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Zink Whistlefly 11-08-2005 11:14 AM

The guide assumes the latest patch 1.66 is installed, as well as SoU and HoTU, with game difficulty set to D&D Hardcore Rules. Its purpose is to correct erroneous spell descriptions, and include detailed info that isn't in the description. Creature stats are also detailed in this guide, which are otherwise quite hard to determine (resistances, abilities etc). It won't be on quite the same scale as the Baldur's Gate II Spells Reference, but it should provide a useful reference for people who want to know the low-down about spells in NWN. Feel free to PM me if anyone wishes to discuss any of my findings. This guide will be refined over time so if anyone can provide useful further information about any spells, then please do. All values and effects have been verified by the appropriate spell script file as well as tested in game. Creatures have been examined in detail both in-game and in the Toolset.

<h3 style="margin: 0"><u>Area of Effect specifics:</u></h3>
<span style="color: white">RADIUS_SIZE_COLOSSAL: Largest circle (10m radius).
RADIUS_SIZE_GARGANTUAN: Gigantic circle (8.33m radius).
RADIUS_SIZE_HUGE: Huge circle (6.67m radius).
RADIUS_SIZE_LARGE: Large circle (5m radius).
RADIUS_SIZE_MEDIUM: Medium circle (3.33m radius).
RADIUS_SIZE_SMALL: Smallest circle (1.67m radius).

Note that spells can reference areas of effect such as "Colossal" in their description, but that does not necessarily mean that the spell radius of effect is 10 metres. Find Traps for example has a 30 metre radius.

<h3 style="margin: 0"><u>Duration specifics:</u></h3>
<span style="color: white">1 Round = 6 seconds
1 Turn = 10 Rounds = 1 minute
1 Hour = 2 Turns = 2 minutes //can vary depending on module
<span style="color: white">1 Day = 24 Turns = 24 minutes

This part of the guide only covers the Divine spells. Arcane spells will be covered in a separate guide. Several spells are available to both Arcane and Divine casters, so for the purposes of who these spells are available too, this guide will only suggest that they are available to Clerics/Druids/Paladins/Rangers when this might not be the case.

<h1 style="margin: 0; text-align: center">Divine Spells</h1>
<h2 style="margin: 0">Cantrips</h2>
<u>Cure Minor Wounds</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid.
Description: Cures 4 HP to the targeted creature. If the creature is undead, the caster can make a touch attack, and if successful the target Undead takes 4 HP Positive Energy damage.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: None (vs undead).
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Cures/deals 6 points of positive energy damage to Undead rather than 4 if the Cleric has Heal domain powers. Otherwise this spell cannot be Empowered.

Available to: Druids only.
Description: The target must make a Fortitude save or suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls for 1 Turn.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Fortitude avoids.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.

<u>Inflict Minor Wounds</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: If the caster succeeds at a touch attack, the target suffers 1 HP negative energy damage.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will avoids.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Description suggest the target can make a Will save for half damage, but a successful Will save avoids the damage.

Available to: Cleric, Druid.
Description: Creates a small light source above the target, that will travel with the target and last for 1 Hour per Caster Level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 1 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The light is created as a bright, white, 20m radius source.

Available to: Cleric (0), Druid (0), Paladin (1).
Description: Provides a +1 bonus to all saving throws for 2 Turns.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 4 Turns as a level 1 spell (or level 2 for Paladins).

Available to: Cleric (0), Druid (0), Paladin (1).
Description: Target creature receives +1 to his/her maximum HP. The bonus hit point lasts for 1 Turn per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Turns per caster level as a level 1 spell (or level 2 for Paladins).

<h2 style="margin: 0;">Level 1</h2>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Decreases attack bonus by 1, and saving throws vs. Fear by 1 for all enemies within a colossal (10m) radius of the target. The penalties last for 1 Turn per caster level.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will vs Mind Affecting negates.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party Friendly: Yes.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Turns per caster level as a level 2 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This is the offensive version of Bless. Immunity to mind affecting spells prevents this spell.

Available to: Cleric, Paladin.
Description: Increases attack bonus by 1, and saving throw vs Fear by 1 for all allies within a colossal (10m) radius of the target. The bonuses last for 1 Turn per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Turns per caster level as a level 2 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This is the defensive version of Bane. The attack bonus stacks with those provided by Divine Favour, Aid, Prayer, Divine Power and Battletide to provide colossal attack/damage bonuses.

<u>Bless Weapon</u>
Available to: Paladins only.
Description: Targeted weapon increases enhancement to +1, and receives a 2D6 damage bonus vs Undead.. It can also be cast on a creature, provided the creature has a melee weapon equipped.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 2 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: If the targeted weapon already has +1 enhancement or greater, this enhancement does not increase further, but the 2D6 damage vs Undead is still applied. The damage bonus type is divine. The actual duration for this spell is 2 Turns per caster level (rather than the stated 1 Minute) when applied to a melee weapon. A hidden property for this spell is its ability to slay Rakshasa when cast on a pack of crossbow bolts. All the bolts within the pack get a +1 enhancement bonus and which lasts for 2 Rounds per level. The Rakshasa get no saving throw - they are instantly slain upon a successful hit.

Available to: Druid, Ranger.
Description: The caster receives +10 to his/her hide skill checks for 10 Turns per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 20 Turns per caster level as a level 2 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments:The bonuses of this spell stack with those provided by Mass Camouflage.

<u>Cure Light Wounds</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger.
Description: Cures 1D8, +1 HP per caster level to a maximum of 1D8+5 to a target creature, or inflicts that amount of positive energy damage against an undead creature if the caster makes a successful touch attack check.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Undead do not get a Will save for half damage with this spell.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed (Undead).
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 3 spell, or Maximised as a level 4 spell.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>HP healed/Positive energy damage sustained</td><td>Empowered</td><td>Maximised</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td>1D8+1</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>1D8+2</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>1D8+3</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>1D8+4</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>1D8+5</td><td>(1D8+5)+((1D8+5)/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>1D8+5</td><td>(1D8+5)+((1D8+5)/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>7+</td><td>1D8+5</td><td>(1D8+5)+((1D8+5)/2)</td><td>13</td></tr></table>
<u>Deafening Clang</u>
Available to: Paladins only.
Description: Targeted weapon increases attack bonus by +1, receives +3 Sonic damage and gets the properties of a Thunderstone on successful hits. This lasts for 1 Round per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 2 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: If the targeted weapon already has +1 enhancement or greater, its attack bonus does not increase further. The specific properties of the on hit: deafen property are save at DC15 or become deaf for 5 Rounds.

<u>Divine Favour</u>
Available to: Cleric, Paladin.
Description: Caster receives a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls for every 3 caster levels, to a maximum of +5. The bonuses last for 1 Turn.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be extended to last for 2 Turns as a level 2 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The damage bonus received is applied as magical damage. This spell stacks nicely with Bless, Aid, Prayer, Divine Power and Battle Tide to provide colossal attack/damage bonuses!
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table width="300" border="1" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level:</td><td>Attack/Damage bonus received</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td>+1</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>+1</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>+2</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>+3</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>+4</td></tr><tr><td>15+</td><td>+5</td></tr></table>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Target suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls/damage rolls/all saving throws/all skill checks for 1 Turn per caster level if they fail their Will save.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will vs Mind Affecting negates.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be extended to last for 2 Turns per caster level at a level 2 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Immunity to mind affecting spells prevents this spell. The damage penalty is applied in the form of negative magical damage, which as far as I'm aware will only works against you if you have a positive magical damage bonus already (like that applied by Divine Favour).

<u>Endure Elements</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid, Paladin.
Description: Lasts 24 Hours, and provides 10/- resistance against Fire/Cold/Acid/Electricity/Sonic until 20 points worth of damage from any one elemental type has been absorbed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 48 Hours as a level 2 spell.

Available to: Druid, Ranger.
Description: All creatures within a large (5m radius) area must make a Reflex save or be held for 2 Rounds. The entangled area remains for 3 Rounds +1 Round every 2 caster levels.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Reflex negates.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party Friendly: No.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 6 Rounds + 1 Round per caster level as a level 2 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The spell description states that creatures who make their Reflex save still get their movement rate reduced. This does not appear to be the case. Creatures with Freedom, Woodland Stride or those that are incorporeal are immune to the effects of this spell.

<u>Entropic Shield</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Provides the caster with 20% concealment against all ranged attacks for 1 Turn per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Turns per caster level as a level 2 spell
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: A nice hidden benefit from this spell is that is also provides the concealment bonus against spell touch attacks.

<u>Inflict Light Wounds</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Inflicts 1D8, +1 negative energy damage per caster level to a maximum of 1D8+5 to a target creature if the caster makes a successful touch attack. The target can attempt a Will save for half damage. If the target is undead, it is healed that amount.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will halves.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 3 spell, or Maximised as a level 4 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The touch attack check is still required when using to heal undead.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Negative energy damage sustained/undead HP healed</td><td>Empowered</td><td>Maximised</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td>1D8+1</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>1D8+2</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>1D8+3</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>1D8+4</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>1D8+5</td><td>(1D8+5)+((1D8+5)/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>1D8+5</td><td>(1D8+5)+((1D8+5)/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>7+</td><td>1D8+5</td><td>(1D8+5)+((1D8+5)/2)</td><td>13</td></tr></table>
<u>Magic Fang</u>
Available to: Druid, Ranger.
Description: The casters animal companion (if present) gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its weapon for 1 Turn per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Turns per caster level as a level 2 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This also grants a 1/+1 damage reduction for the duration of the spell. The damage bonus type is magical.

<u>Magic Weapon</u>
Available to: Cleric, Paladin.
Description: Targeted weapon increases enhancement to +1. It can also be cast on a creature, provided the creature has a melee weapon equipped.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 2 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: If the targeted weapon already has +1 enhancement or greater, this spell has no effect.

<u>Protection from Alignment</u>
Available to: Cleric, Paladin.
Description: Provides a +2 AC deflection bonus, +2 to all saving throws and immunity to mind affecting spells from all creatures of the chosen alignment.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 2 spell.

<u>Remove Fear</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: All allies within a medium (3.3m radius) area around the caster have their saving throws vs Fear increased by 4 for 10 Turns, and all effects of Fear (if present) are removed from these allies.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 20 Turns as a level 2 spell.

Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Makes the target creature invisible to all creatures unless they make a successful Will save to see through the sanctuary effect. True Seeing breaks Sanctuary, as does attacking or casting an offensive spell. The effect lasts for 1 Round per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 2 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: All creatures (friend and foe) can attempt a Will save to see the caster.

Available to: Clerics only.
Description: A single creatures with less than 6 HD is Frightened if it fails its Will save. This lasts for 1D4 Rounds.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will vs Fear negates.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Extended to last for 1D4+(1D4/2) Rounds as a level 2 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: In addition to running away with Fear, the creature suffers a -2 penalty to attack, damage rolls and Will saving throws vs mind affecting spells. Immunity to mind affecting spells prevents the Fear.

<u>Shield of Faith</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Grants a +2 AC deflection bonus to a targeted creature, with an additional +1 bonus every 6 levels to a maximum of +5. The AC bonus lasts for 1 Turn per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Turns per caster level as a level 2 spell.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>AC deflection bonus</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td>2</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>3</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>4</td></tr><tr><td>18+</td><td>5</td></tr></table>
Available to: Cleric (1), Druid (1), Ranger (2)
Description: All hostile creatures within a huge (5m radius) area must make a Will save or fall asleep for 3 Rounds, +1 Round per caster level. Creatures with more than 8 Hit Dice are immune. A maximum of 4+1D4 HD worth of creatures are affected.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will vs Mind Affecting negates.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party Friendly: Yes.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended (level 2 Cleric/Druid spell, level 3 Ranger spell) to last for 6 Rounds +2 Rounds per caster level. Empowered (level 3 Cleric/Druid spell, level 4 Ranger spell) to affect (1D4+4)+((1D4+4)/2) worth of creatures, or Maximised (level 4 Cleric/Druid spell) to affect 8 HD worth of creatures.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This spell seems to last for 2 Rounds longer than stated.

<u>Summon Creature I</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid, Ranger.
Description: Summons a Dire Badger for 24 Hours.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 48 Hours as a level 2 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The Dire Badger seems to have several attacks (claw weapons) in its inventory, which are used up (as if each weapon has 1 charge) before its main weapon becomes its 1D6 bite attack. If the cleric has Animal Domain powers, the Dire Badger is replaced with a Dire Boar.
<span style="color: #FF6633">Dire Badger Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>3 (Animal)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>10/17/12/3/12/4</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>1 Attack Per Round (ApR) @ AB +5 (2(BAB)+3(17DEX))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>Randomly chosen from 1D2, 1D4 or 1D6 variants of claw/bite/gore</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>17</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>25</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Weapon Finesse</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>Can enter a Rage, granting a +3 bonus to strength and constitution. This ability lasts 1 Round and can be used twice. It is automatically applied when the Dire Badger spots an enemy.</td></tr></table>
Available to: Cleric (2), Druid (1), Ranger (1).
Description: Target creature's vision is improved beyond Darkvision, and allows the recipient to see through magical Darkness for 1 Hour per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 3 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Seeing through magical darkness allows the recipient to attack other creatures within a globe of darkness and not suffer the 50% miss percentile, as well as target creatures within the globe with spells.

[ 11-06-2006, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: Larry_OHF ]

Zink Whistlefly 11-08-2005 11:15 AM

<h2 style="margin: 0;">Level 2</h2>
Available to: Cleric (2), Paladin (2), Ranger (3).
Description: Grants all the benefits of Bless on a single target (+1 attack bonus, +1 saving throws vs Fear) and provides +1D8 bonus temporary hit points. The effect lasts for 1 Turn per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Turns per caster level as a level 3 spell (level 4 for Rangers), Empowered to provide 1D8+(1D8/2) temporary HP as a level 4 spell (Clerics, Druids, Paladins only), or Maximised to provide +8 HP as a level 5 spell (Cleric/Druid only).
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This spell stacks nicely with Bless, Prayer, Divine Favour, Divine Power and Battle Tide to provide colossal attack/damage bonuses!

<u>Aura of Glory</u>
Available to: Paladins only.
Description: Caster gains a +4 CHA bonus, all creatures within a colossal (10m radius) area of the paladin (not medium as described) get a +5 saving throw bonus against Fear. The bonuses last for 1 Turn per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Turns per caster level as a level 3 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: All allies within the colossal radius are also healed for 1D4 hit points.

Available to: Druids only.
Description: Targeted creature gains a Natural Armour bonus based on the casters level for 1 Hour per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 3 spell.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Natural Armour bonus</td></tr><tr><td>1-6</td><td>+3</td></tr><tr><td>7-12</td><td>+4</td></tr><tr><td>13+</td><td>+5</td></tr></table>
<u>Blood Frenzy</u>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: Caster gains +2 STR, +2 CON, +1 to Will saves, but -1 AC for 1 Round per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 3 spell.

<u>Bulls Strength</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid, Paladin.
Description: Increases the strength of the targeted creature by 1D4+1. This lasts for 1 Hour per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 3 spell, Empowered to provide (1D4+1)+((1D4+1)/2) strength as a level 4 spell, or Maximised to provide +5 strength as a level 5 spell (Cleric/Druid only).

