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somebody 07-04-2002 12:14 AM

Lately I've been thinking about getting a new game. i absolutly loved wizards and warriors and also the baldur gate series. im wondering what other rgp's there are out there like these ones? icewind gale i found to be too easy and dont really like the action rpg's like diablo. anyone have any good suggestions,


[ 07-04-2002, 12:15 AM: Message edited by: somebody ]

Radek 07-04-2002 03:59 AM

Another good RPGs are the Might and Magic games. MM7 is "WOW!". MM8 is "eh? wow?!" (it's good but far less good than MM7). I have no experience with MM9 (it is not sold in Prague so far). Also, I have no experience with MM games before MM7 but they are reported to be "WOW!" as well.
Note: Distinguish between Might and Magic and Heroes of Might and Magic. MM is an RPG. HoMM is a strategy game.

WillowIX 07-04-2002 04:43 AM

There are lots of good RPG games out there. Unfortunately I donīt agree with Radek about the MM series. MM1-MM6 were good, some of them excellent, then they go down in quality. MM7 can be played though. Iīd strongly suggest "The Elder Scrolls" series. Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind came about two months ago, and itīs indescribable!!!! Thereīs several towns and villages, not just 3 lol, an endless amount of quests and a huge world to explore. The 2nd game in this serie is of course Daggerfall, which I also highly recommend. Theh thereīs the Thief games, 1 and 2 is out and 3 is coming soon to my great expectation!!! They are a bit hard to explain, thief is a mixture of action, adventure and RPG so (sort of like system shock, but even more RPG like) maybe you wonīt like them but they are great! Iīll just quote this line from Thief 2īs manual

This game is a first person sneaker
That says it all, lol! Then thereīs Asheronīs Call, an online RPG that never ends (I DO mean NEVER!). Not one of my favs but lots of people love it. Legacy of Kain is also good, a bit old now perhaps but still. And though itīs not strictly an RPG I MUST recommend Dungeon Siege! Itīs the game of the year, trust me!!!

Packrat 07-04-2002 06:52 AM

As far as the MM series....
MM7 was the best...Slow start and an eh, ending. It got me hooked on RPG's and got my ex hooked on...Arcomage.
MM6 was a very close second...
MM8 could have been great...I didn't like the manditory NPC's and I hated the complex mechanics in the 'hive'. (too much 'button mashing')

Another Great RPG is 'Ultima IX, ascension'...Good story line, Great puzzles and an expandable pack. (if you try this 'custom install' and include the movies.)

Radek 07-04-2002 08:39 AM

As far as TES are concerned, yes they are great. TES Arena was my first RPG and it caused my addiction to good RPGs. In some sense, TES Arena is worse than heroine. TES Daggerfall was, IMHO, not so good: super huge dungeons (so that you were unable to exploit them completely) but all of them awfuly super the same. TES Morrowind: the same story as with MM9. Our game market is monopolized to large extent so that if they decide to translate the manual then we have to wait until they release the "localized" version. I am left with running arround the shops with enough money in my hand and waiting for the Day 'D'. But this is not what I wanted to write about. You might experience considerable problems when you run Arena and Daggerfall on contemporary computers.
1. TES Arena: if you have a PS/2 mouse (and who does not have a PS/2 mouse nowadays?) then the game might tell you that you haven't enough memory (even if you have enough memory - Arena wants 603 KB of conventional memory) and quit. I suspect the EBIOS area stored at the end of the conventional memory. Perhaps, Arena makes a mistake when it evaluates the amount of available memory. Arena runs without problems with a COM mouse.
2. TES Daggerfall: too jerky in the DOS session under OS/2. I haven't tried Daggerfall under Windows. Worse, if you have a faster processor (I have PIII 550) then the game locks frequently when you attempt to backtrack: you command "Back! Now!" and - nothing happens. This is not the problem of the mouse. I tried both PS/2 and COM mouses. Also, it is not a problem of an emulated session. I tried pure DOS as well. I've never seen the problem when I run with P233 MMX.
Moreover, because both Arena and Daggerfall are DOS games, you can experience problems with the sound card. If your sound card emulates SB16 then all is fine but if it does not...

Wyvern 07-04-2002 09:24 AM

I find it always very difficult to recommend ComputerRPGs to others especially since I'm no longer the addict I once was. Back in the 80s I played everything. THese days, I play few and haven't bothered to finish most that I've started. W&W is the only CRPG I have played start to finish in a long time.

Check out the Wiz 8 board and see if what they are saying makes you interested. I started this one and it has many good elements but I dropped it when the mix of sci-fi and fantasy became too much for my own preferences.

My husband bought me a copy of Morrowind but I haven't even opened the box. I loved Arena. That was a fun game! Daggerfall was too big and contained dungeons that were unresolvable. I did press on in the game for a while but after I had become rich enough to buy my own mansion in town and found that having it caused the game to crash every time I went there, I uninstalled the game. From what I have heard of Morrowind, it is huge and I'm not into career RPG. ;) I like a game I can play and finish over a couple of weeks, not months!

Best advice is to skip the reviews and go read the boards on any particular game. You get a much better feel of what the good and bad points are to a game from the boards than you will in any review.

Hope you find something and if you do, let us know!!


Radek 07-04-2002 09:45 AM

Vyw, TES Daggerfall needs a patch - it is unplayable without it. I have a patch to version 2.23 (or 2.26? - I am not sure now). No more crashes in houses, no more unresolvable dungeons, well, no less crashes in general (we all know that Dagerfall is nomen omen - the game crashes permanently). I can send the patch if you want.

somebody 07-07-2002 04:26 AM

hey, thanks for the replies guys and girls [img]smile.gif[/img]

willow, definetly gonna try asherons call i think because you made it sound good and i always wanted to try an online game. isnt dugeon siege like an action rpg though?

radek, whats this about heroine? arena i havent gave a try yet and am very intrested in that one too. i remember hearing it took like 5 yrs to make or something.

wyvern, lol, i think if i had mirrowwind i would rip that box open, your crazy not to give it a try.

WillowIX 07-07-2002 04:35 AM

The weirdest part is that I got asheronīs call on my dungeon siege cd. I broewsed the cd a bit and found a file called acsetup. I tried it and it installed Asheronīs call :D :D Two games for the price of one, does it get any better?? :D

[ 07-07-2002, 04:35 AM: Message edited by: WillowIX ]

KAR_MOD1 07-07-2002 01:20 PM


And though itīs not strictly an RPG I MUST recommend Dungeon Siege! Itīs the game of the year, trust me!!
Its an action rpg he probably wouldnt like it

icewind gale i found to be too easy and dont really like the action rpg's like diablo.
I suggest gettign Neverwinter Nights.. It's one of the best rpg's in the market right now.

[ 07-07-2002, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: KAR_MOD1 ]

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