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Moiraine 02-22-2001 12:12 AM

Hi Hellfire,
sorry to answer late about your modem,
would I be you, I would first try to de-install the whole thing under W98, then reboot, and let W98 detect and install your modem in Plug'nPlay mode. Choose a W98 native driver rather than a driver given by the modem supplier.
If this does not work, mail me, and tell me the kind of modem you have (name, revision, ...)
Don't lose faith !

Hellfire 02-22-2001 12:18 AM

hey no problem ,i just thought my French was very wrong and i had offened you...hum can't think of the first time i did that(sarcastic tone aimed at me)and if all i know is it is an LTWIN modem further info later and already plug and play is detecting and it sayes that "this device is working properly"knowing me i have the phone cord in the wrong slot

turbovee 02-22-2001 12:54 AM

I was thinking, Ouch that hurt

What age do you think you will be when you finally quit playing video games? We are a whole new generation where video games have become an intricate part of our entertainment and lives for that matter.

Can you imagine yourselves being 70-80 yrs old and still talking to your old friends or grandkids about the new games you bought and are getting into? I can

Drau 02-22-2001 01:47 AM

That will be me! "Grandson, be a dear and fetch my teeth from the dresser, would you? While you're at it, check the message board for me and see if you can find the cheat codes for 'Baldur's Gate MCLVII'."

Tobbin_OHF 02-22-2001 02:04 AM

Hmmmm. I'd like to think that I would have the same zest and gusto for life that my step-father did. He played video games up into his late 50's. Probably would have kept playing after that, but unfortunately he died back in 86. And this was back when they had the Atari 2600. He loved missile command. He could play it for hours on end. He'd roll the numbers a couple of times. I would get home from school and he would be going to town. Hey, if nothing else comes from this thread, I just wanted to thank you for bringing such a warm memory.

Drau 02-22-2001 02:23 AM

Atari? Heh heh... That brings back memories of my father beating ours to death with a paint roller. For some reason (probably my brother), the thing was smoking away on the table. To this day, we have no idea why my dad felt beating the thing would help (or where he got the paint roller). It beat my brother's idea of dumping water on it at any rate.

Not a particularly warm memory, but it still brings gales of laughter when the tale is told at dinner parties.

Accord 02-22-2001 03:28 AM

Personally I doubt I will ever completely quit playing video games since I found this is a very good way (and socially accepted way) to reduce my stress level from both school and work. There is nothing that beats playing games like BG2 (single) or Diablo2 (on only), or even games like Grand Theft Auto (1/2) after a rough day of work or after an exam.
As for the 70~80 year old part....if I live THAT long, yup...I can see myself doing what you are saying Turbovee......

Memnoch 02-22-2001 05:45 AM

Never. As long as it's done in moderation it's all part of good balanced leisure time!

Moiraine 02-22-2001 06:13 AM

Why, why, why should we stop playing RPGs ? Is there an 'age limit' or something ?
Besides, when I think about what computers looked like 20 years ago, then 10 years ago, and what they look like now (first PC being born in 1980 !), I can't wait to watch what they will look like in 2050 !!! My only regret : I will not be here in 2100 ...

Cloudbringer 02-22-2001 06:20 AM

Hah! You bet I'll still be playing!
And Moiraine, yes it is so exciting to see the progress and mark the changes. I guess you'd understand how I feel when I say something to the students in my office and they look at me with a one of those "huh?" expressions. I remember the days BEFORE vcr's and microwaves, and when computers took up entire rooms and ran on punch cards (ok, barely for that one!). And geez, the kids in the youth group I work with didn't even know who the BEATLES were! Argh!

Me, I don't mind growing old, as long as I keep growing in all the other important ways.


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