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Ladyzekke 02-23-2001 12:11 AM

Well this looks interesting. Normally I miss all the fun on this board while I'm at work, but I'm home today so I think I'll sit back and watch! Now where did that hotdog/popcorn vendor go?

Cloudbringer 02-23-2001 12:16 AM

Hellfire you are bold as brass, little gobblinbreath! And YORICK?! Hmmm, well, don't be too happy there, droolyspawn, bards are notoriously fickle... that rogue nature, you know... that neutral alignment thing ...gets you every time. Methinks he helps you now since your 'army' is such pitiful sight. Or perhaps there is a profit in it somewhere? Hmmmm...well no matter. I am not aligned with either of you and it shall stay that way. However, since you are the minion of my ARCHnemesis, Jerome the Pincushion, I may ...toss a spell or two your way for a bit of practice. I have had this icestorm thing kicking around, may have to try it out. hehehe And leave my mage alone, fiend. I need him to keep the archnemesis imprisoned for the next six blissfully capslock-free months.

Storm-Queen, not amused by the sig, wormspawn, not amused at all.....grrrrrr

Hellfire 02-23-2001 12:19 AM

LadyZ please enjoy and the vendors seem to be busy (Gray Mage fetch the lday something to eat,now)and please LadyZwill you add to the rants and raves,that is the price of admission,just play along and you will not get hurt by this side or the pathetic order of flammers

Larr2 02-23-2001 12:20 AM

Vicotnik:, Where is everyone else, just when we are about to engage in battle? Asleep?
It is 12:04, PM (lunch-time) here in my little neck of the woods...
Hellfire:, Vic. and I seem to be standing alone at the moment, and we have not been given the command to charge by our generals but we do have the authority to defend the Order in any way we need to. You accuse Rikard of not having the ability nor the desire to offer the people protection from the likes of your kind...
That is absurd...what grounds do you make that claim?? And what have you done to unite your brethren to your cause?
It seems that we drastically outnumber you, and many more resources to drawl upon. How can you possibly stand a chance??

Moridin 02-23-2001 12:26 AM

In reply to previous posts......
I believe the goal of Hellfire's new order is not to destroy the OHF, but rather to play the antagonist in a light-hearted exchange of words. It has been said that this forum is starting to become a "steam-filled" playground for certain individuals (not trying to offend), and this 'new order of evil' is forming to bring a certain level of change to the forum. A story with only heros and heroines is really a bland story. There needs to be an enemy to make the story interesting. Members and followers of the OHF have decided to take the "good" road on this forum and we are offering an alternative side for those that wish to get involved in the fray. It is not the intention of this 'new order' to bring down the OHF outside of this forum (i.e. we will not put up an opposing internet site, newsletter,etc....) but rather to poke fun and demoralize the OHF on this forum.
Evil is sprouting up everywhere you look and if you are not careful you too will be consumed!

Gray Mage 02-23-2001 12:26 AM

Hey Matchstick, erhh Hellfire, I think that LadyZ would prefer Some BBQ.......CloudBringer would you oblidge the Lady.

Hellfire 02-23-2001 12:27 AM

NO NO NO MY DEAR CLOUDWHOWALKSINTOHEREFINALLY YOU DON'T GET AWAY THAT EASY,I WILL STILL BE GLAD TO USE THE GIFT THAT THE GREAT JEROME USED WHOM IS NOT HERE TO DEFEND HIMSELF...AND THE GRAY MAGE IS NOT RESPOUNDING DO TO THE WRATH OF MY HELL,ok the caps lock thing is boring,i am glad that you have showed up to play ,or should i say throw away your little life .it's time to dance and i think Yorick has somethind just for you ,i think it's Ode to silence for the Storm,i think it does something like turn a rainy day to golden sunshine.and drops humidity to tolerable levels,that should due you right in,"lady"

Hellfire 02-23-2001 12:34 AM

i may not have alot of numbers ,but weak forces depend on numbers,i have very great and powerful friends whom are in theirself more than enough to deal with your lack of support and show of the Lady Moridin has stated it just a change and stoppes outside of here.we are [[[role playing]]](hum i've seen that somewhere? )so play and be merry or die like fools,you decide mortal

Cloudbringer 02-23-2001 12:34 AM

Sorry, hellfire, if Moridin is correct, then SILENCE is probably not a bad thing for Cloudbringer.


Gabriel 02-23-2001 12:39 AM

Sorry to be late, real life roped me in.
As for philosophies, with out order there is chaos, with out choas there is no order.
We exist as a counter blance to the OHF.

btw-Do we have a name yet?

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