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LordKathen 11-04-2002 08:51 PM

My computer just crashed today, and I lost everything!!!!!! I had to reformat. I'm so depressed, no, PISSED. I was almost done with NWN to! CRAPCRAPCRAP!!! Is there a support group for crash victoms out there? DAMN!

Chewbacca 11-04-2002 09:03 PM

I feel your pain. :( May you find swift recovery!

LordKathen 11-04-2002 09:54 PM

Thanks, Im feeling a little better.

Wurm 11-05-2002 09:31 AM

Sorry to hear it :(

Its happened to me a while back as well..

I now burn all my saved games once a week onto CD-Rom [img]smile.gif[/img]

Gimli 11-06-2002 03:46 PM

That sucks, sorry to hear it :( I try to FTP my saved games every now and then to another machine just in case.

Dagorion 11-08-2002 08:58 PM

Ouch, that has got to hurt. Thankfully it has never happened to me. But if it did then I really wouldn’t care, this comp really needs a bit of a brainwash anyway. I once got an email with a fake virus in it that came up with a little box saying "Do you want to delete windows" (Not that it really gave me a choice [img]tongue.gif[/img] ) and I surprised myself by screaming with joy :D But then I was informed that it was only a game. :(

LordKathen 11-09-2002 12:35 PM


Ishanda 11-13-2002 01:28 AM

I'll tell you a small story about crashes. My very first computer in 1986 was a Sinclair ZX80.

For those that do not know, it plugged into a TV, had 16Kb (!!!) total memory ran at a speed in the region of 1Khz, had no storage medium save for a tape drive. It had a transformer power suppply which was very edgy. Programs for it were kinda rare. One evening my brother and I spent 6 hours programming a flight simulator into it (you had to program everything in BASIC, then save it on the tape drive, then run it), when he accidentally touched the power supply. BLIP...gone.

To be truthful, that sort of thing happened MANY times., but we just started over again from scratch.

Today it is easy. And we are spoiled.

On the same note I have to say this, after I had the ZX80 I got myself a Spectrum 48. (memory 48kb). If you never knew this baby, let me tell you, it is shocking to know how much code they crammed into the small 48kb memory.

So take NWN as an example. I think programmers are spoilt by having no hardware restrictions. I can ABSOLUTELY GAURANTEE that if you stopped getting hardware advances that within a year you would see games that are worlds more superior, far better graphics, runs without bugs, the whole lot. See this is what happens to things like a Playstation. They have limits so they have to program intelligently. I can not understand for the life of me why some games on a PS2 look far better than ANYTHING I have yet seen on a PC when my PC is 5 times more capable than a PS2 in the Hardware department. Programmers have become lazy. In the old days it used to be rocket science, now it is just like learning a language - everyone can do it, few are good at it.

Bring back the days of Assembler, I'd like to see these guys programming straight in that.

Glorfindel 11-13-2002 01:55 AM

<font color="lawngreen" face="trebuchet MS"> Ack, Bad luck mate. My comp crashes all the time but Ive never lost all my information.... musta cut ya deep :( </font>

Granamere 11-14-2002 06:48 PM

If you have an old hard drive you could put it in the computer and use it to copy important stuff over to for backup. Also if you have not reformated yet you could set aside some room on the same hard drive for a differnt partition (AKA another drive letter) in case your system partition crashes. This will not help you if the hard drive itself dies. Also Norton Utilites could be worth the money because if ran regulary it can fix some of the stuff before it crashes you.
Sorry it happened to you.

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