<u>Charm Person or Mammal</u>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: Target must make a Will save or be charmed for 2 Rounds +1 Round per 3 caster levels.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will vs mind affecting negates.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 4 Rounds +2 Rounds per 3 caster levels as a level 3 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Charmable targets are any playable race, goblinoids, orcs, monstrous humanoids, reptilians and animals. Once charmed, hostile creatures tend to become neutral, although this does tend to vary from module to module (for example, it can be used in place of Persuade in conversation). How the charmed creature behaves may well be determined by your actions towards others of their faction, e.g. successfully charming an Orc and then attacking one of his fellows will lower your reputation in his eyes and may make him attack you. It's all pretty unreliable, but it can be put to some excellent RP uses, rather than viewing it as a combat spell.

<u>Cure Moderate Wounds</u>
Available to: Cleric (2), Druid (3), Paladin (3), Ranger (3).
Description: Cures 2D8, +1 HP per caster level to a maximum of 2D8+10 to a target creature, or inflicts that amount of positive energy damage against an undead creature if the caster makes a successful touch attack check.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Undead do not get a Will save for half damage with this spell.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed (Undead).
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 4 spell (level 5 for Druids), or Maximised as a level 5 spell (level 6 spell for Druids).
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>HP healed/Positive energy damage sustained</td><td>Empowered</td><td>Maximised</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2D8+3</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2D8+4</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2D8+5</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2D8+6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>2D8+7</td><td>2D8+7+((2D8+7)/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>2D8+8</td><td>2D8+8+((2D8+8)/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>2D8+9</td><td>2D8+9+((2D8+9)/2)</td><td>25</td></tr><tr><td>10+</td><td>2D8+10</td><td>2D8+10+((2D10+7)/2)</td><td>26</td></tr></table>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Creates a globe of darkness over the targeted area. The globe is huge in size (6.7m radius), and all creatures within the globe, or entering the globe, are effectively blinded unless they possess Ultravision, or successfully make a Spell Resistance check. The globe remains in place for 1 Round per caster level.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: None.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party Friendly: No.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 3 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Cast Ultravision, then Darkness over a bunch of enemies and then stride in at your leisure to cast spells/attack enemies within the globe. With Ultravision you will not effectively be blind and therefore won't suffer the 50% miss percentile that creatures without Ultravision will suffer. You could also target yourself as the centre of the globe, to effectively hide you from ranged attackers/spell casters outside the globe. You can still target these enemies from within the globe whilst remaining hidden.

<u>Eagle's Splendor</u>
Available to: Cleric, Paladin.
Description: Increases the charisma of the targeted creature by 1D4+1. This lasts for 1 Hour per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 3 spell, Empowered to provide (1D4+)1+((1D4+1)/2) charisma as a level 4 spell, or Maximised to provide +5 charisma as a level 5 spell (Clerics only).

Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Increases the constitution of the targeted creature by 1D4+1. This lasts for 1 Hour per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 3 spell, Empowered to provide (1D4+1)+((1D4+1)/2) constitution as a level 4 spell, or Maximised to provide +5 constitution as a level 5 spell.

<u>Flame Lash</u>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: The target is lashed with flaming brands that deal 2D6 points of fire damage, with an additional 1D6 damage for every 3 caster levels after level 3.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Reflex vs fire halves.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 4 spell, or Maximised as a level 5 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This spell grows in power all the way up to level 40.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level:</td><td>Fire damage</td><td>Empowered</td><td>Maximised</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>3D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>4D6</td><td>4D6+(4D6/2)</td><td>24</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>5D6</td><td>5D6+(5D6/2)</td><td>30</td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>6D6</td><td>6D6+(6D6/2)</td><td>36</td></tr><tr><td>18</td><td>7D6</td><td>7D6+(7D6/2)</td><td>42</td></tr><tr><td>21</td><td>8D6</td><td>8D6+(8D6/2)</td><td>48</td></tr><tr><td>24</td><td>9D6</td><td>9D6+(9D6/2)</td><td>54</td></tr><tr><td>27</td><td>10D6</td><td>10D6+(10D6/2)</td><td>60</td></tr><tr><td>30</td><td>11D6</td><td>11D6+(11D6/2)</td><td>66</td></tr><tr><td>33</td><td>12D6</td><td>12D6+(12D6/2)</td><td>72</td></tr><tr><td>36</td><td>13D6</td><td>13D6+(13D6/2)</td><td>78</td></tr><tr><td>39+</td><td>14D6</td><td>14D6+(14D6/2)</td><td>84</td></tr></table>
<u>Find Traps</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Finds and DISABLES ALL traps within a colossal (30m !) radius from the caster. This is instant.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The caster does not need line of sight to the trap, so this is a great spell to fire at the start of a dungeon crawl.

<u>Fox's Cunning</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Increases the intelligence of the targeted creature by 1D4+1. This lasts for 1 Hour per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 3 spell, Empowered to provide 1D4+1+(1D4+1/2) intelligence as a level 4 spell, or Maximised to provide +5 intelligence as a level 5 spell.

<u>Hold Person</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Holds the targeted humanoid in place for 1 Round per caster level if they fail their Will save. The targeted creature cannot move or perform and actions whilst in this state.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will negates.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 3 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Humanoid creatures are those that fall into the following categories: Any playable race, Goblinoid, Monstrous, Orc or Reptilian.

<u>Hold Animal</u>
Available to: Druid, Ranger.
Description: Holds the targeted animal in place for 1 Round per caster level if they fail their Will save. The targeted animal cannot move or perform any actions whilst in this state.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will negates (+4 DC).
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 3 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This spell is cast at +4 DC.

<u>Inflict Moderate Wounds</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Notes: Inflicts 2D8, +1 negative energy damage per caster level to a maximum of 2D8+10 to a target creature if the caster makes a successful touch attack. The target can attempt a Will save for half damage. If the target is Undead, it is healed that amount.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will halves.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 4 spell, or Maximised as a level5 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The touch attack check is still required when using to heal undead.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level:</td><td>Negative energy dealt/Undead HP healed:</td><td>Empowered</td><td>Maximised</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2D8+3</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>2D8+4</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2D8+5</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>2D8+6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>2D8+7</td><td>2D8+7+((2D8+7)/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>2D8+8</td><td>2D8+8+((2D8+8)/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>2D8+9</td><td>2D8+9+((2D8+9)/2)</td><td>25</td></tr><tr><td>10+</td><td>2D8+10</td><td>2D8+10+((2D10+10)/2)</td><td>26</td></tr></table>
<u>Lesser Dispel</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid.
Description: Attempts to remove ALL spell effects from a single target, or remove the most powerful spell effect from all creatures (allies included) within a large area (5m radius, not colossal as stated). The caster needs to succeed at a dispel check of 1D20, +1 per caster level to a maximum of 1D20+5, against DC 11 + enemy caster level.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: None.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This gives an effective spell removal range from enemy casters ranging from level 1 to level 14.

<u>Lesser Restoration</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid.
Description: Removes all supernatural effects from the targeted creature. This includes ability score decreases, AC decreases, Attack Roll and Damage Roll increases. It does not however restore drained character levels.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.

<u>Negative Energy Ray</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Fires a bolt of negative energy at the targeted creature, causing them to suffer 1D6 damage, +1D6 per 2 caster levels to a maximum of 5D6 negative energy damage. The targeted creature can make a Will save to sustain half damage. If the target is Undead, they are healed by that amount (no save necessary).
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will vs Negative Energy halves.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 4 spell, or Maximised as a level 5 spell.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level:</td><td>Negative energy dealt/Undead HP healed:</td><td>Empowered damage</td><td>Maximised damage</td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td>1D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>2D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>3D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>4D6</td><td>4D6+(4D6/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>9+</td><td>5D6</td><td>5D6+(5D6/2)</td><td>30</td></tr></table>
<u>One with the Land</u>
Available to: Druid, Ranger.
Description: The caster receives a +4 bonus to Hide, Move Silently, Animal Empathy and Set Traps skills for 1 Hour per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 3 spell.

<u>Owl's Wisdom</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Increases the wisdom of the targeted creature by 1D4+1. This lasts for 1 Hour per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 3 spell, Empowered to provide 1D4+1+(1D4+1/2) wisdom as a level 4 spell, or Maximised to provide +5 wisdom as a level 5 spell.

<u>Remove Paralysis</u>
Available to: Cleric, Paladin.
Description: All hold and paralyzation effects are removed from allies within a large area of effect (5m radius), affecting 1 creature per 4 caster levels.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.

<u>Resist Elements</u>
Available to: Cleric (2), Druid (2), Paladin (2), Ranger (1).
Description: Lasts 1 Turn per caster level, and provides 20/- damage resistance against Fire/Cold/Acid/Electricity/Sonic until 30 points worth of damage has been absorbed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Turns per caster level as a level 3 spell (Rangers can Extend this as a level 2 spell).

Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Can be cast on friend or foe. Creates a 4m (medium to large) radius area around the targeted creature, within which no verbal communication can occur. Spell casters will not be able to cast spells within this zone. If cast on an ally, no saving throw is required. If cast on an enemy, they can make a Will save to avoid the effect.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will partial (only if targeted creature is hostile).
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Partial (only if targeted creature is hostile).
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 3 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: All creatures (friend and foe alike) are automatically silenced when they enter the silenced zone with no saving throw or Spell Resistance check. Try casting silence on yourself or on an ally and then engage an enemy spell caster in melee. They will be too silly to try and move away from the silenced zone. If they have no silent spell casting capabilities they will be a sitting duck! This spell also makes the target immune to sonic damage.

<u>Sound Burst</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: All creatures within a medium area (3.3m radius) take 1D8 points of sonic damage and are stunned for 2 Rounds if they fail their Will save.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will vs Sonic negates. Immunity to mind affecting spells prevents the stun.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party Friendly: No.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered to deal 1D8+(1D8/2) Sonic damage as a level 4 spell, or Maximised to deal 8 Sonic damage as a level 5 spell.

<u>Stone Bones</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: 1 targeted Undead creature receives a +3 Natural Armour bonus. The effect lasts for 10 Turns per level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 20 Turns per caster level as a level 3 spell.

<u>Summon Creature II</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid, Ranger.
Description: Summons a Dire Boar for 24 Hours.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 48 hours as a level 3 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: If the cleric has Animal Domain powers, the Dire Boar is replaced with a Dire Wolf.
<span style="color: #FF6633">Dire Boar Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>7 (Animal)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>17/10/11/3/13/8</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>1 Attack Per Round (ApR) @ AB +8 (5(BAB)+3(17STR))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>1D8+3 (Bite)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>16</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>33</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>None</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>Can enter a ferocious rage once per day. This is supposed to increase STR and DEX for a number of Rounds equal to CON modifier, but doesn't seem to work in the case of the Dire Boar.</td></tr></table>

[ 11-09-2005, 06:01 AM: Message edited by: Zink Whistlefly ]

Zink Whistlefly 11-08-2005 11:16 AM

<h2 style="margin: 0;">Level 3</h2>
<u>Animate Dead</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Summons an Undead ally based on the casters level. The ally remains for 24 Hours.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 48 Hours as a level 4 spell.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Undead Summoned</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>Tyrantfog Zombie</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>Skeleton Warrior</td></tr><tr><td>10+</td><td>Skeleton Chieftain</td></tr></table>
<span style="color: #FF6633">Tyrantfog Zombie Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>4 (Undead)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>13/10/10/6/12/13</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>1 Attack Per Round (ApR) @ AB +3 (2(BAB)+1(13STR))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>1D8+1(warhammer, critical 20 x3), 1D6+1(claw), 1D6+1(claw). The claw attacks inflict the target with the disease Zombie Creep (DC15, 1D4 DEX and 1D4 CON damage).</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>10</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>30</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Toughness, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>Tyrant Fog Zombie mist (1 use per day, DC13, 3m radius aura, drains constitution unless fortitude save vs poison)</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Death Magic, Level/Ability Drain, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Negative Energy damage heals. Damage Reduction 15/+1</td></tr></table><span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Slow movement (Zombie Walk). Also, since the Warhammer occupies the mainhand weapon slot, the claw attacks are not used.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Skeleton Warrior Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>6 (Undead)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>14/12/10/10/10/11</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>1 Attack Per Round (ApR) @ AB +6 (3(BAB)+1(14STR)+1(Greatsword +1))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>2D6+4(Greatsword +1, critical 19-20 x2), 1D6+2(claw), 1D6+2(claw).</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>13</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>39</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Power Attack, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>None</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Death Magic, Level/Ability Drain, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. +10 Turn Resistance. Negative Energy damage heals. Damage Reduction 5/+1, 50% immunity to slashing and piercing weapons. Spell Resistance 20.</td></tr></table><span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Since the Greatsword +1 occupies the mainhand weapon slot, the claw attacks are not used.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Skeleton Chieftain Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>7 (1 Undead, 6 Fighter)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>18/12/10/10/10/11</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>2 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +12/+7 (6(BAB)+4(18STR)+2(Greatsword +2))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>2D6+10(Greatsword +2, critical 17-20 x2), 1D8+4(claw), 1D8+4(claw).</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>15</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>36</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Critical, Weapon Specialisation, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>None</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Death Magic, Level/Ability Drain, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. +10 Turn Resistance. Negative Energy damage heals. Damage Reduction 5/+1, 50% immunity to slashing and piercing weapons. Spell Resistance 20.</td></tr></table><span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Since the Greatsword +2 occupies the mainhand weapon slot, the claw attacks are not used.

<u>Bestow Curse</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Lowers all ability scores of the targeted character by 2 unless they make a successful Will save.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will negates.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments:The resulting effect is supernatural and permanent, meaning it can only be removed with a restoration spell.

<u>Blade Thirst</u>
Available to: Rangers only.
Description: The targeted slashing weapon gains a +3 enhancement bonus for 1 Round per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 4 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This spell only works on a slashing weapon, and if that weapon already has +3 enhancement or greater, this spell as no effect.

Available to: Clerics only.
Description: This spell inflicts BOTH blindness and deafness to the targeted creature. The targeted creature can attempt a single Fortitute save to negate both effects. Upon failure, the creature is struck blind and deaf for 1 Round per caster level.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Fortitude negates.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 4 spell.

<u>Call Lightning</u>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: The caster blasts a huge area (6.67m radius - not large as described) with lightning for 1D6 electrical damage per caster level, to a maximum of 10D6.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Reflex vs electricity halves.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: Yes.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 5 spell, or Maximised as a level 6 spell.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Electrical damage</td><td>Empowered</td><td>Maximised</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>5D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>6D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>7D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>8D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>9D6</td><td>9D6+(9D6/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>10D6</td><td>10D6+(10D6/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>11+</td><td>10D6</td><td>10D6+(10D6/2)</td><td>60</td></tr></table>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Removes the effects of Daze, Charm, Sleep, Confusion and Stun from the targeted creature. If the target is afflicted with any of these effects, they are removed at a cost of 1 HP Negative Energy damage per effect removed. Clarity also protects the recipient from all mind affecting spells, lasting for 30 seconds +1 Round per caster level (not for 1 Turn as stated).
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 30 seconds +2 Rounds per caster level as a level 4 spell (The 30 seconds does not get doubled, only the number of Rounds per caster level).

Available to: Cleric, Druid.
Description: Target is permanently stricken with one of the following diseases:
  1. Blinding Sickness - DC 16, 1D4 strength damage, chance of blindness
  2. Cackle Fever - DC 16, 1D6 wisdom damage
  3. Filth Fever (not in description) - DC12, 1D4 constitution and 1D4 intelligence damage
  4. Mindfire - DC12, 1D4 intelligence damage
  5. Red Ache - DC15, 1D6 strength damage
  6. Shakes - DC13, 1D8 dexterity damage
  7. Slimy Doom - DC14, 1D4 constitution damage
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Fortitude vs Disease negates.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Since disease has an incubation period, this spell is pretty much utterly worthless in NWN, at least from a combat perspective. Furthermore, Spell Focus: Necromancy and high a wisdom do not improve the DC of this spell.

