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Sazerac 05-22-2001 11:29 PM

Sazerac, Editor
Contributing Photojournalists: Sauron, Skywalker (Mark), and Sazerac

<h2>Lord Barrenhawk Calls for a "Keep Gael Serran Clean" Week</h2>

Hail good citizens of Ishad N'ha, and the rest of the Gael Serran! I am Lord Barrenhawk, wishing you good tidings on this fine day.

It has come to my attention, through my esteemed contemporaries Sir Eustace Elgar of Valeia and Duke Roland Brinsly of Brimloch Roon, that travelers and adventurers are getting careless with leaving the countryside untidy. Certain unfavorable habits are starting to result in the accumulation shall we say...litter throughout our countryside. Now that the blight that was once the Serpent Temple has been eradicated from our lands, it's time to concentrate on more domestic issues.

Therefore, I, along with Duke Brinsly and Sir Elgar, do proclaim next week to be "Keep Gael Serran Clean" week. It is vital that we all do our parts to help preserve the environment of our beautiful land to preserve it for the posterity of all future heroes and adventurers who shall travel through it.

There are several points that I and my colleagues would like to bring up. First, we ask that the parking of Über-horses on city walls must immediately cease and desist. Sir Elgar has just provided me evidence of this practice in a missive that was delivered to me from an adventuring party from Valeia:

Yes, we all know that they can climb. The Castle Shurugeon trick was funny. But hasn't the joke gotten a little old, my people? We are now getting complaints from travelers passing through the gates getting splattered with "horse knobs" and "road apples", not to mention that the smell and general hygiene of the city is being compromised.

There is plenty of room in the neutral area just outside each pair of city gates to park your horses. Please use them for their intended purpose.

Second: again, on the issue of animal droppings: Duke Brinsly has asked that seafarers curb the feeding of birds and other wildlife from aboard ships. Aside from it being a safety hazard with their droppings on the slippery decks, the creatures are getting used to it and are following the ships back to Brimloch Roon harbor, where they are making a general nuisance of themselves.

The birds, upon arriving at Brimloch Roon harbor, tend to congregate around the port gates, squawking and chirping and making no end of racket all day and all night, and have taken to swooping and pecking at dockside workers and tourists. Duchess Brinsly herself was swarmed upon by the hungry avians while taking a stroll along the boardwalk, and received several pecks upon her rather ample rumpus before being able to beat a hasty retreat to safety in the Bushi Dojo. The duchess is rather indignant about the whole occurrence, and Duke Brinsly is doing his best to restore order within his town. So please, kind folks, remember to practice good habits and not attrack the wild birds to our harbors.

We have also received a rather grave report from a group of adventurers sojourning in the Enchanted Isles. Apparently, several of the unusual "piles of sand" surrounding the ancient Shrine of Isis/Anephas are being used as litterboxes by the local longtooth population.

The Shrine of Anephas is a most august, revered, sacred, and historically important monument to the history of the Gael Serran. We have already had to chase stouts away from it from storming it to eat the rats that were residing on it, and now the areas directly in front of it are being used as longtooth toilets. Reports have come in that one pirate, Talrik, is single-handedly responsible for breeding and loosing what he calls "leppids" out on the isles, where they are disrupting the ecology and making a general mess of the environment. We cannot have the Shrine of Anephas defaced by longtooth poop! We therefore call for volunteers to journey out to the Enchanted Isle to help clean up the "piles of sand" that are out there. Discretion must be used, of course. Not all sand piles may contain "leppid" surprises, but one must be ever watchful of where one plants one's feet.

We are pleased to announce that we are getting full cooperation from the toads of Toad Village in our "clean-up" program. Under Shinwiki's direction, the toads have enthusiastically "taken the ball" so to speak and are busy cleaning up the areas around Valeia. Some eager toads have gone so far as to dive underwater with spears, cleaning up the trash and debris that have collected in the lagoons around the Caves of Ishad N'ha. Thank you, toads!
"No Mess With Gael Serran--it's Baada-Ookey!" "*croak*"

Now I know if the Toads can do it, then so can all of us! Join with us this week in helping keep our fair land clean and preserved for your posterity! Remember...only you can make a difference! Thank you, and I hope to see you at the "Keep Gael Serran Clean" week activities!

--Lord Dudley Barrenhawk, Governor of Ishad N'ha.


Keep watching for updates to The Gael Serran Examiner. Remember: Minds that need examining want to KNOW!

-Sazerac, Editor

[This message has been edited by Sazerac (edited 05-22-2001).]

Moni 05-22-2001 11:47 PM

Hilarious Edition as usual!

Just a note though...I clean out a rarely used cat box here at home...Lord Barrenhawk wants the poop scooped, let him do it himself!

mikeyg123 05-23-2001 12:03 AM

pretty funny man.... but it makes me wonder if u acually play the game ne more, or just like taking funny pictures!! lol

but still very funny

"if u dont like sex,.... get out of the kitchen!!!"

Sazerac 05-23-2001 12:48 AM

LOL Mikeyg, actually most of them are sent in to me! I may take a shot or two, but a lot of the "funny pics" are from "my" photojournalists, such as Mark (Skywalker), Carg, Sauron, and even Wyvern.


skywalker 05-23-2001 05:21 AM

Thanx, for the recognition Saz.

Sometimes getting those photos can be downright dangerous. Have you ever surprised a Longtooth while they were squatting at a "litterbox"? I can't begin to count how many stiches.....


adam warlock 05-23-2001 08:24 AM

I better watch my step

...and where I drop my useless items....


Wyvern 05-23-2001 08:59 AM


What's next? Recycling??

Great issue!!!!



adam warlock 05-23-2001 09:05 AM

is there a trashcan they could put their litter in?

Sazerac 05-25-2001 06:48 PM

Just bumping up for Jafin and others...


Wyvern 05-25-2001 06:50 PM

adam - maybe that's a MOD that mortification could add!



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