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Davros 01-07-2001 06:48 PM

On my replay, I decided not to simply wander around the temple and wait for my good old friend "monkey with object" to cross my path. On entering, I made a beeline to the monkey room. After dispatching the other furry critters I took one step towards this guy and he shot off. I took off after him, holding the shift key down, racing around corner after corner, ignoring friendly priests who named me defiler and cast their helpful venom bite spells at me. It was funny - like one of those old chase scenes, no matter how fast I ran, you only ever got a glimpse a flashing mankey rounding another corner in front of you.

I caught him briefly in the 6 room puzzle area and thought I would pin him down with a flame drop, but he hops straight out of those (note, try plan B). Had 5 priests attacking me, but all the focus was on the monkey - ran back out ignoring all the calls of defiler and unbeliever. Followed the little critter all the way back through where you meet Krueg and back to the serpent incense room before I finally got a blow in that snuffed him. Then before I could pick up my idol, all the priests that were following in our wake, descended on me in righteous wrath - eight in all became attached to me on this little mix between a cross country and a sprint. Unfortunately 3 of them were the locust swarm variety, but in a magnificent struggle, my party survived by the barest of margins (2 alive and deep in red). Micheal Johnston has some competition.

Moni 01-07-2001 07:06 PM

Wow! How Exciting!
I chased that lil monkey as far as the 6 room puzzle door and backstabbed him to death while he unwittingly tried (continously) to run through one of the shut doors.
Lucky for me the dowry priest had not labeled me a defiler at that point and no one cared that I was whacking away on some helpless Naga snack whilst all the while contemplating THIER doom!
: )

adam mage 01-07-2001 08:28 PM

Yeah... luckily I got the monkey alone...
I trapped the monkey in the room with all the coin trick doors.
I stood in the hallway and prepared myself to target that ******g monkey.
while the monkey is heading away from me I used the spell 'Flamestrike'

fried the monkey

Mammawlin 01-07-2001 10:12 PM

LOL Man you ain't kidding - that monkey sure can RUN! When my husband was chasing the little aggravator around, he was using some pretty choice words of his own - I just sat watching, trying not to laugh - since my husband didn't think it was funny at the time, and I said, "Boy honey, we sure are having some fun now, huh?" However, while reading your rendition of the chase, Davros, hubby is laughing like a hyienna (sp?}, (not sure of spelling, but you get the picture.} As Moni would say "LMAO"!

Lily the Ranger 01-08-2001 01:33 AM

ROFLOLWP! Davros is an inspiration in perspiration! Perhaps they will start an Olympic event in your honor the _____ meter Monkey Dash! I am looking forward to my second chance at catching the little rascal!

Wyvern 01-08-2001 01:42 AM


Nicely described!!! Is this going to go on slip's site as it should???


Mammawlin 01-08-2001 01:50 PM

Back to the top you go so Slip can grab you up. . . haven't seen him for awhile. . . Hey Slip, are you there???

Gauleiter 01-08-2001 02:41 PM

Slow... low level Vine spell... makes him about like a regular monkey.

I also got him trapped in the coin/lever storage area and fried the little guy with Flamestrike get him in a room with only one exit and you've got it made

Serath 01-08-2001 02:47 PM

I stood in the hall and waited for him to reverse his course and come running back. I proceeded to nail him when he tried to run past me. Nothing stops a monkey quite like being clotheslined with a long sword.


Lily the Ranger 01-08-2001 02:51 PM


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