<u>Continual Flame</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Embeds a permanent 20m bright white light source to the targeted object or creature.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: If applied to an item, it will increase its value since it gains an additional property. Buy numerous cheap items (such as 1GP Quarterstaves), load up on continual flame spells, cast on the items and then sell to make a profit. It's slow and tedious going, but is enough to make a difference in the early stages of any game where money can be tight. The light cannot be dispelled when applied to inanimate objects.

<u>Cure Serious Wounds</u>
Available to: Cleric (3), Druid (4), Paladin (4), Ranger (4).
Description: Cures 3D8, +1 HP per caster level to a maximum of 3D8+15 to a target creature, or inflicts that amount of positive energy against an undead creature if the caster makes a successful touch attack check.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Undead do not get a Will save for half damage with this spell.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed (Undead).
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 5 spell, or Maximised as a level 6 spell.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level:</td><td>HP healed/Positive energy damage sustained:</td><td>Empowered</td><td>Maximised</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>3D8+5</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>3D8+6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>3D8+7</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>3D8+8</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>3D8+9</td><td>3D8+9+((3D8+9)/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>3D8+10</td><td>3D8+10+((3D8+10)/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>3D8+11</td><td>3D8+11+((3D8+11)/2)</td><td>35</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>3D8+12</td><td>3D8+12+((3D8+12)/2)</td><td>36</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>3D8+13</td><td>3D8+13+((3D8+13)/2)</td><td>37</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>3D8+14</td><td>3D8+14+((3D8+14)/2)</td><td>38</td></tr><tr><td>15+</td><td>3D8+15</td><td>3D8+15+((3D8+15)/2)</td><td>39</td></tr></table>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Imbues a single melee weapon (or targeted creature's main hand weapon) with fire damage. The damage is 1D6 with an additional +1 per 2 caster levels, to a maximum of +10. Darkfire lasts for 2 Turns per level (which is the same as 1 Hour in the OC/expansions, but may be shorter in other modules).
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be extended to last for 4 Turns per level as a level 4 spell (effectively 2 Hours per level in the OC/expansions). Sadly it cannot be Empowered or Maximised.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The weapon does not have to be non-magical as indicated in the description, and can be applied to any weapon or creature. If cast more than once, the effects are non-cumulative, although it could be used on 2 different weapons for the purposes of dual wielding. This spell does not stack with the arcane Flame Weapon spell. It does however stack with other elemental damage bonuses a weapon may possess. The damage is not however multiplied on a critical hit, since it is a mutually exclusive damage value.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level:</td><td>Fire damage:</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>1D6+2</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>1D6+3</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>1D6+4</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>1D6+5</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>1D6+6</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>1D6+7</td></tr><tr><td>16</td><td>1D6+8</td></tr><tr><td>18</td><td>1D6+9</td></tr><tr><td>20+</td><td>1D6+10</td></tr></table>
<u>Dominate Animal</u>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: A single animal must make a Will save or fall under the control of the caster for 3 Rounds, +1 Round per caster level.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will vs mind affecting negates.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be extended to last for 6 Rounds, +2 Rounds per caster level as a level 4 spell.

<u>Dispel Magic</u>
Available to: Cleric (3), Druid (4), Paladin (3).
Description: Attempts to remove ALL spell effects from a single target, or remove the most powerful spell effect from all creatures (allies included) within a large area (5m radius - not colossal as described). The caster needs to succeed at a dispel check of 1D20, +1 per caster level to a maximum of 1D20+10, against DC 11 + enemy caster level.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: None.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This gives an effective spell removal range from enemy casters ranging from level 1 to level 19.

<u>Glyph of Warding</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Creates a circular trapped area, which when entered (around 2.5m of the Glyph as far as I can tell) explodes and causes 1D8 points worth of Sonic damage per 2 caster levels, up to a maximum of 5D8, to all creatures (friend or foe) within a large (5m) radius. A Reflex save is allowed for half damage. The Glyph remains in place for 1 Turn per 2 caster levels.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Reflex vs Sonic halves.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party Friendly: No (party members can both trigger the Glyph by being close to it, as well as taking the Sonic damage).
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to remain in place for 1 Turns per caster level, Empowered as a level 5 spell, or Maximised as a level 6 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The DC seems to be fixed at 14 with this spell, regardless of Wisdom bonuses and Spell Focus: Abjuration.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Sonic Damage</td><td>Empowered</td><td>Maximised</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>2D8</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>3D8</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>4D8</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>4D8</td><td>4D8+(4D8/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>5D8</td><td>5D8+(5D8/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>11+</td><td>5D8</td><td>5D8+(5D8/2)</td><td>40</td></tr></table>
<u>Greater Magic Fang</u>
Available to: Druid, Ranger.
Description: The casters animal companion (if present) gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its weapon for every 3 caster levels (maximum +5) for 1 Turn per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Turns per caster level as a level 4 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This also grants 1/+1 damage reduction for every 3 caster levels, to a maximum of 5/+5.

<u>Greater Magic Weapon</u>
Available to: Cleric (4), Paladin (3).
Description: Increases the enhancement of any melee weapon by +1 for every 3 caster levels, to a maximum of +5. The enhancement lasts for 1 Hour per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 5 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This spell does not accumulate with existing enhancement a weapon may possess, and if a weapon is already +5 or greater it has no effect.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Weapon enhancement Bonus</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>+2</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>+3</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>+4</td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>+5</td></tr></table>
<u>Healing Sting</u>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: Inflicts 1D8, +1 per caster level to a single target, and the caster is healed that amount of HP. This spell will not provide any bonus hit points above the caster's maximum.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Fortitude vs negative energy negates.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 5 spell, or Maximised as a level 6 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The damage type is negative energy. This spell grows in power all the way up to level 40. Empowered versions of this spell are much more effective than Maximised versions.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Damage dealt/healed</td><td>Empowered</td><td>Maximised</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>1D8+5</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>1D8+6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>1D8+7</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>1D8+8</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>1D8+9</td><td>1D8+9+((1D8+9)/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>1D8+10</td><td>1D8+10+((1D8+10)/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>1D8+11</td><td>1D8+11+((1D8+11)/2)</td><td>19</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>1D8+12</td><td>1D8+12+((1D8+12)/2)</td><td>20</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+13+((1D8+13)/2)</td><td>21</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+14+((1D8+14)/2)</td><td>22</td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+15+((1D8+15)/2)</td><td>23</td></tr><tr><td>16</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+16+((1D8+16)/2)</td><td>24</td></tr><tr><td>17</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+17+((1D8+17)/2)</td><td>25</td></tr><tr><td>18</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+18+((1D8+18)/2)</td><td>26</td></tr><tr><td>19</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+19+((1D8+19)/2)</td><td>27</td></tr><tr><td>20</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+20+((1D8+20)/2)</td><td>28</td></tr><tr><td>21</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+21+((1D8+21)/2)</td><td>29</td></tr><tr><td>22</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+22+((1D8+22)/2)</td><td>30</td></tr><tr><td>23</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+23+((1D8+23)/2)</td><td>31</td></tr><tr><td>24</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+24+((1D8+24)/2)</td><td>32</td></tr><tr><td>25</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+25+((1D8+25)/2)</td><td>33</td></tr><tr><td>26</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+26+((1D8+26)/2)</td><td>34</td></tr><tr><td>27</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+27+((1D8+27)/2)</td><td>35</td></tr><tr><td>28</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+28+((1D8+28)/2)</td><td>36</td></tr><tr><td>29</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+29+((1D8+29)/2)</td><td>37</td></tr><tr><td>30</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+30+((1D8+30)/2)</td><td>38</td></tr><tr><td>31</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+31+((1D8+31)/2)</td><td>39</td></tr><tr><td>32</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+32+((1D8+32)/2)</td><td>40</td></tr><tr><td>33</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+33+((1D8+33)/2)</td><td>41</td></tr><tr><td>34</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+34+((1D8+34)/2)</td><td>42</td></tr><tr><td>35</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+35+((1D8+35)/2)</td><td>43</td></tr><tr><td>36</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+36+((1D8+36)/2)</td><td>44</td></tr><tr><td>37</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+37+((1D8+37)/2)</td><td>45</td></tr><tr><td>38</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+38+((1D8+38)/2)</td><td>46</td></tr><tr><td>39</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+39+((1D8+39)/2)</td><td>47</td></tr><tr><td>40</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>1D8+40+((1D8+40)/2)</td><td>48</td></tr></table>
<u>Infestation of Maggots</u>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: On a successful touch attack, the target suffers 1D4 points of constitution damage each Round. A Fortitude save is allowed each Round to stop the infestation.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Fortitude vs disease negates.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 20 Rounds, +2 Rounds per caster level as a level 4 spell, Empowered to deal 1D4+(1D4/2) constitution damage each Round as a level 5 spell, or Maximised to deal 4 constitution damage each Round as a level 6 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The stated duration is 1 Round per 2 caster levels. The actual duration is 10 Rounds, +1 Round per caster level. Once a target's constitution drops below 3, they are killed with this spell (Hardcore difficulty only).

<u>Inflict Serious Wounds</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Inflicts 3D8, +1 Negative energy damage per caster level to a maximum of 3D8+15 at level 15 to a target creature if the caster makes a successful touch attack. The target can attempt a Will save for half damage. If the target is Undead, it is healed that amount.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will halves.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 5 spell or Maximised as a level 6 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The touch attack check is still required when using to heal undead.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level:</td><td>Negative energy dealt/Undead HP healed:</td><td>Empowered</td><td>Maximised</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>3D8+5</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>3D8+6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>3D8+7</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>3D8+8</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>3D8+9</td><td>3D8+9+((3D8+9)/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>3D8+10</td><td>3D8+10+((3D8+10)/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>3D8+11</td><td>3D8+11+((3D8+11)/2)</td><td>35</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>3D8+12</td><td>3D8+12+((3D8+12)/2)</td><td>36</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>3D8+13</td><td>3D8+13+((3D8+13)/2)</td><td>37</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>3D8+14</td><td>3D8+14+((3D8+14)/2)</td><td>38</td></tr><tr><td>15+</td><td>3D8+15</td><td>3D8+15+((3D8+15)/2)</td><td>39</td></tr></table>
<u>Invisibility Purge</u>
Available to: Cleric, Ranger.
Description: Dispels Invisibility and Improved Invisibility from all creatures within a colossal area (10m radius). The affected area remains in place for 1 Turn per caster level.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: None.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Ignored.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Turns per caster level as a level 4 spell.

<u>Magic Circle Against Alignment</u>
Available to: Cleric, Paladin.
Description: See Protection from Alignment - this version creates a medium sized (3.3m radius) aura around the caster. All allies within this aura get all the benefits of Protection from Evil.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 4 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Once the allies leave the aura, the protection does not linger and is removed.

<u>Magic Vestment</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Lasts 1 Hour per caster level, and grants a +1 AC bonus for every 3 caster levels to a maximum of +5. It can be applied to armour or a shield.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 4 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: If the armour/sheild is already of +5 enhancement or greater, this spell has no effect.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level:</td><td>AC Bonus</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>+1</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>+2</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>+3</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>+4</td></tr><tr><td>15+</td><td>+5</td></tr></table>
<u>Negative Energy Protection</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Grants 100% immunity to Negative Energy damage, Ability Drain and Level Drain. Lasts 1 Turn per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Turns per caster level as a level 4 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: A great spell when facing high level mages/clerics who like to cast Harm/Horrid Wilting at you.

<u>Neutralize Poison</u>
Available to: Cleric (4), Druid (3), Paladin (4), Ranger (3).
Description: Removes all poisons, diseases and ability decreases from the selected target.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.

Available to: Cleric (4), Druid (3).
Description: Inflicts the target with Large Scorpion Poison.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Fortitude vs Poison negates.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The caster does not need to make a touch attack as specified in the description. If the target fails a Fortitude saving throw (DC18), he/she suffers 1D6 strength loss. They must then make a second fortitude save (DC18, after about 1 Turn) or suffer a further 1D6 strength damage. This ability loss is permanent until cured. The DC remains at 18, regardless of high Wisdom bonuses and Spell Focus: Necromancy.

Available to: Cleric, Paladin.
Description: Grants +1 to all saving throws, +1 to all skill checks, +1 to attack rolls and a +1 bonus to damage to all allies within a colossal area (10m radius) around the caster. Enemies within this area suffer -1 to all these checks. The bonuses/penalties remain in place for 1 Round per caster level.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Enemies get no saving throw vs the negative effects of this spell.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 4 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The damage bonus/penalty is applied as Slashing damage. Enemies will only receive this damage penalty if they are wielding a Slashing weapon. This spell stacks nicely with Bless, Divine Favour, Aid, Divine Favour, Divine Power and Battle Tide to provide colossal attack/damage bonuses!

<u>Protection from Elements</u>
Available to: Cleric (3), Druid (3), Ranger (2).
Description: Lasts 24 Hours, and provides 30/- damage resistance against Fire/Cold/Acid/Electrivity/Sonic until 40 points worth of damage has been absorbed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 48 Hours as a level 4 spell (Rangers can Extend this as a level 3 spell).

Available to: Druids only.
Description: Fires a poisonous quill at the target, which strikes for 1D8, +1 damage per 2 caster levels to a maximum of 1D8+5. The target must also make a Fortitude save or be infected with Large Scorpion Venom.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Fortitude vs poison negates (there is no save against the damage).
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 5 spell, or Maximised as a level 6 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The damage type is Magical. The DC of the poison is fixed at 18 (Spell Focus: Transmutation and a high wisdom modifier are ignored). Large Scorpion Venom causes 1D6 strength damage, with a further 1D6 as the secondary hit.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table width="300" border="1" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Magical damage</td><td>Empowered</td><td>Maximised</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>1D8+2</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>1D8+3</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>1D8+4</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>1D8+4</td><td>1D8+4+((1D8+4)/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>1D8+5</td><td>1D8+5+((1D8+5)/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>11+</td><td>1D8+5</td><td>1D8+5+((1D8+5)/2)</td><td>13</td></tr></table>
<u>Remove Blindness/Deafness</u>
Available to: Cleric, Paladin.
Description: Removes Blindness and Deafness from all allies within a medium area (3.3m radius) of the target.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.

<u>Remove Curse</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Removes all curses and curse effects from the targeted creature.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.

<u>Remove Disease</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid, Paladin (as Feat), Ranger.
Description: Removes all diseases and disease effects from the targeted creature.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.

<u>Searing Light</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Fires a ray at a single enemy target. The ray blasts the target with divine light, for which they get no saving throw. The damage varies depending on caster level as well as the type of enemy struck.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: None.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Undead actually suffer 1D6 per caster level, not 1D8 as described
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 5 spell, or Maximised at a level 6 spell.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Undead damage</td><td>Construct damage</td><td>Other damage</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>5D6</td><td>2D6</td><td>2D8</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>6D6</td><td>3D6</td><td>3D8</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>7D6</td><td>3D6</td><td>3D8</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>8D6</td><td>4D6</td><td>4D8</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>9D6 (Empowered: 9D6+(9D6/2))</td><td>4D6 (Empowered: 4D6+(4D6/2))</td><td>4D8 (Empowered: 4D8+(4D8/2))</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>10D6 (Empowered: 10D6+(10D6/2))</td><td>5D6 (Empowered: 5D6+(5D6/2))</td><td>5D8 (Empowered: 5D8+(5D8/2))</td></tr><tr><td>11+</td><td>Maximised: 60</td><td>Maximised: 30</td><td>Maximised: 40</td></tr></table>
<u>Spike Growth</u>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: Covers a large area (5m radius) with spikes. All creatures within this area take 1D4 damage per Round, and have their movement speed decreased for 1 day. The area remains for 1 Hour per caster level.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Reflex partial (vs movement decrease).
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: No.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 4 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The damage type is Piercing (with no enhancement bonus, i.e. a creature with 5/+1 damage resistance would take no damage from this spell). The movement speed decrease is 30% (non-cumulative), and lasts for 24 Hours.

