The really industrious ones had a BBS, offering a cracked version of Wolfenstein 3D when they weren't running a multi-user dungeon. DOOM was the game everybody pirated, the game that your friend shoved into your hand and said "forget about what you're doing, just install this." It was one of those revolutionary games that ushered in a new era of gaming, and simultaneously became the symbol for parents and politicians of all that is wrong with this country. Children committing illegal activities to acquire this ultra-violent murder simulator? Why that's outrageous! We should ban all violent content from videogames at once! Our kids were so well behaved until id Software existed.
Exactly! I knew hundreds of people who had Doom, yet I knew no one who actually BOUGHT the game. And, the Doom craze was amazing -- everyone was in on it. And, he's right, you do play it best with Pantera blasting in the background.

Kyrvias 11-09-2005 11:30 AM

I bought the game!

CerebroDragon 11-16-2005 01:30 AM

Saw the film last night, was pleasantly surprised in moments since I left my brain at the door.

I thought the general atmosphere was fairly well done. Take some horror elements from Alien, the hunting down one by one and gore aspects of Predator and maybe sprinke a little bit of decayed cheese from Resident Evil with semi-intelligble sci-fi babble and you're about half way there. ;)

I was a bit disappointed with the lack of referrences to the games however. I mean respect where its deserved - there'd be no film without the games. We got Dr Carmack, yet where was Dr Romero? [img]tongue.gif[/img]

Some beefed up industrial remixes of the original two games themes would have gone down a treat, rather than an unrelated soundtrack which at times sounded a bit weak and thin. The E1M8 theme in particular would have been beautiful for the credits music!

Although the first person sequences were effective, I wasn't much keen on the ending.
The final fight was a bit overly machoistic and silly really. I think the CyberDemon or the SpiderDemon would have been far more appropriate rather than have the flimsy plot device of making the Sarge turn psychotic just so we can have the patronising sense of justification in seeing him die. I saw it coming a mile away.

However, Sarge's bewildered line of "Awwww, s*it", when taking hold of the BFG give me the snickers.

Overall, a half-decent effort. I love the games dearly - own them all bar the third one.
but I wasn't expecting that much with this. I can honestly say I was entertained on some level.

Dare I say sequel? Well, if there is, I want more misanthropic oblivion with a closer relationship to the games. :D

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