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LadyRae 04-29-2001 09:04 AM

Hey, what's the deal? With the "Testosterone Home"? Do you guys even realize what you're saying in there? And how any woman reading it might be made to feel??? And it's so much worse because I do consider some of you friends... Even close friends. Would any of you call a black person a n#gger? Or a retarded person a moron? Or a deformed person a freak? Well, some of the things said in there are just as ugly. And just as hurtful. You may rationalize that it's okay because it's 'just in fun', but hurting other people isn't fun, no matter how you label it!

We started the Ladies Guild because, as Reeka said, there are so few of us female types to you male types... It's hard to try to catch up to eachother, and this was a way to do it. On the first page of both mine and Reeka's thread, we were flamed for it! Don't give me any bullshit answer that it was all in fun and wasn't meant as flaming. Maybe some of you should head on over to TeamBG! From what I've seen over there, this would be a far better place for you! I'm sorry. Yes, I am mad about this. Mad enough to say F#CK IT! And walk away without a backwards glance. But I have too many ties here, and this place has come to mean much to me. I've put up with all the hurt feelings and all the controversy and all the other crap because of this, but I'm thinking that this is just TOO MUCH!

Yah, you can chalk it up to PMS if you want. Call me a bitch 'cause I have the nerve to speak my mind. But at this point I really don't give a shit. I have worked in a man's industry for most of my life. Seeing and knowing and having to deal with my male counter-parts getting sooo much more for their 'C' average effort then I get for my 110% simply because they're male is a reality for me! Something I deal with on a day to day basis! And, no, it's not at all funny! That shit in that thread and the flaming in mine and Reeka's thread isn't funny, gentlemen. It's ugly and it's hurtful. I would say, "Take it over to TeamBG! They will probably worship you for it! We don't want it here!" But why f#cking bother??? I'm outa here!

Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Conspirator...Um, I mean, member of the Ladies Guild
Smitten by The.Relic

caleb 04-29-2001 09:12 AM

Maybe you should post this in the offending thread so you can be sure they see it.

RULE #1:I am always right
RULE #2:See rule #1

Father Bronze 04-29-2001 09:18 AM

Well said LadyRae, although if it were me writing the reply (and it's not), I'd have toned down the language a bit -- no need to inflame things further.

Fortunately most of the thread has turned into a discussion of rugby. Let's hope it stays on that topic.

-- send them over to TeamBG -- that's just evil . . . LOL I know. Please don't send me there again. Please.

Most Subtle Official Straightman of the Laughing Hyenas -- Grammarian Brigade.

caleb 04-29-2001 09:30 AM

Yea dont let a few bad jokes on the first page keep you away its mostly rugby and crap now.

RULE #1:I am always right
RULE #2:See rule #1

Mouse 04-29-2001 09:46 AM

As my name is at the top of the "offensive" thread, I feel it would be appropriate to reply. Granted, I can see how some of the comments could be offensive, but remember, the way to change attitudes is by education, not simply condemnation. I myself may not like everything that is posted here, but within the limits of my moral compass I will defend an individuals right to free speach.

On a personal note, LadyRae - don't leave!



Melusine 04-29-2001 09:52 AM

Too bad that this is to be my first post on the re-opened Forum...I haven't even had the opportunity to post before and thank Dan for his tremendous efforts....
Anyway, I'm sorry LadyRae but I have to see disagree with you...I have read the thread you're referring to and found nothing insulting in it, as a matter of fact I thought it rather funny.
" Would any of you call a black person a n#gger? Or a retarded person a moron? Or a deformed person a freak? Well, some of the things said in there are just as ugly. And just as hurtful."
I have found nothing of that graveness in the thread, or it must be that someone has added things that I haven't read. Personally, I am more offended by some of the sugary-sickening love-talk that's been going on in some other threads.
Of course, maybe I missed something that was truly offensive and if so, I apologise. I also know that people react differently to things, and I respect that. I'm just saying that to me, the Testosterone thread was pretty innocuous.

Melusine, Archbabe of the OHF and the LH
Your voice is ambrosia

Melusine 04-29-2001 09:57 AM

After reading your post again, LadyRae, I do tend to agree with the replies above, that you could have toned your language down a bit. I'm not being prudish or anything, but this is the Ironworks forum, and it is such a great Forum precisely because - among other things- we don't use swear words on it. That would be exactly the Team BG attitude you talk about. We've had this Forum for a long while like this, the friendliest and best discussion forum that I know of, and I hate to see this happen.

Melusine, Archbabe of the OHF and the LH
Your voice is ambrosia

Dreamer128 04-29-2001 09:59 AM

Right you are, were all friends here.

Dreamer128 04-29-2001 10:03 AM


Originally posted by Melusine:
After reading your post again, LadyRae, I do tend to agree with the replies above, that you could have toned your language down a bit. I'm not being prudish or anything, but this is the Ironworks forum, and it is such a great Forum precisely because - among other things- we don't use swear words on it. That would be exactly the Team BG attitude you talk about. We've had this Forum for a long while like this, the friendliest and best discussion forum that I know of, and I hate to see this happen.

According to my history teacher houden Nederlands niet van oorlog en ruzie omdat daar geen winst in zit.

Moni 04-29-2001 10:12 AM

I read and re-read the thread and it merely looks like guys being guys to me! Thinking about guys being guys, I really expected it to be a lot worse!
No harm in them talking about South Park, passing gas and having women cook and clean for them (and I am sure the sextoy mentioned is a blow-up doll) At least they are doing it in their own room!

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