<u>Summon Creature III</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid, Ranger.
Description: Summons a Dire Wolf for 24 Hours at short range.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 48 Hours as a level 4 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The Weapon Focus and Improved Critical feats do not seem to work. Weapon Specialisation does however seem to work. If the cleric has Animal Domain powers, the Dire Wolf is replaced with a Dire Spider.
<span style="color: #FF6633">Dire Wolf Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>6 (Animal)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>21/17/17/3/12/10</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>1 Attack Per Round (ApR) @ AB +9 (4(BAB)+5(21STR))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>2D6 Bite, +7</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>20</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>54</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Power Attack, Cleave, Knockdown, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialisation, Improved Critical, Toughness, Keen Sense, Skill Focus: Hide/Listen/Spot</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>None</td></tr></table>

[ 11-09-2005, 06:06 AM: Message edited by: Zink Whistlefly ]

Zink Whistlefly 11-08-2005 11:18 AM

<h2 style="margin: 0;">Level 4</h2>
<u>Cure Critical Wounds</u>
Available to: Cleric (4), Druid (5).
Description: Cures 4D8, +1 HP per caster level to a maximum of 4D8+20 to a target creature, or inflicts that amount of positive energy against an undead creature if the caster makes a successful touch attack check.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Undead do not get a Will save for half damage with this spell.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 6 spell, or Maximised as a level 7 spell.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level:</td><td>HP healed/Positive energy damage sustained:</td><td>Empowered</td><td>Maximised</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>4D8+7</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>4D8+8</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>4D8+9</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>4D8+10</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>4D8+11</td><td>4D8+11+((4D8+11)/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>4D8+12</td><td>4D8+12+((4D8+12)/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>4D8+13</td><td>4D8+13+((4D8+13)/2)</td><td>45</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>4D8+14</td><td>4D8+14+((4D8+14)/2)</td><td>46</td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>4D8+15</td><td>4D8+15+((4D8+15)/2)</td><td>47</td></tr><tr><td>16</td><td>4D8+16</td><td>4D8+16+((4D8+16)/2)</td><td>48</td></tr><tr><td>17</td><td>4D8+17</td><td>4D8+17+((4D8+17)/2)</td><td>49</td></tr><tr><td>18</td><td>4D8+18</td><td>4D8+18+((4D8+18)/2)</td><td>50</td></tr><tr><td>19</td><td>4D8+19</td><td>4D8+19+((4D8+19)/2)</td><td>51</td></tr><tr><td>20+</td><td>4D8+20</td><td>4D8+20+((4D8+20)/2)</td><td>52</td></tr></table>
<u>Death Ward</u>
Available to: Cleric (4), Druid (5), Paladin (4).
Description: Target becomes immune to instant death effects for 1 Hour per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 5 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Protects from Slay Living, Finger of Death, Destruction, Water Elemental Drown ability, Phantasm Killer, Wail of the Banshee, but NOT Implosion!

Available to: Clerics only.
Description: All summoned creatures within a colossal area (10m radius) of the target must make a Will save or be banished.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will negates.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: Yes.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This spell is cast at +6 DC.

<u>Divine Power</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Grants an additional 1 HP per caster level and increases attack bonus and number of attacks to equal to that of a fighter of the same level. The casters strength (only if lower than 18) is increased to 18. The effect lasts for 1 Round per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 5 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The extra attack per Round received by the Cleric is made at full BAB. A high level Cleric with Haste and Divine Power will make 5 attacks per Round - 3 of these being at FULL attack bonus. The attack bonuses is calculated as follows: It is quite complex in its workings (takes epic levels into account in the script), but very fundamentally we can assume AttackIncrease = (characterLevel - BAB), so a level 13 cleric (BAB of 9) for example will get an attack bonus of +4, which gives us the +13 BAB of a fighter. Number of additional attacks are calculated by ((characterLevel-1)/5) - ((BAB-1)/5), which in the case of the level 13 Cleric is rounded to 1 extra attack. Once the Cleric becomes Epic, the attack bonus is calculated by AttackIncrease = ((20+EpicAttackBonus)-BAB), so a level 25 Cleric with an Epic Attack BOnus of 3 would get his attack increased by (20+3)-18=5. This is logical, since after level 17 the difference in BAB between a Fighter and a Cleric remains at 5. This spell stacks nicely with Bless, Aid, Prayer, Divine Favour and Battle Tide to grant colossal bonuses!
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression (the following assumes a pure classed cleric. Multi-Class characters will have varying attack bonuses, depending on their BAB at the time of casting this spell:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Temp HP gained</td><td>Attack bonus</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>+7</td><td>+2</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>+8</td><td>+2</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>+9</td><td>+3</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>+10</td><td>+3</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>+11</td><td>+3</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>+12</td><td>+3</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>+13</td><td>+4</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>+14</td><td>+4</td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>+15</td><td>+4</td></tr><tr><td>16</td><td>+16</td><td>+4</td></tr><tr><td>17</td><td>+17</td><td>+5</td></tr><tr><td>18</td><td>+18</td><td>+5</td></tr><tr><td>19</td><td>+19</td><td>+5</td></tr><tr><td>20</td><td>+20</td><td>+5</td></tr><tr><td>21-40</td><td>An additional +1HP per level, up to +40 at level 40.</td><td>+5</td></tr></table>
<u>Flame Strike</u>
Available to: Cleric (5), Druid (4).
Description: Smites a medium area (3.3m radius) with fire and divine damage. The damage is 1D6 per caster level, to a maximum of 15D6. The damage value generated is then divided by 2 - with like amounts being fire based and divine based. Allies caught in the blasted area only suffer the fire damage. A Successful Reflex save halves the damage.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Reflex vs fire halves fire damage, Reflex vs divine halves divine damage.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: Partially (fire damage only).
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 6 spell (7 for Clerics), or Maximised as a level 7 spell (8 for Clerics). Empowered/Maximised Flame Strikes generate some big numbers.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Druids get this as a level 4 spell. Divine damaging spells are great since they bypass elemental protection. Divine protection is rare indeed! Creatures must make Reflex saves for both the divine and fire damage, which may or may not be a blessing.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Fire damage</td><td>Divine damage</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>9D6/2</td><td>9D6/2</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>10D6/2</td><td>10D6/2</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>11D6/2</td><td>11D6/2</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>12D6/2</td><td>12D6/2</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>13D6/2</td><td>13D6/2</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>14D6/2</td><td>14D6/2</td></tr><tr><td>15+</td><td>15D6/2</td><td>15D6/2</td></tr></table>
<u>Freedom of Movement</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger.
Description: The target becomes immune to Paralysis, Entangle, Slow and movement speed decreases. This lasts for 1 Turn per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Turns per caster level as a level 5 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Movement speed decreases excludes encumbrance but includes Called Shot -> Leg.

<u>Hammer of the Gods</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Blasts all enemies within a huge area (6.67m radius) from the point of impact for 1D8 points of divine damage per 2 caster levels to a maximum of 5D8. Enemies failing their Will save are Dazed for 1D6 Rounds.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will vs Divine halves damage and avoids Daze.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: Yes.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 6 spell, or Maximised as a level 7 spell. The 1D6 Rounds Daze effect is not affected by metamagic feats.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Enemies who make their Will save also take half damage (not in the description), as well as avoiding the daze effect.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Divine damage</td><td>Empowered</td><td>Maximised</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>3D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>4D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>4D6</td><td>4d6*1.5</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>5D6</td><td>5d6*1.5</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>5D6</td><td>5D6*1.5</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>5D6</td><td>5D6*1.5</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>13+</td><td>5D6</td><td>5D6*1.5</td><td>40</td></tr></table>
<u>Hold Monster</u>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: Holds the targeted monster in place for 1 Round per caster level if they fail their Will save. The targeted creature cannot move or perform any actions whilst in this state.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will negates.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 3 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Despite its name, this spell is effective against all creatures that are vulnerable to paralysis.

<u>Holy Sword</u>
Available to: Paladins only.
Description: The targeted melee weapon increases to +5 enhancement and gains the ability to dispel magic on each successful strike. This lasts for 1 Round per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 5 spell, but this takes this spell past the maximum level of 4 for a Paladin, and so is unfeasible.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This spell grants all the abilities of the Holy Avenger sword to the targeted weapon - +1D6 divine damage vs evil property and Spell Resistance 16. The chance to dispel magic on each successful strike is 25%. This spell can be cast on any melee weapon, and even passed on to be used by other party members.

<u>Inflict Critical Wounds</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Inflicts 4D8, +1 Negative damage per caster level to a maximum of 4D8+20 at level 20 to a target creature if the caster makes a successful touch attack. The target can attempt a will save for half damage. Alternatively, it heals that amount against an undead creature.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 6 spell, or Maximised as a level 7 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The touch attack check is still required when using to heal undead.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Negative energy dealt/Undead HP healed</td><td>Empowered</td><td>Maximised</td></tr><tr><td>7</td><td>4D8+7</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>4D8+8</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>4D8+9</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>4D8+10</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>4D8+11</td><td>4D8+11+((4D8+11)/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>4D8+12</td><td>4D8+12+((4D8+12)/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>4D8+13</td><td>4D8+13+((4D8+13)/2)</td><td>45</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>4D8+14</td><td>4D8+14+((4D8+14)/2)</td><td>46</td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>4D8+15</td><td>4D8+15+((4D8+15)/2)</td><td>47</td></tr><tr><td>16</td><td>4D8+16</td><td>4D8+16+((4D8+16)/2)</td><td>48</td></tr><tr><td>17</td><td>4D8+17</td><td>4D8+17+((4D8+17)/2)</td><td>49</td></tr><tr><td>18</td><td>4D8+18</td><td>4D8+18+((4D8+18)/2)</td><td>50</td></tr><tr><td>19</td><td>4D8+19</td><td>4D8+19+((4D8+19)/2)</td><td>51</td></tr><tr><td>20+</td><td>4D8+20</td><td>4D8+20+((4D8+20)/2)</td><td>52</td></tr></table>
<u>Mass Camouflage</u>
Available to: Druid, Ranger.
Description: All allies within a colossal area (10m radius) of the target have their hide skill checks increased by +10, for 10 Turns per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 20 Turns per caster level as a level 5 spell (Druid only).
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This spell is cumulative with the level 1 spell Camouflage, granting a combined bonus of +20 to hide checks for 10 Turns per caster level.

<u>Polymorph Self</u>
Available to: Druid, Ranger.
Description: The caster can choose to polymorph into a Giant Spider, Troll, Unber Hulk, Fey or Zombie for 1 Turn per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Turns per caster level as a level 5 spell (Druid only).
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The casters STR/DEX/CON change depending on the selected creature (INT/WIS/CHA remain unchanged, as does the characters base attack). Stats are as follows:
<ul>[*]Giant Spider: STR 19, DEX 17, CON 12, each attack at 1D8+4 (bite, on hit: Large Spider Poison DC18 1D6 STR damage). HP boost = 20 + CON bonus, +5 Natural AC bonus. Freedom of Movement.[*]Troll: STR 23, DEX 14, CON 23, each attack at 1D6+6 (claw/bite). Regeneration +5.[*]Umber Hulk: STR 23, DEX 15, CON 19, each attack chosen from 2D4+6 (claw), 2D4+6 (claw) or 2D8+6 (bite). HP boost = 10 + CON bonus, +5 Natural AC bonus. True Seeing.[*]Fey: STR 10, DEX 24, CON 10, each attack at 1D4 (claw). HP bonus = 0, +5 Natural AC bonus. Spell School Immunity: Enchantment, Immune to level 3 spells and lower.[*]Zombie: STR 14, DEX 14, CON 14, each attack at 1D6+2 (slam). HP bonus = 40 + CON bonus, No Natural AC bonus. Strangely, the zombie doesn't get the usual undead immunities, but does seem to get a 10/- damage reduction to bludgeoning/piercing/slashing, and doesn't suffer from the usually slow zombie walk.[/list]<u>Restoration</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Comments: As lesser restoration, except this removes Blindness/Deafness and Level Drain too.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.

Available to: Druids only.
Description: The targeted creature gains 10/+5 damage resistance against all physical attacks. The stoneskin collapses once 10 points of damage per caster level have been absorbed (maximum 100). This lasts for 1 Hour per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 5 spell.

<u>Summon Creature IV</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid, Ranger.
Description: Summons a Dire Spider for 24 Hours.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 48 hours as a level 5 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The Weapon Focus feat the summoned Dire Spider possesses does not work. Its Weapon Specialisation feat does however grant the +2 damage bonus. If the cleric has Animal Domain powers, the Dire Spider is replaced with a Dire Bear.
<span style="color: #FF6633">Dire Spider Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>10 (Vermin)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>19/17/14/3/10/3</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>2 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +11/+6 (7(BAB)+4(19STR))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>2D6 Bite, +6. On hit, Huge Spider Venom, DC26, 1D6 strength damage</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>20</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>54</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialisation, Toughness, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>Immunity to Web and Mind Affecting spells</td></tr></table>

<h2 style="margin: 0;">Level 5</h2>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: The Druid's animal companion gains +4 to STR and CON, +1D10 to WIS and a +2 bonus to attack rolls for 24 hours, or until slain.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered to grant 1D10+(1D10/2) WIS as a level 7 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The Maximised version of this spell is broken. It is supposed to grant +10 WIS, but instead rolls the regular 1D10. This becomes obvious why when looking in the script. This script also supports an Extended version of this spell lasting 48 Hours, but this cannot be memorised.

Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Creates a Medium (3.3m radius, not large as described) aura around the caster. Upon entering the aura, enemies suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls, damage and saving throws if they fail their Will save (not in description). The caster receives a +2 bonus to attack rolls, damage and saving throws. This lasts for 1 Round per caster level.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will vs Negative Energy avoids.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 6 spell.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The damage bonus/penalty received is applied as magical damage (again, the magical damage penalty will only work against you if you have a positive magical damage amount). Battletide can be cast multiple times, although the positive effects are not cumulative, each casting places another aura around the caster, meaning that 3 castings of this spell would require enemies to make 3 saving throws when entering the auras to avoid the penalties. This spell stacks nicely with Bless, Aid, Prayer, Divine Favour and Divine Power to grant colossal attack and damage bonuses!

