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CerebroDragon 09-27-2003 05:15 PM

And so unto a misty dusk...

Bavvok the Gourke set forth upon horseback from Ishad Nha, alone, self-conscious of his task, with heightened senses ablaze. Arriving at a junction, he had to repress the desire to see fair Ezrebette's visage once more and head gallantly into the approaching night. Besides, his own visage would only frighten her at this ghastly hour. Repressing harder, he nudged Chester the IInd, the submarine steed who rushed into a gallop and further into the night. He eventually came to a dark alcove where he knew lie a chest that his friend, Slithe had deftly opened and pilfered from. Urging Chester the IInd on up a narrow rising valley, a weary mist pervaded his vision as he slowed Chester down and listened carefully.

The sound of trickling water added to the imposing ancient structure of Castle Shurgeon loomed before him, imperious in the cold misty night. Bavvok dismounted and walked around the Castle perimeter, eyeing the central tower carefully and cursing as he realised the drawbridge remained closed. Suddenly, a mournful howl was heard in the distance and the water in the moat beneath him, trickled violently with movement. Piranha! Gripping Shawinki's spear and gritting his teeth with a wry but wary grin, Bavvok knew that he had found his quest-quarry.

Wading into moat, Bavvok proceeded to spear all the Piranha he could find, cursing under his breath when they surprised and outnumbered him, their small teeth gnawing hungrily at his flesh. Quaffing a purple potion kindly given to him by the nurturing Divina, Bavvok became the hunter and notched up fifteen kills with his spear. Soon, there were no more Piranha in the moat.

Where to now? Bavvok pondered, wading and listening. Another trickle of movement. Conjuring forth all of his animalism, Bavvok was quiet and noticed a smaller fish noodling in the water. His attack was too slow though, which sent the fish spiralling away in the depths. Bavvok chased it with a wolfish grin, jabbing at it wildly as he reached an odd looking alcove. All of a sudden, it disappeared out of his sight. Bavvok surveyed the area and noted a dip in the floor, leading to another area. "Here fishy fishy", he cooed before diving.

Into dark depths he chased a fish which led him to more fish, all swimming up and down a tunnel. He would swim desperately, insanely wielding Shawinki's spear and returning ot the surface, gasphing for air. Only once was he to curse the unholy 'mouse mover', which was what he liked to call the voice inside his head, for he became stuck, disoriented. Gurgling away his life, Bavvok pulled at a lever he just happened to find in the dephths and returned to the surface. Unwittingly, he arrived at a dishevelled break in the Castle entrance at last!

Quaffing another potion, Bavvok dived again and returned to Chester the IInd who was grazing away nearby. He took one more wistful glance at the castle before returning to Ishad Nha to his friends in Inn, eager to see Damosh the Armourer. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Hey all, pretty silly story really - but the idea was to add to the writing culture already very prevalent on this forum.
Any other Ascension stores to add to this thread would be great! :D


[ 09-27-2003, 05:20 PM: Message edited by: CerebroDragon ]

bsftcs 09-27-2003 09:39 PM

Ascension stories. What a marvellous idea. [img]graemlins/thumbsup.gif[/img]

I like them very much. (Both the idea and your story).

I think it perfect addition to the ever growing stock of fiction already scattered about on this forum. [img]smile.gif[/img]

moiraine sedai 09-28-2003 09:27 AM


I liked it! Very descriptive, yet exciting and compelling! An excellent read!

We want more! MORE!

Keep up the good work, Cerebro Dragon!


Moiraine Sedai

LiOnHe@rT 09-28-2003 09:58 AM

a new type of story slams into the W&W board, we want more cerebrodragon!!! :D this one was fantastic too!!! [img]graemlins/thumbsup.gif[/img]

Wyvern 09-28-2003 10:47 AM


Gosh - pretty soon we'll have enough material to publish a book! :D For a game that received such terrible reviews, W&W has not only stayed around longer than some with good reviews, it has inspired more stories than any other game I've followed! :D

Good one, CerebroDragon!!!

