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peipei_lin 10-05-2001 08:29 AM

Can somebody please give me a list of abbreviations used in the forum, I am having trouble reading some messages.

LOL = laugh out loud
(and thats all I know.)

Must know that in circumstance of one's birth, is irrelevant to represent yourself. It is what you do in your life, that determines who you are......... so sayeth the God of Wisdom-Zhipei The God of Wisdom

[This message has been edited by peipei_lin (edited 10-05-2001).]

StarVid 10-05-2001 08:56 AM

PnP: Pen and Paper. Referring to D&D in the old days with the dice and such

d (as in 10d6): Well this works like this 10d6 is a six sided dice rolled 10 times. In the old days, we'd play with 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 20 sided dice.

LMAO: Laughing my ass off

ROTFLMAO: Rolling on the floor lauging my ass off.

OMGMHIOF: Oh my god my hair is on fire.

I hope this helps though I'm sure i missed a lot.

peipei_lin 10-05-2001 08:59 AM

Thanks a lot Starvid, if you know anymore, keep it coming please!!!

Great Paladin - Lucas

Must know that in circumstance of one's birth, is irrelevant to represent yourself. It is what you do in your life, that determines who you are......... so sayeth the God of Wisdom-Zhipei The God of Wisdom

Zbyszek 10-05-2001 09:03 AM

btw - by the way
IHMO - in my humble opinion
ASAP - as soon as possible

Well known expetitioner, Heffalumps hunter, friend of Boo.

Kezardin 10-05-2001 07:28 PM


AFAIK - as far as I know

WTF? - what the heck ?


Aelia Jusa 10-05-2001 07:30 PM

IIRC if I recall correctly
OOC out of character (I learnt this yesterday


Goddess of Undress
Co-owner of the Evil Petting Zoo and Sorceress of the HADB
OLD COOTS eye candy and Disrobed Division of the ORT
Finger Sandwich provider at the Court of Lady Lioness
And her sidekick Pink

"High endless river...forever and ever"

Darth Bob 10-05-2001 09:00 PM

sure i'll be a big help okay here goes SPOILER!
PPL = Poeple
I helped :smile:
btw :Happy Birthday!:
I'm now 15! but not really.

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