<u>Circle of Doom</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: 1D8, +1 per caster level of negative energy damage to all within a medium (3.3m, not huge as in description) radius from point of impact. Creatures can make a Fortitude save for half damage. Undead are healed by this amount.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Fortitude vs Negative Energy avoids.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: No.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 7 spell, or Maximised as a level 8 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The Empowered version is too powerful - (1D8+casterLevel)+((1D8+casterLevel/2)+casterLevel, meaning that a level 20 Circle of Doom would hit for (1D8+20)+((1D8+20/2)+20 ~ 52-62 damage on a failed Fortitude save....20 damage more than it should do! Maximised version is a joke - occupies 1 level higher than an Empowered version and hits for far less damage. Also maxes out at 1D8+20 which is not in the description.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Negative energy dealt/Undead HP healed</td><td>Empowered</td><td>Maximised</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>1D8+9</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>1D8+10</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>1D8+11</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>1D8+12</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>(1D8+13)+((1D8+13)/2)+13</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>1D8+14</td><td>(1D8+14)+((1D8+14)/2)+14</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>1D8+15</td><td>(1D8+15)+((1D8+15)/2)+15</td><td>23</td></tr><tr><td>16</td><td>1D8+16</td><td>(1D8+16)+((1D8+16)/2)+16</td><td>24</td></tr><tr><td>17</td><td>1D8+17</td><td>(1D8+17)+((1D8+17)/2)+17</td><td>25</td></tr><tr><td>18</td><td>1D8+18</td><td>(1D8+18)+((1D8+18)/2)+18</td><td>26</td></tr><tr><td>19</td><td>1D8+19</td><td>(1D8+19)+((1D8+19)/2)+19</td><td>27</td></tr><tr><td>20+</td><td>1D8+20</td><td>(1D8+20)+((1D8+20)/2)+20</td><td>28</td></tr></table>
<u>Healing Circle</u>
Available to: Cleric (5), Druid (6).
Description: This is the healing version of Circle of Doom. Heals all allies within a large (5m radius, not medium as described) area of effect for 1d20, +1 per caster level to a maximum of 1d20+20. Undead take that amount of positive energy damage.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 7 spell, or Maximised as a level 8 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: If using offensively against undead, the Empowered version rightly inflicts (1d20+casterLevel) + (1d20+casterLevel)/2 to provide the 50% damage boost. If used defensively as a healing spell however, erroneously only the d8 value gets Empowered, for 1d8+(1d8/2)+casterLevel making it heal around 2-3HP more than the non-empowered version whilst occupying 2 spell slots higher!
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>HP healed/Undead positive energy sustained</td><td>Empowered (vs Undead)</td><td>Empowered (vs allies)</td><td>Maximised</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>1D8+9</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>1D8+10</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>1D8+11</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>1D8+12</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>1D8+13</td><td>(1D8+13)+((1D8+13)/2)</td><td>1D8+(1D8/2)+13</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>1D8+14</td><td>(1D8+14)+((1D8+14)/2)</td><td>1D8+(1D8/2)+14</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>1D8+15</td><td>(1D8+15)+((1D8+15)/2)</td><td>1D8+(1D8/2)+15</td><td>23</td></tr><tr><td>16</td><td>1D8+16</td><td>(1D8+16)+((1D8+16)/2)</td><td>1D8+(1D8/2)+16</td><td>24</td></tr><tr><td>17</td><td>1D8+17</td><td>(1D8+17)+((1D8+17)/2)</td><td>1D8+(1D8/2)+17</td><td>25</td></tr><tr><td>18</td><td>1D8+18</td><td>(1D8+18)+((1D8+18)/2)</td><td>1D8+(1D8/2)+18</td><td>26</td></tr><tr><td>19</td><td>1D8+19</td><td>(1D8+19)+((1D8+19)/2)</td><td>1D8+(1D8/2)+19</td><td>27</td></tr><tr><td>20+</td><td>1D8+20</td><td>(1D8+20)+((1D8+20)/2)</td><td>1D8+(1D8/2)+20</td><td>28</td></tr></table>
<u>Ice Storm</u>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: Blasts a huge area (6.67m radius) with icy rocks. All creatures within the area take 3D6 bludgeoning damage and 2D6 cold damage, with a further 1D6 cold damage for every 3 caster levels.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: None.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: No.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 7 spell, or Maximised as a level 8 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This spell grows in power all the way up to level 39. The Bludgeoning damage is unenchanted, meaning that a character with 10/+1 damage resistance would shrug off 10 points of bludgeoning damage from this spell.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Bludgeoning damage</td><td>Cold Damage</td><td>Empowered</td><td>Maximised</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>3D6</td><td>3D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>3D6</td><td>4D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>3D6</td><td>4D6</td><td>3D6+(3D6/2) Bludgeoning + 4D6+(4D6/2) Cold</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>3D6</td><td>5D6</td><td>3D6+(3D6/2) Bludgeoning + 5D6+(5D6/2) Cold</td><td>18 Bludgeoning + 30 cold</td></tr><tr><td>18</td><td>3D6</td><td>6D6</td><td>3D6+(3D6/2) Bludgeoning + 6D6+(6D6/2) Cold</td><td>18 Bludgeoning + 36 cold</td></tr><tr><td>21</td><td>3D6</td><td>7D6</td><td>3D6+(3D6/2) Bludgeoning + 7D6+(7D6/2) Cold</td><td>18 Bludgeoning + 42 cold</td></tr><tr><td>24</td><td>3D6</td><td>8D6</td><td>3D6+(3D6/2) Bludgeoning + 8D6+(8D6/2) Cold</td><td>18 Bludgeoning + 48 cold</td></tr><tr><td>27</td><td>3D6</td><td>9D6</td><td>3D6+(3D6/2) Bludgeoning + 9D6+(9D6/2) Cold</td><td>18 Bludgeoning + 54 cold</td></tr><tr><td>30</td><td>3D6</td><td>10D6</td><td>3D6+(3D6/2) Bludgeoning + 10D6+(10D6/2) Cold</td><td>18 Bludgeoning + 60 cold</td></tr><tr><td>33</td><td>3D6</td><td>11D6</td><td>3D6+(3D6/2) Bludgeoning + 11D6+(11D6/2) Cold</td><td>18 Bludgeoning + 66 cold</td></tr><tr><td>36</td><td>3D6</td><td>12D6</td><td>3D6+(3D6/2) Bludgeoning + 12D6+(12D6/2) Cold</td><td>18 Bludgeoning + 72 cold</td></tr><tr><td>39+</td><td>3D6</td><td>13D6</td><td>3D6+(3D6/2) Bludgeoning + 13D6+(13D6/2) Cold</td><td>18 Bludgeoning + 78 cold</td></tr></table>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: Target suffers 2D6 fire damage each Round, for 1 Round per caster level.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: None.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 6 spell, Empowered to deal 2D6+(2D6/2) fire damage per Round as a level 7 spell, or Maximised to deal 12 fire damage per Round as a level 8 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This effect can be dispelled.

<u>Monstrous Regeneration</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: For 1 Round, with a further +1 Round per 2 caster levels (there is a bonus Round here), the target receives +3 Regeneration.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds, +1 Round per caster level as a level 6 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Regeneration is a stackable ability, so this spell can be combined with the spell Regenerate to provide a regeneration rate of 9 HP per Round, as well as any further regeneration provided by items.

<u>Raise Dead</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Resurrects a single character from the dead, leaving them with 1 HP.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.

<u>Slay Living</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid.
Description: A successful touch attack and the target must make a Fortitude save or die. A successful save still inflicts 3D6, +1 per caster level of negative energy damage.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Fortitude vs Death.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 7 spell, or Maximised as a level 8 spell.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #74DCBA"Comments: This spell grows in power all the way up to level 40, to inflict 3D6+40 on a failed save. Immunity to death magic also prevents the negative energy damage on a failed save.

<u>Spell Resistance</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid.
Description One targeted creature receives 12, +1 per caster level Spell Resistance. This lasts for 1 Turn per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Turns per caster level as a level 6 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA"Comments: This spell grows in power all the way up to level 40, to provide a maximum Spell Resistance of 52.

<u>Summon Creature V</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid.
Description: Summons a Dire Bear for 24 Hours.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 48 Hours as a level 6 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA"Comments: If the cleric has Animal Domain powers, the Dire Bear is replaced with a Dire Tiger.
<span style="color: #FF6633">Dire Bear Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>12 (Animal)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>24/13/19/3/12/10</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>2 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +16/+11 (9(BAB)+7(24STR))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>Each attack randomly chosen from 2D4+7(claw), 2D4+7(claw), 2D8+7(bite).</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>17</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>102</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Power Attack, Cleave</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>None</td></tr></table>
<u>True Seeing</u>
Available to: Cleric (5), Druid (7).
Description: Allows the caster to see all invisible, sanctified and hidden opponents. The ability lasts for 1 Turn per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Turns per caster level as a level 6 spell (level 8 spell for Druids).

<u>Vine Mine</u>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: The druid selects one of the following effects: Entangle (AoE lasts for 1 Round per caster level), Hamper Movement (50% movement speed penalty to all within a 5m radius, AoE lasts for 1 Turn per caster level), Mass camouflage (allies get a +4 bonus to hide, affects 6m radius area, AoE lasts 1 Turn per caster level).
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Reflex negates (Entangle only).
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: No, but the Woodland Stride feat prevents the negative effects of this spell for the caster.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended as a level 6 spell (The Entangle AoE will then last for 2 Round per caster level, and the Camouflage and Hamper Movement AoE's will then last for 2 Turns per caster level).
<span style="color: #74DCBA"Comments: Entangle lasts longer than the level 1 version and has a +4 higher DC from the level 5 spell. There is no save vs the Hamper Movement effect, but the effect is removed once leaving the AoE. Camouflage effect only provides the bonus to creatures that remain in the AoE - once they leave, they lose the +4 bonus. Quite how this qualifies as a level 5 spell I don't know.

[ 11-09-2005, 06:15 AM: Message edited by: Zink Whistlefly ]

Zink Whistlefly 11-08-2005 11:21 AM

<h2 style="margin: 0;">Level 6</h2>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: All summoned creatures, familiars, animal companions and Outsiders within a colossal (10m) radius of the target must make a Will save or be banished. A total of up to twice the casters level in hit dice can be banished.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will negates.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: No - all friendly summons are also banished if they fail their Will save.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Banished creatures (mostly Outsiders) still yield the XP they would have otherwise given you if you'd slain them using any other means.

<u>Blade Barrier</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Creates a 10 metre long wall of blades. All creatures passing through the blades take 1d6 physical damage per caster level. The blades remain in place for 1 Round per caster level. A Reflex save is allowed for half damage.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Reflex halves.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: No.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 7 spell, Empowered as a level 8 spell, or Maximised as a level 9 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA"Comments: The physical damage is in the form of Slashing, and is unenchanted, meaning that a creature with 20/+1 damage reduction will shrug off the first 20 points of damage from this spell. It also only affects creatures who actually pass through it, meaning that casting it on a stationary opponent (e.g. enemy spell caster) will have no effect on them, even though the blades are literally on top of them!
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Physical damage</td><td>Empowered</td><td>Maximised</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>11D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>12D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>13D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>14D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>15D6</td><td>15D6+(15D6/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>16</td><td>16D6</td><td>16D6+(16D6/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>17</td><td>17D6</td><td>17D6+(17D6/2)</td><td>102</td></tr><tr><td>18</td><td>18D6</td><td>18D6+(18D6/2)</td><td>108</td></tr><tr><td>19</td><td>19D6</td><td>19D6+(19D6/2)</td><td>114</td></tr><tr><td>20+</td><td>20D6</td><td>20D6+(20D6/2)</td><td>120</td></tr></table>
<u>Control Undead</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: A single Undead target falls under the casters control if it fails a Will save. The Undead target must have less than twice the HD of the casters level. The creature remains under the casters control for 1 Hour per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 7 spell.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.

<u>Create Undead</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Summons an Undead ally based on the casters level. The ally remains for 24 Hours.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 48 Hours as a level 7 spell.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Undead Summoned</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>Ghoul</td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>Ghast</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>Wight</td></tr><tr><td>16+</td><td>Spectre</td></tr></table>
<span style="color: #FF6633">Ghoul Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>6 (Undead)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>17/17/10/13/14/16</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>1 Attack Per Round (ApR) @ AB +6 (3(BAB)+3(17STR))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>Each attack randomly chosen from 1D3+3(claw), 1D3+3(claw), 1D6+3(bite). The claw attacks inflict the target with the Disease Ghoul Rot (DC 18, 1D6 STR and 1D6 CON damage). The bite stuns the opponent if they fail their save (Will save DC12).</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>19</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>45</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Power Attack, Cleave, Knockdown, Improved Critical, Weapon Finesse, Toughness, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>None</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Death Magic, Level/Ability Drain, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Negative Energy heals. +2 Turn Resistance.</td></tr></table><span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The Improved Critical feat does not work.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Ghast Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>8 (Undead)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>17/17/10/13/14/16</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>1 Attack Per Round (ApR) @ AB +7 (4(BAB)+3(17STR))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>Each attack randomly chosen from 1D4+3(claw), 1D4+3(claw), 1D8+3(bite). The claw attacks inflict the target with the disease Ghoul Rot (DC18, 1D6 STR and 1D6 CON damage). The bite stuns the opponent if they fail their save (Will save DC12).</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>21</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>60</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Power Attack, Cleave, Knockdown, Weapon Finesse, Toughness, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilities</td><td>Tyrant Fog Zombie mist (1 use per day, DC13, 3.3m radius aura, drains constitution unless fortitude save vs poison)</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Death Magic, Level/Ability Drain, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Negative Energy heals, +2 Turn Resistance.</td></tr></table>
<span style="color: #FF6633">Wight Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>4 (Undead)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>12/12/10/11/13/15</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>1 Attack Per Round (ApR) @ AB +3 (2(BAB)+1(12STR))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>1D4+1(Wight Slam). Fortitude save (DC13) or lose 1 level.</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>15</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>26</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilities</td><td>None</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Death Magic, Level/Ability Drain, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Positive Energy causes damage, Negative Energy heals.</td></tr></table><span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: A shocking summon that has no business being a level 6 spell! Much worse than the Ghoul and Ghast summons.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Spectre Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>7 (Undead)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>10/18/10/14/14/15</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>1 Attack Per Round (ApR) @ AB +7 (3(BAB)+4(18DEX))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>1D4+2(Spectre Claw). Fortitude save (DC14) or lose 2 levels.</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>18</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>55</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Weapon Specialisation, Improved Critical, Dodge, Sneak Attack (1D6), Alertness, Skill Focus: Hide/Listen/Search/Spot, Weapon Finesse, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilities</td><td>Aura of the Unnatural (1 use per day, animals within aura stricken with Fear unless they make a Will save (DC12))</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Death Magic, Level/Ability Drain, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Negative Energy heals. +2 Turn Resistance, Damage Reduction 5/+1</td></tr></table><span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Improved Critical does not work.

Available to: Druids only.
Description: The caster smashes a construct with 1D6 damage per caster level (to a maximum of 15D6).
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: None.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Ignored.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 8 spell, or Maximised as a level 9 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Bypasses both Spell Resistance as well as golem Spell Immunity. The damage type is Sonic.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Sonic damage</td><td>Empowered</td><td>Maximised</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>11D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>12D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>13D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>14D6</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>15D6</td><td>15D6+(15D6/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>16</td><td>15D6</td><td>15D6+(15D6/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>17+</td><td>15D6</td><td>15D6+(15D6/2)</td><td>90</td></tr></table>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: The caster creates water in the lungs of the targeted living creature. The target must make a Fortitude save or be reduced to 10% of its current Hit Points.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: None.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This spell does not work on Golems, Elementals or Undead. The damage type is Bludgeoning (!?), and is unenchanted, meaning that it isn't guaranteed to remove 90% of the targets hit points if they have damage resistance. Casting this on a Succubus for example would reduce her to 10% +20 of her current Hit Points. Finally, this cannot be used as a finishing spell since it runs from current hit points, rather than maximum.

<u>Energy Buffer</u>
Available to:Druids only.
Description: Lasts 1 Turn per caster level, and provides 40/- damage resistance against Fire/Cold/Acid/Electricity/Sonic until 60 points worth of damage has been absorbed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Turns per caster level as a level 7 spell.

<u>Greater Dispelling</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid.
Description: Attempts to remove ALL spell effects from a single target, or remove the most powerful spell effect from all creatures (allies included) within a large area (5m radius - not colossal as described). The caster needs to succeed at a dispel check of 1D20, +1 per caster level to a maximum of 1D20+15, against DC 11 + enemy caster level.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: None.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This gives an effective spell removal range from enemy casters ranging from level 1 to level 24. Enemies over level 24 are immune to all Dispel Magic spells.

