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NobleNick 10-10-2002 02:53 PM

<font color = mediumspringgreen>Here is a list of the Bard's songs, about which I have questions:

* The Ballad of Three Heroes<font size = 1> : Bards start the game with the ability to play this ballad. When the Ballad of Three Heroes is played, all the bards allies gain +1 to hit, +1 damage, and +1 saving throws. It lasts as long as they continue playing. If they attempt to do something else (like move, attack, etc.) they stop playing.

* <font size = 2>The Tale of Curran Strongheart<font size = 1>: Bards gain this song at 3rd level. When the Tale of Curran Strongheart is being played, any fear effect on the bards' allies are removed and they gain an immunity to fear effects for as long as the song lasts.

* <font size = 2>Tymora's Melody<font size = 1>: Bards gain this song at 5th level. When played, Tymora's Melody gives the bards' allies +1 luck, +3 saving throws, and +10% to their lore skill and thief skills.

* <font size = 2>The Song of Kaudies<font size = 1>: Bards gain this song at 7th level. When the Song of Kaudies is played, the bards' allies gain a 50% chance to shrug off the effects of spells such as Silence, Shout, Great Shout, Command, or any other sound-based attacks.

* <font size = 2>The Siren's Yearning<font size = 1>: Bards gain the Siren's Yearning at 9th level. When played, the bards’ enemies must save vs. spell or be enthralled, unable to take action unless 1 turn passes or they take damage.

* <font size = 2>War Chant of Sith<font size = 1>: The War Chant of Sith becomes available to bards when they reach 11th level. When played, the bards' allies gain -2 bonus to AC, +10% resistance to slashing, piercing, crushing, and missile attacks, and they regenerate 2 hit points every round.
<font color = mediumspringgreen>
Three questions:

1.) Is any other song, acquired between "Ballad of 3 Heroes" and "Siren's Yearning, worth anything? I just made level 7 and got "Kaudies" and thought, "So what?" I'll keep using my first level ballad until I get "Siren's" at level 9. Has anyone found the songs gained at the 3rd, 5th, and 7th levels useful? Where, When, How?

2.) Does Tymora's help thieves detect traps?

2.) Does "The Ballad of 3 Heroes" (and other buffering ballads) affect summoned monsters, bard's beserkers, etc.?

(BTW - I tried out berserkers for the first time, last night: TOO COOL!! Summon these guys just as you enter the final level of the Black Wolf Temple or the ice cave and see what happens! Heh, heh, heh, a lot easier then the first time I partied here.....)


What's a party,
without a song?
Bard's rock!
Party On!!
<font color = mediumspringgreen> </font>
edited for clarity

[ 10-10-2002, 06:51 PM: Message edited by: NobleNick ]

pritchke 10-10-2002 04:27 PM

1.) Is any other song, acquired between "Ballad of 3 Heroes" and "Siren's Yearning, worth anything? I just made level 7 and got "Kaudies" and thought, "So what?" I'll keep using my first level ballad until I get "Siren's" at level 9. Has anyone found the songs gained at the 3rd, 5th, and 7th levels useful? Where, When, How?

Yes, both The Siren's Yearning, and The Tale of Curran Strongheart I have used
the sirens yearning if my party is swarmed by creaturs and I need a few disabled so I have fewer to handle, and The Tale of Curran Strongheart I use everytime one of my guys has a fear attack on them or I know I am going to be facing a creature that will cast fear or horror. The other two I have barely used but they do have their uses.

2.) Does Tymora's help thieves detect traps? Yes, it helps somewhat

3.) Does "The Ballad of 3 Heroes" (and other buffering ballads) affect summoned monsters, bard's beserkers, etc.?
Yes, all allies and the war chat will heal your summoned creaturs as well when you get that song.

Berserkers are great just wish I could control them.

Dundee Slaytern 10-10-2002 05:44 PM

Got a question. Exactly what does +1 Luck do? The description is a bit vague in the game.

Jim 10-10-2002 06:02 PM


Originally posted by Dundee Slaytern:
Got a question. Exactly what does +1 Luck do? The description is a bit vague in the game.
Increasing ones luck by 1 gives +1 to hit, +1 to all saving throws and gives a 1% bonus to all thieving skills. The latter is absolutely pointless. 101% instead of 100% in open locks really isn't going to make any real difference!

Lord Brass 10-10-2002 06:37 PM

Well you never know when that extra +1 will come in handy Jim! I've used the Song of Kaudies in the area*SPOILERISH*
with all the harpies in TotL. I seemed to remember that it worked in my favour. In the end, you'll use the War Chant, almost to the exclusivity of the others.

Ar-Cunin 10-11-2002 08:46 AM


Kaudis can also be used
on Burial Isle to protect against the wailing virgins.

Cloudbringer 10-11-2002 09:52 AM

Oh yes! I use The Curran Strongheart and Tymora's alot! Luck can't hurt (the +1 is better than nothing!) and definitely the other helps when mages cast horror or some creature causes it and SPOILER





you DO want it on the burial isle! Play it whenever you go underground! :D

Gotta admit, once I got Ssith, I used it alot more than anything else, but they all come in handy and I have used the Siren one a few times as well.

Bards ROCK!

NobleNick 10-11-2002 08:42 PM

<font color = mediumspringgreen>Great, Thanks for spoiling me! (Really, no sarcasm, I wanted to know if I'd EVER use Curran or Kaudies. Now I won't be scratching my head till it bleeds.)

I just got Siren's Yearning and can't wait to test it out!</font>

Lord Brass 10-12-2002 09:49 AM

AFAIK, these songs are used in IWD2, so we still get them! Its a shame that they never bothered with them in BG2 as I understand it. Druids are another class that really does well out of IWD. Thanks Spine of the World!

NobleNick 10-15-2002 11:03 PM

<font color = mediumspringgreen>Woo-o-o-o-o-o Hoooo!

Bree just made level 11 bard and has "War Chant of the Sith." I knew this was going to be a great song; but I had a surprise coming: My party gains hp, even when there is no one around to fight! Hot HEALING Dog!! This is too good to be true! Is this a bug? Gotta be....

I have 600 and some odd days racked up on my party (currently in D.E. level 3), because of resting with no healer. But no more "You rested 29 days," messages. Oh, no.... Just stand around for a bit, listening to, "LA la la la, LA la la la, LA la la la..." and then rest for 8 hours to regain spells. Tell me, is there any need for a cleric in a party that has a level 11 bard? Oh, man, this is GREAT!!!

I have Lyre of Progression, Bardic Horn of Valhalla, and War Chant of the Sith. Is this the zenith for the bard, or are there more mind-blowing tricks up her sleeve? Does the bard keep getting better, in relation to other party members and monsters, or will she be a "has been" by the time I get to lower Dorn's Deep?

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