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Killing Spree 10-12-2001 04:07 PM

(ooc: Those would be the EVER CONFUSING swords of time! Tee hee.)

"A man who won't die for something is not fit to live."

mistral4543 10-12-2001 04:09 PM

(ooc: Just in case the rest didn't read my last post, I'm reproducing it here. And tell me about it, your 3-word chants are a neat trick but I'm losing it...)

~"Mistral!" The booming voice shakes her back to reality and she hurriedly opens her eyes to see Meldrin who has teleported in. ~ "I can feel their presence approaching. Will you come with me to await their arrival in the throne room?" ~ It is not a question, but an order.

With a sense of dismay, she realizes that there is no way she can bring along her weapons without betraying Serephine and the rest. She nods and bends down as if to straighten the folds of her robe, but deftly shoves the swords far towards the wall. For a moment, her heart skips a beat as she wonders if Meldrin has detected this, but fortunately, Lady Luck is with her this time - the dressing table has obscured his view considerably.

Mistral stands up and walks over to the wizard. At the wink of an eye, they have teleported back to the throne room. ~

Larry_OHF 10-12-2001 04:45 PM

<font color="silver">
~Larry looks to K.S patiently

<font color="white">"I am ready when you are.

If I die, let it be no burdon to you.
I am sure you will survive and set things right."</font>

Killing Spree 10-12-2001 04:50 PM

ooc: ~whistle whistle whistle~ Where's is that boy? DEITER!!!! ~sends pack of rabid chihuahuas to hunt for him.~

mistral4543 10-12-2001 04:57 PM

(ooc: This is the first time I'm going to be playing 2 characters at battle... should be interesting... erm, don't be too harsh on me if it's too tough/easy, will ya?

Deiter, pls pls come here! I promise not to let your character be walloped too hard!!

Deiter Leafblade 10-12-2001 05:00 PM

ooc: Lol im here

-He checked his things quickly then nodded at Larry"I'm ready also."


" If you are guided by the stars, you will only be able to travel by night. If you are guided by a map, you will be dependant on a piece of paper that is easily lost. If you are guided by your soul, you will always choose the right path."

Killing Spree 10-12-2001 05:15 PM

(ooc: Rabid chihuahuas yip and bite at Deiter's shins. DOWN MY FROTHING CHILDREN!)

~She stands tall with the aid of Ravenwood.~ "A'ight then..." ~She looks worridly at her surroundings then turns to Larry.~ "I only suggest you watch your tongue. And... And do what you think is right." ~She then turns to Deiter.~ "You be careful..." ~She looks him straight in the eye.~ "I'd kill myself a-hundred times over if something happend to you." ~She takes a deep breath.~ "Let's go then gentlemen."

Larry_OHF 10-12-2001 05:16 PM

<font color="silver">Larry takes out the portal stone and looks at the wall.</font>

<font color="white">"Right. Lets go. ..uhh,...who's first"???</font>

<font color="silver">He says as the portal opens to them...</font>

[This message has been edited by Larry_OHF (edited 10-12-2001).]

Killing Spree 10-12-2001 05:22 PM

~She grimaces, stepping forward.~ "I'll go..." ~She takes the stone in hand, saying a prayer to Mielikki before stepping through the wall. The stone drops to the ground waiting for the next to go.~


~She gasps for air, she was underwater. She worries not for herself but for those unknowingly walking into this death. She swallows the air, her scythe glowing faintly. She waits for the others to come, searching for nearby exits.~

Larry_OHF 10-12-2001 05:25 PM

<font color="silver">Larry is the next in suit.
He picks up the stone, and without second guessing himself, walks right into the wall.
The stone dropped to the floor, left for Deiter.
.................................................. ........
<font color="silver">When he realizes that he is underwater, Larry begins to panick.
<font color="white">"This must be a trap"!
"Where is K. Spree"?!</font>, he wonders as he tries to search for her.
<font color="white">"She is our only hope"!!!</font>

[This message has been edited by Larry_OHF (edited 10-12-2001).]

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