<u>Greater Sanctuary</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: The caster becomes ethereal for 1 Turn per caster level. No other creature can see the caster under this spell. Performing any hostile action will break the spell.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Turns per caster level as a level 7 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Basically this is sanctuary without the save, and lasting 10 times longer. It is the Cleric's "get out of jail" free card. If the fight begins to turn against you, using this spell will render you invisible to all creatures. This allows you to fully heal up, and even summon more allies without breaking the spell. Attacking or casting an offensive spell will remove the Sanctuary. It is supposed to beat True Seeing, but in reality this seems unreliable, with sometimes True Seeing breaking the Sanctuary, and other times not. Needs further investigation.

<u>Greater Stoneskin</u>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: The targeted creature gains 20/+5 damage resistance against all physical attacks. The stoneskin collapses once 10 points of damage per caster level have been absorbed (maximum 150). This lasts for 1 Hour per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 7 spell.

Available to: Cleric (6), Druid (7).
Description: Reduces the target to 1D4 hit points, provided the caster makes a successful touch attack. If the target is undead, they are fully healed. There is no saving throw.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: None.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This spells works off current hit points, rather than maximum, that it cannot be used to kill an enemy. Reducing them to 1D4 hit poitns with no save is however massively powerful.

Available to: Cleric (6), Druid (7).
Description: Restores the target to full hit points. If the target is undead, they suffer Positive Energy damage and are left with 1d4 HP, provided the caster makes a successful touch attack.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: None (vs Undead).
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed (vs Undead).

<u>Planar Ally</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Summons an Planar Ally based on the casters alignment. The ally remains for 1 Hour per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 7 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Good casters summon a Hound Archon. Neutral casters summon a Green Slaad, Evil casters summon a Succubus.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Hound Archon Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>15 (11 Outsider, 4 Fighter)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>18/10/16/10/13/12</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>3 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +20/+15/+10 (15(BAB)+4(18STR)+1(Summoned Hound Archon Sword)</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>2D6+9, +1D6 Fire vs. Evil (Summoned Hound Archon Sword). 1D8(Claw).</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>24</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>109</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Knockdown, Weapon Specialisation, Toughness</td></tr><tr><td>Abilities</td><td>1 x Elemental Shield, 1 x Ethereal Visage, 3 x Lightning Bolt (all cast at caster level 10)</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>100% immunity to electrical damage, damage reduction 10/+1, Spell Resistance 16, immunity to paralysis, +4 saves vs poison.</td></tr></table><span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Claw attack is only used if creature is disarmed.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Green Slaad Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>9 (Outsider)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>20/16/18/10/12/10</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>2 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +14/+9 (9(BAB)+5(20STR))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>Each attack randomly chosen from: 1D6+7(Claw), 1D6+7 (Claw), 2D8+7 (Bite).</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>22</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>76</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon Specialisation, Skill Focus: Listen/Spot, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilities</td><td>1 x Ethereal Visage, 3 x Fireball, 3 x Flame Arrow, 3 x Hammer of the Gods, 3 x Negative Energy Burst, 1 x Stoneskin, 3 x Vampiric Touch (all cast at caster level 10)</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Acid/Cold/Fire/Electrical/Sonic resist 5/-, Regeneration +5</td></tr></table>
<span style="color: #FF6633">Succubus Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>10 (5 Outsider, 5 Rogue)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>16/20/16/16/14/20</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>2 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +11/+6 (8(BAB)+3(16STR))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>Each attack randomly chosen from: 1D8+3(Claw) +2 Vampiric Regeneration, 1D8+3(Claw) +2 Vampiric Regeneration, Fortitude save or lose 1 level (Slam).</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>24</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>57</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Dodge, Mobility, Cleave, Sneak Attack (3D6), Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilities</td><td>3 x Bestow Curse, 3 x Evard's Black Tentacles, 3 x Haste, 3 x Lightning Bolt, 3 x Vampiric Touch (all cast at caster level 10)</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Damage reduction 20/+2, Acid/Cold/Fire resist 20/-, 100% immunity to electrical damage, immunity to poison, Spell Resistance 12.</td></tr></table>
<u>Undeath to death</u>
Description: Slays 1D4 HD per caster level of Undead to a maximum of 20d4. Undead with the lowest HD are affected first.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will negates.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: No, summoned Undead allies also stand a good chance to be destroyed with this spell.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Empowered as a level 8 spell, or Maximised as a level 9 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The affected area is a colossal (20m radius) sphere. If the Undead fails its Will save, it is reduced to zero HP as it is smitten with divine damage.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level:</td><td>Undead HD destroyed</td><td>Empowered Undead HD destroyed</td><td>Maximised Undead HD destroyed</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>11D4</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>12</td><td>12D4</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>13D4</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>14D4</td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>15D4</td><td>15D4+(15D4/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>16</td><td>16D4</td><td>16D4+(16D4/2)</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>17</td><td>17D4</td><td>17D4+(17D4/2)</td><td>68</td></tr><tr><td>18</td><td>18D4</td><td>18D4+(18D4/2)</td><td>72</td></tr><tr><td>19</td><td>19D4</td><td>19D4+(19D4/2)</td><td>76</td></tr><tr><td>20+</td><td>20D4</td><td>20D4+(20D4/2)</td><td>80</td></tr></table>
<u>Summon Creature VI</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid.
Description: Summons a Dire Tiger for 24 Hours.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 48 Hours as a level 7 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: If the cleric has Animal Domain powers, the Dire Tiger is replaced with a Huge Elemental.
<span style="color: #FF6633">Dire Tiger Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>16 (Animal)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>27/15/14/3/12/10</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>3 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +20/+15/+10 (12(BAB)+8(27STR))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>Each attack randomly chosen from 2D4+8(claw), 2D4+8(claw), 2D6+8(bite).</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>18</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>120</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Power Attack, Cleave, Toughness</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>None</td></tr></table>
<u>Stone Hold</u>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: Creates a colossal cloud (10m radius, not huge as described) that paralyzes all creatures within (caster included) if they fail their Will save for 1D6 Rounds. The cloud remains for 1 Round per caster level.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will vs mind affecting negates.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: No.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended (for the AoE) to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 7 spell, Empowered to encase creatures in stone for 1D6+(1D6/2) Rounds as a level 8 spell, or Maximised to encase creatures in stone for 6 Rounds as a level 9 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This spell can be effective if the caster and allies have immunity to mind spells or paralysis.

<h2 style="margin: 0;">Level 7</h2>
<u>Aura of Vitality</u>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: All allies within a colossal (10m radius) area have their strength, dexterity and constitution increased by +4 for 1 Round per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 8 spell.

<u>Creeping Doom</u>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: A swarming mass of biting and stinging insects covers a huge area (6.67m radius - not large as described). All creatures within the area take a cumulative 1D6 points of damage each Round (1D6 for the first Round, 2D6 for the second and so on), until a total of 1000 points of damage have been dealt. The swarm remains for 1 Round per caster level.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: None.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Partial (1D20 and slow only).
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: No.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 8 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: There is more to this spell than stated. Firstly, each time a creatures enters the swarm (whether they run into it, or it is cast over them) they take 1D20 damage and have their movement speed reduced by 50% (a Spell Resistance check is allowed for this part to avoid the effects of both). The movement speed decrease only takes effect while the creature remains in the swarm. For each subsequent Round the creatures take the cumulative 1D6 damage for which there is no spell resistance. This spell deals piercing damage but with no enhancement bonus (meaning that any physical damage reduction will hamper the effects of this spell).

Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Target must make a Fortitude save or die. If the save is successful, the target takes 10D6 points of damage.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Fortitude negates.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The damage type is divine. Death Ward will prevent all effects of this spell (including the divine damage on a failed save). The script also has support for Empowered and Maximised variants of this spell, neither of which seem to be useable.

<u>Fire Storm</u>
Available to: Cleric (8), Druid (7).
Description: Rains fire and holy damage down on all enemies within a colossal radius (10m) around the caster, inflicting 1D6 per caster level, to a maximum of 20D6. Half the damage is fire based, half is divine based. Enemies can make a Reflex save for half damage.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Reflex vs fire halves fire damage, Reflex vs divine halves divine damage.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: Yes.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Support for Empowerment and Maximisation, but these go beyond level 9 for the Cleric. Druids however get this spell at level 7, so can cast a level 9 Empowered version which makes for some very big numbers!
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Essentially, this is a more damaging, colossal area effecting, harder to resist and completely party friendly version of the level 5 spell Flame Strike. Just like Flame Strike, enemies make 2 Reflex saves - 1 against the fire damage, and 1 against the divine damage.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level:</td><td>Fire damage:</td><td>Divine damage:</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>13D6/2</td><td>13D6/2</td></tr><tr><td>14</td><td>14D6/2</td><td>14D6/2</td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>15D6/2</td><td>15D6/2</td></tr><tr><td>16</td><td>16D6/2</td><td>16D6/2</td></tr><tr><td>17</td><td>17D6/2</td><td>17D6/2</td></tr><tr><td>18</td><td>18D6/2</td><td>18D6/2</td></tr><tr><td>19</td><td>19D6/2</td><td>19D6/2</td></tr><tr><td>20+</td><td>20D6/2</td><td>20D6/2</td></tr></table>
<u>Greater Restoration</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Pretty much removes all negative effects from a target. The target is also healed to full hit points. Negative effects covered by this spell are: ability decrease, AC decrease, attack decrease, damage decrease, damage immunity decrease, saving throw decrease, spell resistance decrease, skill decrease, blindness, deafness, curses, diseases, poisons, paralyzation, charm/domination, dazed, confused, frightened, negative levels, slow and stun.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This spell cannot be used offensively against undead, even though it has powerful healing properties. As far as I can tell from the script, all negative effects are removed from the target, despite the description specifically stating that mind and movement affecting effects are not removed. Furthermore, it looks like it only removes effects if they are not supernatural, which surely means that some poison and disease effects will not be removed, which seems silly.

Available to: Cleric (7), Druid (6).
Description: For 1 Round per caster level, the target receives +6 Regeneration.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 8 spell (Druids can Extend this as a level 7 spell).
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Regeneration is a stackable ability, so this spell can be combined with the level 5 spell Monstrous Regeneration to provide a regeneration rate of 9 HP per Round, as well as any further regeneration provided by items.

Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Target is brought back to life and healed to full hit points.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Cannot be used offensively against Undead, despite its healing properties.

<u>Summon Creature VII</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid.
Description: Summons a "random" Huge Elemental for 24 Hours.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 48 Hours as a level 8 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The summoned elemental is chosen from Fire, Air or Water. For some reason Earth elementals are not a possibility. If the cleric has Animal domain powers, the Huge Elemental is replaced with a Greater Elemental.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Huge Air Elemental Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>16 (Elemental)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>18/29/18/6/11/11</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>3 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +21/+16/+11 (12(BAB)+9(29DEX))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>1D10+4 (Slam)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>23</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>136</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Weapon Finesse, Dodge, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>Pulse - Once per day, 8D3 physical damage to all opponents who fail a Reflex save (DC14). Those who fail their save are also knocked down.</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Damage Reduction 10/+2.</td></tr></table><span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The Air Elemental Pulse ability and will work against you if caught in the area of effect.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Huge Fire Elemental Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>16 (Elemental)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>18/25/13/6/11/11</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>3 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +19/+14/+9 (12(BAB)+7(25DEX))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>2D8+4 Bludgeoning +2D8 Fire (Slam)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>21</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>88</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Weapon Finesse, Dodge, Mobility, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>None.</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Damage Reduction 10/+2. 100% Fire immunity, 50% cold vulnerability.</td></tr></table>
<span style="color: #FF6633">Huge Water Elemental Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>16 (Elemental)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>20/18/19/6/11/11</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>3 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +17/+12/+7 (12(BAB)+5(20STR))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>1D10+5 Bludgeoning (Slam)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>23</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>136</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Power Attack, Cleave, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>Drown - Once per day, the Water Elemental will sacrifice half its hit points when it enters combat and attempt to drown all creatures within a large area. Creatures failing their Fortitude save (DC20) instantly die.</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Damage Reduction 10/+2. 100% Fire immunity. 50% Cold Vulnerability.</td></tr></table><span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The Water Elemental Drown attack is not party friendly, so the caster potentially faces death if fighting along side the Elemental at the start of combat. It will use its Drown ability immediately however, and can only use it once, so it's best to keep a little distance at the start of the fight.

<u>Word of Faith</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Stuns enemies within a colossal (10m radius) area for 1 Round per 2 caster levels. There is no saving throw. Enemies with 4HD or less instantly die.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: None.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: Yes.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: There is a little more to this spell that the description lets on. Firstly, all hostile summoned creatures are instantly slain with no save unless they are immune to death magic. Secondly, the effects a creature suffers depends on the creature's HD as follows:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Creature HD</td><td>Effect suffered</td></tr><tr><td>4 or less</td><td>Instant Death</td></tr><tr><td>5-7</td><td>Stunned, Confused and Blinded</td></tr><tr><td>9-11</td><td>Stunned and Blinded</td></tr><tr><td>12+</td><td>Blinded</td></tr></table>

[ 11-10-2005, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: Zink Whistlefly ]

Zink Whistlefly 11-08-2005 11:22 AM

<h2 style="margin: 0;">Level 8</h2>
<u>Aura vs Alignment</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Provides a +4 AC deflection bonus, +4 to all saving throws, 25 Spell Resistance and immunity to mind affecting spells from all creatures of the chosen alignment. Additionally, creatures of the chosen alignment striking the caster take 1D8+6 damage. These effects last for 1 Round per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Rounds per caster level as a level 9 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The damage sustained by enemies striking the caster is divine.

