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kev 04-25-2005 11:16 PM

Gday all
I have just started playing IWD2 but have run into trouble already. I hope that someone can help.
When I try to enter the tunnel under the warehouse in chapter 1 the game crashes & I get the following message "An assertion failed in ChDimm.cpp at line number 11308"
My game has the 2.01 patch and the drivers for the videao card, sound, monitor, motherboard are all up to date.
PC specs soltek mrn-l 75 mainboard
amd xp 2600+ cpu
geforce 256 video card
512 mb ram
40gb hdd with 20gb free
I had to load the game 3 times because it would stop loading at 78% I am hoping that I dont have a defective disk because it is second hand.
I have tried dropping the colour to 16 bit but that didnt help.

ZFR 04-26-2005 05:29 AM

Did you try reinstall (back-up saved games first)?

The bad news is it does seem like a defective disc.

The good news is it can be solved (quite easily).

a) Try using one of those CD repair kits. That worked for me. I heard putting CD in freezer might help though it never worked for me.


b) Open you IWD2 folder on your HD. You should find a 'data' folder or somesuch. Open it and you should find many files starting with AR####.dat
Open your CD and find the folder which contain those same files (AR####.dat).
Now copy those files from CD to HD.
If it works try the game again.
If you cant copy (prooving CD is defective) then try copying them one by one. Note down the names of those files which you cant copy and post them here. Someone could send them to you. (I could do it myself if small enough - still using dial-up here).
(NOTE: I dont have the game installed so cant be sure of how the folders are. I think in the main IWD folder there is a folder 'data' for files from CD1 and a folder CD2/data for files from CD2. I'm sure you'll find your way around.)

And whatever happens you might want to back-up your saves. Just in case.

kev 04-27-2005 09:08 AM

Gday ZFR
Thanks for your help. It appears that I had problems with 2 files.
SND.vo.bif & END.mve
I did a maintenance reinstall using a program called "regseeker" This managed to repair the game enough to get past my sticking point.
It couldn't repair END.mve but ignored it. I suspect that that file is the end movie in which case it wont affect me until the end of the game.
It is too big to email 25mb.
It is great to be able to come to a forum like this one and be put on the right track when you have a problem.

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