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Rikard 03-24-2001 07:33 PM

Guy's i was thinking and maybe we should make a whole religion upon which the Clan was based.

Here are some of the God's in that Religion
Tell me more names i need names
Names of Angles, God of the roman, greek or egyptian empire, Gods from AD&D books
Any help is welcome
We so far got

The Elemental Gods

Chaos - The First Element Nothingness and Everything
Gaia - The Second Element Earth
Hydr -- (please get us a good name for this one) - The Third Element Water
Arial - The Fourth Element Air
Phoenix - The Fifth and most vital Element Fire


Minerva - Goddess of Wisdom
Methatron (or Metatron) God of Reason
Loki - God of Death
Naethan'Calith - God of ????
Helm - God of Guardians and Lord of the Watchers
Lucifer - God of Evil

Angles - Demons and other unearthly non-godly creatures


..... ( we need more Wacthers)


Azrael (not Azreall mind that)

Please help us

The Legend Master Necromancer
Prince Rikard T'Aranaxz of Natri'x
Clanmaster and Mental Father of the OHF
Ramanish of Neathan'Calith
High Priest and son of the Eternal Phoenix
Lord and General of the Army of the West

Laughing Hyena!!!

Sir_Tainly 03-24-2001 07:39 PM

Loki Also Chaos/Mischeaf - Remember "The Mask"

Didn't Minerva have some significance to hunting too?

Some other gods:

Roman - Diana - Hunting
Mars - War
Vestra - the hearth/feritilty
Vulcan - destrective fire
Neptune - the sea
Mercury - Messenger of the Gods

Eqyptian - Anubis - (death?) the dog-head god
Osiris - ?

Norse - Thor - Thunder
Odin (Wodin in Anglo Saxon)

Holy Avenger of the OHF
Your ad here? Call 112 -221 -123

Rikard 03-24-2001 07:44 PM

Minerva is the goddess of Technical Warfare
and Mars the God of Blind Stupid let's go in and hope we win warfare

I need not only names but names that really fit into the picture

The Legend Master Necromancer
Prince Rikard T'Aranaxz of Natri'x
Clanmaster and Mental Father of the OHF
Ramanish of Neathan'Calith
High Priest and son of the Eternal Phoenix
Lord and General of the Army of the West

Laughing Hyena!!!

Sir_Tainly 03-24-2001 07:58 PM

I'm just the scholar, I learn and repeat, I'm not allowed an imagination.

Holy Avenger of the OHF
Your ad here? Call 112 -221 -123

sylent 03-24-2001 08:05 PM

Good idea

Phoebus, The Sun God (From Greek Mythology)

Who is the God of the night?

"Watch your back" - Sylent
Master Thief of the OHF

Harkoliar 03-25-2001 03:08 AM

godess of love - venus??
if there is chaos, how about time... is it pluto??
there is also other gods like thieves, alchemist, merchants and so many..

Revived I Am to hunt this world... Banish ye evil or face my wrath...

Jerome 03-25-2001 08:13 AM

Lord of Evil: Jerome

[insert witty phrase here]

Melusine 03-25-2001 01:37 PM

Don't know if these have been mentioned yet, sorry for being too lazy to check...

Hermes: god of thieves, traffic, messenger of the gods (Roman equivalent: Mercurius or Mercury for you English-speaking Latin-deformers
Artemis: goddess of the hunt, the moon, and virginity(sorry 'bout that guys ~grins~ no sex if you worship her!)(Roman equivalent: Diana, known also as Selene and Phoebe although these are sometimes separate goddesses)
Zeus: Lord of the Gods, god of lighting and thunder, and quite a lecher too (roman eq. Jove, Jupiter)
Apollo: god of the sun and of music, lyrical ballad, the lute etc. (also known as Phoibos), brother of Artemis
Hades: god of the underworld, death. Also known as Dis, Pluto or Dis Pater
Persephone: wife of Hades, goddess of the seasons, of renewal, of harvest (Roman: Proserpina)
Demeter: mother of Persephone, goddess of nature, harvest, grain (also: Ceres)
Hera: wife of Zeus, goddess of marriage and birth etc
Bacchos: Lord of Alcohol, god of merrymaking, wine, but also insanity (drunkenness). Also: Dionysos
Hekate: threefold goddess of magic, the underworld, ghosts, found on crossroads at night, also goddess of the moon
Hephaistos: blacksmith of the gods, husband of Aphrodite, very ugly; crippled and stooped yet creates things of divine beauty and splendor (Roman: Volcanos)
Aphrodite: goddess of love and beauty (Roman: Venus)
Ares: god of war and battle, lover of Aphrodite (Roman: Mars)
Pallas Athena: goddess of wisdom and learning, but also of the art of war (whereas Ares is the stupid mindless hulk, she is the cunning battle specialist)(Roman: Minerva)
Poseidon: god of the seas and oceans, brother of Zeus Hades Hera etc (R. Neptune or Neptunus)
Gaia: Earth, mother of the titans
Ouranos: heaven, father of the titans
Kronos: Father of Zeus and ruler of the Gods before him, married his sister Rhea
(which incidentally is an anagram of Hera, Zeus's wife)
Eos: Dawn
Eros: child-god of love and sexual desire.
Aesklepios: healer/doctor of the gods, god of medicine

Earth divinities: demeter persephone ceres gaia proserpina nymphs satyrs dryads
Water divinities: poseidon nereus neptunus okeanos amphitrite triton naiads nereids

Sorry this is still incomplete, hope it helps though...more mythologies will follow, although I cannot put all the different spheres and attributes of the gods in them.

Melusine, Archbabe of the OHF and the LH
Your voice is ambrosia

Melusine 03-25-2001 01:39 PM

BTW Zor, the god of time is Kronos (hence, Chronos - chronology, chronic fatigue syndrome etc...~wry smile~). In Roman myth known as Saturn or Saturnus

Melusine, Archbabe of the OHF and the LH
Your voice is ambrosia

Xanthul 03-25-2001 01:52 PM

Just names from Magic TG:

teferi, tsabo, rith, dromar, crosis, chromium, treva, darigaaz, ertai, multani, tolaria (this is a land), urborg (land), phyrexia (land), urza, mishra, pendelhaven (land), yawgmoth, mageta, llanowar (land), fyndhorn (land), arcades sabboth, barrin, crovax, karn, keldon, orim, rath, rofellos, serra, tahngarth, teferi, urborg (land), hammerheim (land)...

need more ??

------------------ "Let my spells do the dirty work" Ertai, High Sorceror of the Holy Flame

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