Available to: Druids only.
Description: A colossal area (10m radius - not large as described) is blasted with falling rocks, dealing 1D8 per caster level to all within the affected area (maximum 10D8).
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Reflex halves.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: No.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Support for Empowerment and Maximisation, but these take this spell past level 9.
<span style="color: #74DCBA"Comments: The physical damage is in the form of Bludgeoning, and is unenchanted, meaning that a creature with 20/+1 damage reduction will shrug off the first 20 points of damage from this spell.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Physical damage</td></tr><tr><td>15+</td><td>10D8</td></tr></table>
<u>Create Greater Undead</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Summons an Undead ally based on the casters level. The ally remains for 24 Hours.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 48 Hours as a level 9 spell.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Undead Summoned</td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>Vampire</td></tr><tr><td>16</td><td>Doom Knight</td></tr><tr><td>18</td><td>Lich</td></tr><tr><td>20+</td><td>Greater Mummy</td></tr></table>
<span style="color: #FF6633">Vampire Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>10 (Fighter)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>21/17/12/12/14/14</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>2 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +18/+13 (10(BAB)+5(21STR)+1(Weapon Focus)+2(Bastard Sword enhancement))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>1D10+9(Bastard Sword +2, Critical 17-20 *2), 1D6+5 Fortitude save of drain 2 levels (Vampire Bite)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>17</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>94</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon Focus, Improved Critical, Weapon Specialisation, Alertness, Point Blank Shot, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>Dominating Gaze: All creatures within the cone shaped area of effect must make a Will save (DC15) or be dominated. The domination lasts for 4 Rounds.</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Death Magic, Level/Ability Drain, Sneak Attack, Paralysis, Negative Energy heals, +5 Regeneration, damage reduction 15/+1, 20/- resistance to cold and electricity.</td></tr></table><span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The Vampire is not disarmable, and so the Bastard Sword will always be used over the bite. The Vampire does not seem to use his domination gaze.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Doom Knight Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>9 (Outsider)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>21/15/19/12/15/12</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>2 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +18/+13 (9(BAB)+5(21STR)+1(Weapon Focus)+3(Great Sword enhancement))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>2D6+10(Great Sword +3, Critical 19-20 *2)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>24</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>76</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Weapon Focus, Cleave, Alertness, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>2 x Dispel Magic, 1 x Fireball, 1 x Power Word Stun, 3 x See Invisibility (all cast at caster level 9). 2 x Aura of Fear (medium area of effect around the Doom Knight, enemies must make a Will save at DC13 or flee with Fear for 3 Rounds. The aura is party friendly).</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Death Magic, Level/Ability Drain, Sneak Attack, Paralysis, Positive Energy causes damage, Negative Energy heals, damage reduction 15/+1, Spell Resistance 12.</td></tr></table>
<span style="color: #FF6633">Lich Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>12 (Wizard)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>12/14/13/21/14/12</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>2 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +10/+5 (6(BAB)+1(12STR)+3(Quarterstaff enhancement))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>1D6+4 (Quarterstaff +3)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>19</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>112</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Alertness, Dodge, Toughness, Combat Casting, Spell Focus Evocation</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>5 x Melf's Acid Arrow, 1 x Dispel Magic, 2 x Fireball, 1 x Flame Arrow, 1 x Haste, 2 x Phantasmal Killer, 2 x Wall of Fire, 2 x Cloudkill, 2 x Hold Monster, 2 x Chain Lightning, (All at caster level 12), 1 x Aura of Fear (medium area of effect around the Lich, enemies must make a Will save at DC14 or flee with Fear for 4 Rounds. The aura is party friendly).</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Level/Ability Drain, Sneak Attack, Paralysis, Negative Energy heals, damage reduction 15/+1, 100% immunity to cold and electrical damage, Turn Resistance +4.</td></tr></table><span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Bizarrely the Lich is not immune to death magic.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Greater Mummy Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>16 (Cleric 10, Undead 6)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>21/12/10/10/16/15</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>2 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +15/+10 (10(BAB)+5(21STR))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>2D6+5 (Slam), each hit target must make a Fortitude save or be inflicted with the disease Mummy Rot (DC20, 1D6 CON damage)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>21</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>100</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Power Attack, Cleave, Knockdown, Disarm, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialisation, Improved Critical, Toughness, Combat Casting, Spell Penetration, Darkvision, Turn Undead.</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>1 x Inflict Minor Wounds, 3 x Light, 1 x Resistance, 1 x Virtue, 1 x Bless, 1 x Doom, 1 x Inflict Light Wounds, 1 x Aid, 1 x Hold Person, 1 x Inflict Moderate Wounds, 1 x Silence, 2 x Clarity, 1 x Dispel Magic, 1 x Inflict Serious Wounds, 1 x Divine Power, 1 x Freedom of Movement, 1 x Inflict Critical Wounds, 1 x Neutralize Poison, 1 x Flame Strike, 1 x True Seeing (All at caster level 10)</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Death Magic, Level/Ability Drain, Sneak Attack, Paralysis, Negative Energy heals, damage reduction 10/+2, 50% immunity to slashing/piercing/bludgeoning/electrical, 50% vulnerability to fire.</td></tr></table>
Available to: Cleric (8), Druid (9).
Description: All creatures within a colossal area (10m radius) take 1D6 points of damage per caster level, to a maximum of 10D6. The Earthquake must be centralised on the caster.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Reflex halves.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Spell Resistance: Ignored.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: Partial - the caster is protected from the Earthquake, all other allies are stricken.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Support for Empowerment and Maximisation, but these go beyond level 9 for the Cleric/Druid.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This is a rare spell indeed. Damage is certainly limited, but it bypasses Spell Resistance! Unfortunately, like Blade Barrier, the physical damage dished out (bludgeoning in this case) isn't Enchanted, meaning that a creature with 15/+1 damage resistance will absorb 15 points of damage from this spell, which is disappointing since the damage is average at best for this level anyway.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression: Since this spell isn't acquired until at least 15 character levels, it will already be at its maximum of 10D6 damage.

<u>Finger of Death</u>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: The target must make a Fortitude save or die. If the target makes the save, they still take 3D6, +1 damage per caster level.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Fortitude vs death negates.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Support for Empowerment and Maximisation (for the Negative Energy damage), but these take the spell past level 9 (for Druids).
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The damage type on a successful Fortitude save is Negative Energy. Creatures immune to death magic ignore both effects of this spell.

<u>Mass Heal</u>
Available to: Cleric (8), Druid (9).
Description: All allies within the area of effect are healed to full hit points. All undead caught in this area take positive damage and are reduced to 1D4 hit points with no saving throw.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: None (vs Undead).
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed (Undead).
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Actually only affects a medium (3.3m) area rather than the stated large.

<u>Nature's Balance</u>
Available to: None.
Description: All allies within a large (5m) radius of the caster are healed 3D8 (not 3D6 as described), +1 per caster level hit points. Enemies within this area have their Spell Resistance lowered by 1D4 per 5 caster levels if they fail their Will save.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Will negates.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Ignored.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended for the Spell Resistance reduction to last for 2 Rounds for every 3 caster levels. This script also supports Empowered and Maximised versions which affect the healing only, but this take the spell beyond level 9.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The only Divine spell which lowers Spell Resistance. The description doesn't state the duration for which this will be lowered if successful, which is 1 Round for every 3 caster levels. Since the healing property only affect allies, this spell cannot be used offensively against undead.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>HP healed (allies only)</td><td>Spell Resistance lowered (enemies only)</td><td>Duration (Spell Resistance, Rounds)</td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>3D6+15</td><td>3D4</td><td>5</td></tr><tr><td>16</td><td>3D6+16</td><td>3D4</td><td>5</td></tr><tr><td>17</td><td>3D6+17</td><td>3D4</td><td>5</td></tr><tr><td>18</td><td>3D6+18</td><td>3D4</td><td>6</td></tr><tr><td>19</td><td>3D6+19</td><td>3D4</td><td>6</td></tr><tr><td>20</td><td>3D6+20</td><td>4D4</td><td>6</td></tr><tr><td>21</td><td>3D6+21</td><td>4D4</td><td>7</td></tr><tr><td>22</td><td>3D6+22</td><td>4D4</td><td>7</td></tr><tr><td>23</td><td>3D6+23</td><td>4D4</td><td>7</td></tr><tr><td>24</td><td>3D6+24</td><td>4D4</td><td>8</td></tr><tr><td>25</td><td>3D6+25</td><td>5D4</td><td>8</td></tr><tr><td>26</td><td>3D6+26</td><td>5D4</td><td>8</td></tr><tr><td>27</td><td>3D6+27</td><td>5D4</td><td>9</td></tr><tr><td>28</td><td>3D6+28</td><td>5D4</td><td>9</td></tr><tr><td>29</td><td>3D6+29</td><td>5D4</td><td>9</td></tr><tr><td>30</td><td>3D6+30</td><td>6D4</td><td>10</td></tr><tr><td>31</td><td>3D6+31</td><td>6D4</td><td>10</td></tr><tr><td>32</td><td>3D6+32</td><td>6D4</td><td>10</td></tr><tr><td>33</td><td>3D6+33</td><td>6D4</td><td>11</td></tr><tr><td>34</td><td>3D6+34</td><td>6D4</td><td>11</td></tr><tr><td>35</td><td>3D6+35</td><td>7D4</td><td>11</td></tr><tr><td>36</td><td>3D6+36</td><td>7D4</td><td>12</td></tr><tr><td>37</td><td>3D6+37</td><td>7D4</td><td>12</td></tr><tr><td>38</td><td>3D6+38</td><td>7D4</td><td>12</td></tr><tr><td>39</td><td>3D6+39</td><td>7D4</td><td>13</td></tr><tr><td>40</td><td>3D6+40</td><td>8D4</td><td>13</td></tr></table>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: The targeted creature gains 30/+5 damage resistance against all physical attacks. Premonition collapses once 10 points of damage per caster level have been absorbed. This lasts for 1 Hour per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 2 Hours per caster level as a level 9 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: This spell grows in power all the way up to level 40, to absorb a maximum of 400 damage.

<u>Summon Creature VIII</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid.
Description: Summons a random Greater Elemental for 24 Hours.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended to last for 48 Hours as a level 9 spell.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The summoned elemental is chosen from Fire, Air or Water. Earth Elementals fail to show their rocky behinds with this spell. If the Cleric has Animal Domain powers, this the Greater Elemental is replaced with an Elder Elemental.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Greater Air Elemental Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>18 (Elemental)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>20/31/17/6/11/11</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>3 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +23/+18/+13 (13(BAB)+10(31DEX))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>2D8+5 (Slam)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>28</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>157</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Weapon Finesse, Dodge, Mobility, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>Pulse - Once per day, 9D3 physical damage to all opponents who fail a Reflex save (DC14). Those who fail their save are also knocked down. </td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Damage Reduction 10/+2</td></tr></table><span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The Air Elemental Pulse ability and will work against you if caught in the area of effect.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Greater Fire Elemental Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>18 (Elemental)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>20/27/15/6/11/11</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>3 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +21/+16/+11 (13(BAB)+8(27DEX))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>2D8+5 Bludgeoning +2D8 Fire (Slam)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>26</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>136</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Weapon Finesse, Mobility, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>None.</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Damage Reduction 10/+2. 100% Fire immunity, 50% cold vulnerability</td></tr></table>
<span style="color: #FF6633">Greater Water Elemental Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>18 (Elemental)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>26/20/19/6/11/11</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>3 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +21/+16/+11 (13(BAB)+8(26STR))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>2D10+8 Bludgeoning (Slam)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>24</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>178</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Critical, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>Drown - Once per day, the Water Elemental will sacrifice half its hit points when it enters combat and attempt to drown all creatures within a large area. Creatures failing their Fortitude save (DC20) instantly die.</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Damage Reduction 10/+2. 100% Fire immunity.</td></tr></table><span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The Water Elemental Drown attack is not party friendly, so the caster potentially faces death if fighting along side the Elemental at the start of combat. It will use its Drown ability immediately however, and can only use it once, so it's best to keep a little distance at the start of the fight. As usual, the Improved Critical: Creature feat does not seem to work.

Available to: Cleric, Druid.
Description: Divine light blasts a colossal area (10m radius). Undead take 1D6 divine damage per caster level, to a maximum of 20D6. All other creatures take 3D6 divine damage. All creatures must make a Reflex save or be blinded for 3 Rounds.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Reflex vs divine halves divine damage and prevents blindness.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: No.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Support for Empowerment and Maximisation, but these go beyond level 9.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Divine damage (Undead)</td><td>Divine damage (Others)</td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>15D6</td><td>3D6</td></tr><tr><td>16</td><td>16D6</td><td>3D6</td></tr><tr><td>17</td><td>17D6</td><td>3D6</td></tr><tr><td>18</td><td>18D6</td><td>3D6</td></tr><tr><td>19</td><td>19D6</td><td>3D6</td></tr><tr><td>20+</td><td>20D6</td><td>3D6</td></tr></table>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: A massive globe of heat blasts a colossal (10m radius) area (not huge as described). All Undead take 1D6 damage per caster level (to a maximum of 25D6). Non-Undead take 6D6 damage. All creatures are smitten with permanent blindness unless they make a successful Reflex save. Vampires must make a successful Reflex save or be instantly destroyed.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Reflex vs spells halves divine damage and prevents blindness (also prevents instant death for Vampires).
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: Yes.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Support for Empowerment and Maximisation, but these go beyond level 9.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The damage type for this spell is magical. The Reflex saves for half damage, blindness and insta-kill are all handled independently. Quite why the Druid gets both Sunbeam and Sunburst is a little unknown, since this version is superior in every way - more damaging, party friendly, permanent blindness rather than temporary and includes a Vampire insta-kill effect.
<span style="color: #FFFF00">Progression:
<table border="1" width="500" style="color: #FFFF00"><tr><td>Caster Level</td><td>Divine damage (Undead)</td><td>Divine damage (Others)</td></tr><tr><td>15</td><td>15D6</td><td>6D6</td></tr><tr><td>16</td><td>16D6</td><td>6D6</td></tr><tr><td>17</td><td>17D6</td><td>6D6</td></tr><tr><td>18</td><td>18D6</td><td>6D6</td></tr><tr><td>19</td><td>19D6</td><td>6D6</td></tr><tr><td>20</td><td>20D6</td><td>6D6</td></tr><tr><td>21</td><td>21D6</td><td>6D6</td></tr><tr><td>22</td><td>22D6</td><td>6D6</td></tr><tr><td>23</td><td>23D6</td><td>6D6</td></tr><tr><td>24</td><td>24D6</td><td>6D6</td></tr><tr><td>25+</td><td>25D6</td><td>6D6</td></tr></table>

[ 11-09-2005, 06:27 AM: Message edited by: Zink Whistlefly ]

Zink Whistlefly 11-08-2005 11:24 AM

<h2 style="margin: 0;">Level 9</h2>
<u>Elemental Swarm</u>
Available to: Druids only.
Description: Summons a 24HD Air Elemental to act as a loyal servant to the caster. If the Air Elemental is slain, it is replaces with a 24HD Water Elemental, which in turn is replaced by a 24HD Earth Elemental, followed finally by a 24HD Fire Elemental. Once all 4 Elementals have been slain, no more are summoned. The duration of the spell is 24 Hours.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Support for being Extended, but this takes the spell past level 9.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: These Elementals are slightly more powerful than the level 8 Greater Elemental summoning spell, but slightly weaker than the level 9 Elder Elemental summoning spell. This is also the only spell which summons Earth Elementals.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Greater Air Elemental Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>21 (Elemental)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>20/31/18/6/11/11</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>3 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +26/+21/+16 (16(BAB)+10(31DEX))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>2D8+5 (Slam)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>28</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>178</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Weapon Finesse, Dodge, Mobility, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>Pulse - Once per day, 10D3 physical damage to all opponents who fail a Reflex save (DC14). Those who fail are also knocked down.</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Damage Reduction 10/+2</td></tr></table><span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The Air Elemental Pulse ability and will work against you if caught in the area of effect.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Greater Water Elemental Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>21 (Elemental)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>26/20/21/6/11/11</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>3 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +24/+19/+14 (16(BAB)+8(26STR))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>2D10+8 Bludgeoning (Slam)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>24</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>199</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Critical, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>Drown - Once per day, the Water Elemental will sacrifice half its hit points when it enters combat and attempt to drown all creatures within a large area.</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Damage Reduction 10/+2. 100% Fire immunity.</td></tr></table><span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The Water Elemental Drown attack is not party friendly, so the caster potentially faces death if fighting along side the Elemental at the start of combat. It will use its Drown ability immediately however, and can only use it once, so it's best to keep a little distance at the start of the fight. As usual, the Improved Critical: Creature feat does not seem to work.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Greater Earth Elemental Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>20 (Elemental)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>31/8/21/6/11/11</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>3 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +26/+21/+16 (16(BAB)+10(31STR))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>2D10+12 Bludgeoning (Slam)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>21</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>199</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialisation, Improved Critical, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>None.</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Damage Reduction 10/+2.</td></tr></table><span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Improved Critical does not work, but Weapon Specialisation does.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Greater Fire Elemental Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>20 (Elemental)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>20/27/18/6/11/11</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>3 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +21/+16/+11 (16(BAB)+8(27DEX))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>2D8+5 Bludgeoning +2D8 Fire (Slam)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>26</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>178</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Weapon Finesse, Mobility, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>None.</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Damage Reduction 10/+2. 100% Fire immunity, 50% cold vulnerability</td></tr></table>
<u>Energy Drain</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Target is permanently drained of 2D4 levels.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Fortitude vs Negative Energy negates.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Support for Empowerment and Maximisation, but these go beyond level 9.