If I understood correctly, CD has invited other posters to add their own Ascention Stories to this thread - not just his own. ;)


CerebroDragon 10-08-2003 11:02 AM


Originally posted by Wyvern:

For a game that received such terrible reviews, W&W has not only stayed around longer than some with good reviews, it has inspired more stories than any other game I've followed! :D

If I understood correctly, CD has invited other posters to add their own Ascention Stories to this thread - not just his own. ;)


Yes that is what I intended. It would be jolly fun to hear about other players accounts of the role changes of their characters. My dwarven leader/warrior Vastlaar has only recently aspired towards the Tao of the Samurai which I'll have to draft a little narrative to, as the path towards the goal was not without amusing incidents! [img]smile.gif[/img]

The only other series of games which has inspired so much fan fiction that I know would be the Ultima series, which I treasure very dearly! (Although I am still yet to finish Serpent's Isle through to Ultima IX: ASscension) :D
Oddly enough, I'd not really attempted any kind of fan fiction for any other CRPG except for Bard's Tale, so I think the main influence must go to the dedicated fans of this forum for making the idea seem worthwhile!
Cheers all for the feedback too!


Incidentally...I've just finished the mines...or at least I hope I have! :D

moiraine sedai 10-08-2003 07:40 PM

Did you get the dragon armour? If so, then you're fine. It is possible to get [i]numerous[i\] dragon armour's. Especially if you are mean and kill the king. Kraokendon... Quite powerful. And worth a pretty penny to boot...

Or you could pickpocket him.... again and again and again...

Just so you know, the Dragon Armour is a bit dodgy; Ranger's can wear it (when they are normally only allowed chain mail...). Wizards, warlocks and rogues can also wear dragon armour. Quite nice actually :D

Even better when it is buffed.

Moiraine Sedai

CerebroDragon 10-09-2003 01:06 AM


Originally posted by moiraine sedai:
Did you get the dragon armour? If so, then you're fine.
Moiraine Sedai

Cerebodragon returns to the forums after a fruitful wandering within the Boogre Prison. *Nods wearily with silent glee towards the Aes Sedai*.

Yes, thankfully I did end up finding two or three pieces of Dragon Armour, however it wasn't without a dire struggle to find the burning cavern. I found the east trolley lever ok, but when it came to travelling up the various tunnels and such, I got myself terribly lost and didn't realise that one could raise the portculli (plural?) with the chameleon like levers until much later.
So I was always trying to have a race with the trolley's to hit the levers from the outside! :D Eventually persistance paid off.

I met Raskallion before I'd even found the ore and remembered Scanthril's desire to have him offed. But that creature's general demeanour was oh so disagreeable to my own, thus I quietly disposed of both he and Raskallion after an evil voice convinced me that they would be better off in experience point limbo. [img]graemlins/evillaughter2.gif[/img]

But oh no! What have I done? My slip into un-avatar like madness went further - its all Brinbath's fault and the vile curse upon that place! :D
After finally locating the dragon ore and engaging in some nice melee with the lava pups and hound, I trundled back to Freyedies and decided that since my rogue was most likely still too incompetent at this stage to steal from him, to promptly set up an experiment in ethnic Stout cleansing. I figured that they needed to be pegged back a little to learn about their crass materialism - they needed to struggle and rise again! A rebirth of sorts! [img]graemlins/evillaughter1.gif[/img]

I took off for the vaults first, looked around a bit, strategised, then went back to collect my dragon armour. That's when the voices in my head played havoc and every Stout walking around started to resemble XP values, matrix style. Its all a blur after that! I just couldn't control myself!
Freyedies fell before my mace and Kraokendon was mine. I almost fainted when I identified its abilities compared to everything else i'd found so far!
My main warrior was only using a double-handed hammer +1 before this point.

I was lucky to have two priests in the party in reflection I think, otherwise those miners bombs might have taken more of a toll than they did in the stout mine massacre, a dark day indeed for my usually more aspire-to-avatarhood like outlook on role-playing. [img]smile.gif[/img] As long as I balance these acts with kindness here and there, I shall have no regrets!

To me, Submarine Steed Chester the IInd! Tally ho to Experience Points!

bsftcs 10-09-2003 09:18 AM

If one has accidentally flipped a trolley lever and found oneself unable to catch up with the thing (possible with high level athletics) one can simply sit back and wait until the trolley has reached its destination, at which point the lever will flip back. One can then flip the lever again and the trolley will return.

Kraokendon works as a hurled weapon with the effect that it will return to the hand of the thrower. Beware, though, it often crashes the game.

macoati 10-09-2003 06:33 PM


In parsing your post I noticed a line which suggested you 'offed' Scanthril before 'offing' Raskallion... could this be true? If so, you may want to have a short talk with Wyvern about hacking certain necesities... [img]smile.gif[/img]

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