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Silver-Wolf 11-04-2002 02:50 AM

Hello peoples. I just wanted to know some of your guys opinion about NWN. Ive been playing IceWind Dale 2 for awhile but got kind of bored of it. SO time for a new game. NWN uses 3ed rules to doesnt it?

Angelousss 11-04-2002 03:04 AM

it sure does, I have no opinion though since i don't own the game. but i know it uses 3rd edition rules

Memnoch 11-04-2002 04:02 AM


Originally posted by Silver-Wolf:
Hello peoples. I just wanted to know some of your guys opinion about NWN. Ive been playing IceWind Dale 2 for awhile but got kind of bored of it. SO time for a new game. NWN uses 3ed rules to doesnt it?
NWN uses 3rd Ed rules.

Before buying NWN, you need to ask yourself two things:

1. Am I willing to play multiplayer online?
2. Am I planning to create my own mods, or alternatively play other people's mods (either singleplayer or multiplayer online)?

If either of the answers is no, if you're planning to get it and play it as a singleplayer adventure, and you're not planning to play multiplayer or downloading other people's mods to play, then you will probably not get the most out of it. The official singleplayer campaign is not what you'd call an epic - it's there as an introduction (albeit a long and detailed one) to NWN. If you're buying it purely to play out of the box then I would say that there are better games out there.

The TRUE strength of NWN is in the multiplayer aspect, and in the Toolset, which will allow you to create your own modules. If you are at all interested in either of those then NWN will be the best investment you'll ever make - you will become positively addicted to it. :D

Darkman 11-04-2002 02:45 PM

I would definately buy this game. It has only been out for 4 or 5 months and there are already over 1,500 user-created mods available for download. It's the game that keeps giving. Granted, most of those mods are not high quality, but some of them are really good and you'll find a pretty large variety of module types to suite your needs. One thing you should keep in mind though, is that single player NWN is not party-based game like BG or IWD. In single player, you have only yourself and one henchmen, plus any summmons/animal companions/familiars.

Sir Taliesin 11-04-2002 04:56 PM

<FONT COLOR=ORANGE>I bought last weekend. It just took me ALL WEEK LONG TO GET THE STUPID THING RUNNING! But now that it is... It's VERY COOL! I'm looking forward to playing and making mods for it too! Great idea they had, about putting in a module design package! Hat's off to'em!

Just don't get to frustrated by the tech support (Non existant! Finally found out the answer to my problem, buried in the Tech Self Help Forum.) Worst tech support I've ever seen!</font>

Garnet FalconDance 11-04-2002 05:08 PM

Definitely worth getting even though I agree with Memnoch regarding the multiplay aspect. We only multi amongst the family at this point, but it is SO great (good clean fun :D is so hard to find that spans generations with a teenage boy!!!) Still, even at solo it's well worth every penny. Now, if I could just figure out the coding so I can make my own little adventures......(there are several well done mods out there to dl and some real stinkers. Take your time and be prepared to enjoy yourself)

Ronn_Bman 11-04-2002 08:00 PM

Memnoch's post says it all, but...

I would have bought it for the solo adventure alone. I've certainly paid as much for games that SUCKED!

Everything above and beyond the solo mod, makes it the best D&D game of the new millenium(so far, of course). :D

[ 11-04-2002, 08:02 PM: Message edited by: Ronn_Bman ]

Lord Lothar 11-04-2002 08:39 PM

I borrowed it from a friend to test it out and I didn't like it at all. The story wasn't all that exciting or original (Heretic 2 had a similar plotline). I also missed the party aspect that BG2 and IWD had. I also disliked the 3rd Ed rules. I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone but thats just my 2 cents.

sep257 11-04-2002 11:20 PM

Snag a sealed copy off eBay. I got mine for 27 bucks and its worth every penny. i love everything about the game.

Silver-Wolf 11-05-2002 01:57 AM

Thx for the replys guys. I did end up buying the game, but my video card sucks. Luckily I already have one that works that I bought acouple of weeks ago, but im to lazy to install the new thing at the moment.

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