Available to: Druids only.
Description: The caster can choose to polymorph into a Red Dragon, Fire Giant, Balor, Death Slaad or Iron Golem for 1 Turn per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Support for Extended, but this takes the spell past level 9.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The casters STR/DEX/CON change depending on the selected creature (INT/WIS/CHA remain unchanged, as does the characters base attack). Stats are as follows:
<ul>[*]Red Dragon: STR 36, DEX 30, CON 21, each attack chosen from 2D6+13 (claw), 2D6+13 (claw) or 2D8+13 (bite). HP boost = 150 + CON bonus. +10 Natural AC bonus. Immunity to: Mind Affecting spells, Fear, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Damage Reduction 5/+1, 10% vulnerability to cold, 100% invulnerability fire. Spell Resistance 20, True Seeing. Does not have Dragon's Breath or Aura of Fear capabilities.[*]Fire Giant: STR 30, DEX 30, CON 21, each attack at 2D10+10. HP boost = 200 + CON bonus. +10 Natural AC bonus. 100% immunity to fire, 50% vulnerability to cold.[*]Balor: STR 24, DEX 30, CON 24, each attack at 1D6+7 (on hit: Fear DC18). HP boost = 250 + CON bonus. +10 Natural AC bonus. 30/+3 damage reduction, 20/- resistance to Fire/Cold/Acid. 100% immunity to electrical damage. Immunity to poison. Spell Resistance 28.[*]Death Slaad: STR 24, DEX 36, CON 24, each attack chosen from 3D6+7 (claw), 3D6+7 (claw), 2D10+7 (bite). HP boost = 225 + CON bonus. +10 Natural AC bonus. 20/+2 damage reduction, 5/- resistance to Fire/Cold/Acid/Electricity/Sonic. Regeneration +5.[*]Iron Golem: STR 30, DEX 20, CON 20, each attack at 2D10+10 (slam). HP boost = 300 + CON bonus. +10 Natural AC bonus. 30/+3 damage reduction. 50% vulnerability to electrical damage. Immunity to: Critical Hits, Death Magic, Disease, Level Drain, Ability Drain, Mind Affecting spells, Sneak Attack, Paralysis, Poison.[/list]<u>Gate</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Summons forth a Balor which goes on a rampage, attacking all creatures if the caster is not Protected from Evil. If the caster is protected against evil, a much more powerful Balor is summoned which acts as a loyal summon. The Balor remains for 1 Round per caster Level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended, but this takes it past level 9 and so it unfeasible.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Without Protection from Evil, the rampaging Balor is a level 13 Outsider, and the caster has no control over the demon. If however, the caster is Protected from Evil, he/she gains control over a more powerful level 20 Balor, which is a handy summon indeed.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Balor stats (no protection from evil):
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>13 (Outsider)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>25/13/19/20/20/16</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>3 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +21/+16/+11 (13(BAB)+7(25STR)+1(Balor Greatsword))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>2D6+8 (Balor Greatsword +1, Critical hit 19-20 x2: Vorpal DC14), (Balor Slam, on hit Fear - this attack is never used since the Balor is not disarmable)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>30</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>110</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Cleave, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>4 x Darkness, 4 x Fear, 1 x Fire Storm, 4 x Greater Dispelling, 1 x Implosion, 4 x Wall of Fire (All at caster level 15). Upon death, the Balor unleashes a fireball that blasts everyone within a huge (6.67m) radius with a 50 damage fireball (Reflex save for half).</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Damage Reduction 30/+3, 20/- resistance against Fire/Cold/Acid, 100% immunity to electrical damage, immunity to poison, Spell Resistance 28.</td></tr></table>
<span style="color: #FF6633">Balor stats (caster protected from evil):
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>20 (Outsider)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>26/13/20/20/20/16</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>5 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +29/+29/+24/+19/+14 (20(BAB)+8(26STR)+1(Balor Greatsword)) (extra attack at full BAB from haste).</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>2D6+9 (Balor Greatsword +1, Critical hit 17-20 x2: Vorpal DC14), (Balor Slam, on hit Fear - this attack is never used since the Balor is not disarmable)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>35</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>158</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Knockdown, Cleave, Improved Critical, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>Hasted, 3 x Destruction, 1 x Fire Storm, 3 x Fireball, 1 x Implosion, 1 x Meteor Swarm (All at caster level 15). Upon death, the Balor unleashes a fireball that blasts everyone within a huge (6.67m) radius with a 50 damage fireball (Reflex save for half).</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Damage Reduction 30/+3, 20/- resistance against Fire/Cold/Acid, 100% immunity to electrical damage, immunity to poison, Spell Resistance 28.</td></tr></table><span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The level 20 Balor is an absolute tank, with massive damage reduction of 30/+3, 5 attacks per round with excellent AB's, a decent AC, and with a handful of mega spells to boot. Be wary of the Meteor Storm, Fireball and Implosion spells, which will harm friend and foe alike.

Available to: Clerics only.
Description: Creates a medium sized (3.3m radius) vortex. All creatures within the Vortex must make a Fortitude save or die.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Fortitude vs death negates, +3 DC.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: No.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Be VERY careful with this spell. It is cast at short range and is not caster or party friendly. If you target an enemy with this spell, and they move towards you before the spell has fired (quite likely because of the need to get up close to them) you'll be in trouble. This spell is cast a +3 DC, combine this with (Greater/Epic)Spell Focus: Evocation (quite likely for caster clerics, especially if they took the Air Domain), +9 DC from this being a high level 9 spell and finally with a high wisdom bonus and the DC is huge. To make matter worse, this spell actually IGNORES IMMUNITY TO DEATH MAGIC, so there is no easy protection from this spell. A very powerful spell indeed.

<u>Storm of Vengeance</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid.
Description: A colossal area (10m radius) is blasted with acidic rain and lightning. All enemies within take 3D6 acid damage each round, and must make a Reflex save or take an additional 6D6 electrical damage and be stunned for 2 Rounds. The storm remains in place for 10 Rounds.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Reflex vs electricity prevents 6D6 electrical damage and stun. Protection from mind affecting spells prevents the stun.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Allowed.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: Yes.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The description is a little out here. Firstly, on a failed Reflex save, the electrical damage taken is 6D6 - double the stated 3D6. Furthermore, the duration of the stun is 2 Rounds. The storm is also centred on the caster. What makes this spell so good is the party friendliness and massive area of effect, The whole save or generally be screwed approach turns fights against swarms of enemies easily in your favour. Multiple Storms of Vengeance can exist in the same area, with their damage being cumulative

<u>Summon Creature VIX</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid.
Description: Summons a random Elder Elemental for 24 Hours.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Can be Extended, but this takes it past level 9 and so it unfeasible.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The summoned elemental is chosen from Fire, Air or Water. Earth Elementals fail to show their rocky behinds with this spell. If the Cleric has Animal Domain powers, this spell is unchanged.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Elder Air Elemental Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>20 (Elemental)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>22/33/18/6/11/11</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>3 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +26/+21/+16 (15(BAB)+11(33DEX))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>2D8+6 (Slam)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>29</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>204</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Weapon Finesse, Dodge, Mobility, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>Pulse - Once per day, 10D3 physical damage to all opponents who fail a Reflex save (DC14). Those who fail their save are also knocked down. </td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Damage Reduction 15/+3</td></tr></table><span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The Air Elemental Pulse ability and will work against you if caught in the area of effect.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Elder Fire Elemental Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>20 (Elemental)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>22/29/17/6/11/11</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>3 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +21/+16/+11 (15(BAB)+6(22STR))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>2D8+6 Bludgeoning +2D8 Fire (Slam)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>27</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>180</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Mobility, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>None.</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Damage Reduction 15/+3. 100% Fire immunity, 50% cold vulnerability</td></tr></table>
<span style="color: #FF6633">Elder Water Elemental Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>20 (Elemental)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>28/22/21/6/11/11</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>3 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +24/+19/+14 (15(BAB)+9(28STR))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>2D10+9 Bludgeoning (Slam)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>25</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>228</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Critical, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>Drown - Once per day, the Water Elemental will sacrifice half its hit points when it enters combat and attempt to drown all creatures within a large area. Creatures failing their Fortitude save (DC20) instantly die.</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Poison, Disease, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Damage Reduction 15/+3. 100% Fire immunity.</td></tr></table><span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: The Water Elemental Drown attack is not party friendly, so the caster potentially faces death if fighting along side the Elemental at the start of combat. It will use its Drown ability immediately however, and can only use it once, so it's best to keep a little distance at the start of the fight. As usual, the Improved Critical: Creature feat does not seem to work.

<u>Undeath's Eternal Foe</u>
Available to: Clerics only.
Description: All allies within a medium (3.3m radius) area get immunity to negative damage, immunity to disease, immunity to poison, immunity to level drain and immunity to ability drain for 1 Round per caster level.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: Script support for Extended version, but this takes the spell beyond level 9 and so is unfeasible.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: A nice hidden bonus of this spell is that it grants all allies a +4 AC bonus too (not stated in the description). This AC bonus is cumulative with multiple castings of this spell too, so 3 x Undeath's Eternal Foe grants a +12 AC bonus! This spell pretty much gives everyone within the area of effect the abilities of a Greater Amulet of Health, with the addition of negative damage immunity and the AC bonus. Pity it doesn't grant immunity to critical hits which would better justify its level 9 slot.

<h2 style="margin: 0;">Epic Spells</h2>
<u>Mummy Dust</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid (requires 15 ranks in spell craft, 21st level and ability to cast level 9 spells)
Description: Summons a Powerful Mummy Warrior Lord for 24 Hours.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Mummy Warrior Lord Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>18 (Fighter)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>25/9/12/6/14/15</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>5 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +29/+24/+19/+14 (main hand), +27 (offhand) (18(BAB)+7(25STR)+1(Weapon Focus katana/short sword)+5(mainhand - Katana of the Mummylord)+3(offhand - Icy Blade)-2(dual wielding with Two Weapon Fighting/Ambidexterity/light off hand weapon))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>Mainhand: 1D10+12 (Katana of the Mummylord +5, on hit Poison DC22 1D2 Dexterity damage, Critical 19-20 x2). Offhand: 1D6+3, +1D6 Cold damage (Icy Blade +2, Critical 17-20 x2)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>24</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>143</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Power Attack, Cleave, Two Weapon Fighting, Ambidexterity, Whirlwind Attack, Weapon Focus: Katana, Weapon Focus: Short Sword, Weapon Specialisation: Katana, Improved Critical: Short Sword, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>1 X Aura of Fear (Enemies flee with Fear for 6 Rounds if they fail a will save vs Fear at DC15 when entering the aura).</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Critical Hits, Mind Affecting spells, Death Magic, Negative Energy damage, Negative levels/ability loss, Poison, Disease, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Damage Reduction 5/+1, 50% vulnerability to fire, 50% invulnerability to slashing/piercing/bludgeoning attacks.</td></tr></table>
<u>Dragon Knight</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid (requires 22 ranks in spell craft, 21st level and ability to cast level 9 spells)
Description: Summons an adult Red Dragon for 20 Rounds.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.

<span style="color: #FF6633">Red Dragon Stats:
<table border="1" style="color: #FF6633"><tr><td>Level</td><td>23 (Dragon)</td></tr><tr><td>Ability Scores (STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA)</td><td>33/12/22/17/20/16</td></tr><tr><td>Attack</td><td>4 Attacks Per Round (ApR) @ AB +33/+28/+23/+19 (22(BAB)+11(33STR))</td></tr><tr><td>Weapon</td><td>Each attack randomly chosen from 2D8+13 (Claw), 2D8+13 (Claw), 2D12+13 (Bite)</td></tr><tr><td>AC</td><td>33</td></tr><tr><td>HP</td><td>287</td></tr><tr><td>Notable Feats</td><td>Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Knockdown, Disarm, Weapon Focus: Creature, Weapon Specialization: Creature, Darkvision</td></tr><tr><td>Abilitites</td><td>1 x Dispel Magic, 1 x Flame Arrow, 1 x Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm (all at caster level 15), 3 x Dragon Breath: Fire (14D10, Reflex save vs fire DC28 for half), 1 X Aura: Dragon Fear (Will save DC27 or flee with Fear)</td></tr><tr><td>Immunities</td><td>Mind Affecting spells, Fear, Sneak Attack and Paralysis. Damage Reduction 30/+3, 10% vulnerability to cold, 100% invulnerability fire. Spell Resistance 22, True Seeing.</td></tr></table>
<u>Greater Ruin</u>
Available to: Cleric, Druid (requires 25 ranks in spell craft, 21st level and ability to cast level 9 spells)
Description: Blasts a single target for 35D6 Positive Energy damage.
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Fortitude vs spells halves.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Ignored.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: Not likely to kill tougher enemies outright, but is a great spell to open up, or finish off a battle with, since it does an average of 126 POSITIVE energy damage (pretty much un-resistable) and ignores spell resistance. Increased DC from Spell Focus: Evocation has no effect on this spell, although it is considered level 10 for the purposes of DC.

Available to: Cleric, Druid (requires 32 ranks in spell craft, 21st level and ability to cast level 9 spells)
Description: A massive ball of energy explodes, dealing 10D6 fire, 10D6 Sonic, 10D6 acid and 10D6 electrical damage to all within a colossal area (20m radius).
<span style="color: #7FCCE5">Save: Single Reflex save halves all damage.
<span style="color: #3EF44B">Spell Resistance: Ignored.
<span style="color: #EE3B96">Party friendly: No.
<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Metamagic: None.
<span style="color: #74DCBA">Comments: In the words of Samuel L. Jackson, "when you absolutely have to kill every last mother f***er in the room, accept no substitute". This spell pretty much annihilates anything caught in its (rather large) area, friend and foe alike (as the script states, a caster silly enough to stand in the way of all hell breaking lose deserves to die). It deals an average of 140 damage to each target, but resistance to one or two types of elemental damage, or a single casting of a protection from elements spell can really spoil the party here. It does however ignores Evasion and Spell Resistance. If the Hellball deals more than 50 damage to a single target, the target is knocked down. Like Greater Ruin, increased DC from Spell Focus: Evocation has no effect on this spell, although it is considered level 10 for the purposes of DC.

[ 11-09-2005, 06:25 AM: Message edited by: Zink Whistlefly ]

T-D-C 11-11-2005 04:45 AM

I have one word to say.


That is great work mate.

If you don't mind I will sticky this information for future reference for everyone.

Great stuff once again!

Zink Whistlefly 11-11-2005 04:55 AM

Thanks T-D-C, I appreciate the sticky offer. I hope this guide will prove useful to the IW NWN community.

I'll refine it over time (hopefully with some input from the NWN veterans we have here) and keep and eye on future patches which might change some spells.

Over the next few days I'll try and get some simple anchor navigation in there to make it easy to find specific spells without trawling through masses of information!

Robertthebard has very kindly offered some hosting if this spell guide ever needed to be moved [img]smile.gif[/img] .

ZFR 11-11-2005 02:20 PM

Excellent job Zink. Just what I needed. It's not there in the manual and such a list is very useful when playing a non-casting class and enemies cast a spell on me and I want to know what it does, how long it will last etc...

Just on a side notice. On what basis did you decide which spell level is which. For exapmle, ultravision is in level 1 although being clerical level 2. Did you do it according to most class levels?

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