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Sigmar 09-20-2003 12:07 PM

(Subject header taken from Edge magazine.)

"Is it disgusting to base a game around the destruction of the World Trade centre, or could it be seen as a tribute?"

This was the sub-header in the article about the game in question, featured in the latest issue of "Edge" magazine (issue 128#). Bascially the game revolves around the events of 9-11, specifically the Two Towers in which you are placed in various situations from which you must try to escape and survive.

Edge's description- "It's an Unreal Tournament 2003 mod, which traps players on random levels of the burning building and challenges them to escape. The catch? Sometimes there's no way out, and gamers have to decide whether to perish in the flames or throw themselves from the upper levels."

I thought about providing the link to the game designers website (the link is provided by Edge) but I didn't want to provide traffic to a site like that.

My opinion? I think it's wrong, despite how many people and other developers make games based on wars like Vietnam, WW2 and the like I personally believe that it's wrong on many levels to actually create a game/mod like this. It's as morally outrageous to recreate the deaths of 3,000 people for free as it is to make money from the thousands who died in WW2 IMO (see MoH:AA and such). Edge provided no personal opinion, it merely presents the game and passes no judgement on it.

What's everyone else's opinion on this matter?

Bozos of Bones 09-20-2003 01:40 PM

I must say I'm shocked and appaled, but the idea is fairly interesting. It depends on the game's subtext. If the game's text between the lines is insulting, then I'd just uninstall. If not, if made with morals, ethics, good balance of game and event and not too "american patriotism", then I'd enjoy it for a time. You just can't tell it out of the mere plot line. How ybout Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002? There's actually a way to download a mission with a fairly obvious goal.

Stratos 09-20-2003 01:48 PM


Originally posted by Sigmar:
Edge's description- "It's an Unreal Tournament 2003 mod, which traps players on random levels of the burning building and challenges them to escape. The catch? Sometimes there's no way out, and gamers have to decide whether to perish in the flames or throw themselves from the upper levels."

The concept sounds a bit weird not to mention offensive.

Barry the Sprout 09-20-2003 02:03 PM

*wince* Too soon man, far, far, too soon...

andrewas 09-20-2003 02:23 PM

Normaly when I read in the paper of how shocking a game is, I skip to the next page. But I think this one may be going just a little bit too far.

Zuvio 09-20-2003 02:23 PM


Originally posted by Barry the Sprout:
*wince* Too soon man, far, far, too soon...
<font color=lightgreen>
I don't believe this mod should *ever* be allowed. Wars are fought because of political believes and some sort of wrang higher goal (don't get me wrong, I would prefer to abolish wars from the planet), but 9-11 was an act of pure evil and pointless violence. This mod should be banned for the obvious reasons.

[ 09-20-2003, 02:24 PM: Message edited by: Zuvio ]

Barry the Sprout 09-20-2003 02:42 PM

I don't think it should be banned, or that it will forever be in poor taste frankly - I would be being hypocritical if I were to say that as I have a normally quite robust sense of humour when it comes to this kind of stuff. I just think its in poor taste now, and will be for some time to come. There has been little chance yet for the relatives of the dead to get over this, thats my reason for saying its too soon at the moment.

JrKASperov 09-20-2003 03:31 PM

Boring game! Who wants to fly airplanes into virtual towers when you can build em with Lego© :D

Bozos of Bones 09-20-2003 03:33 PM

When I remember...
Sweet times...

Zuvio 09-20-2003 04:07 PM

<font color=lightgreen>
Following the trend of this topic: you probably all now Hollands' main airport "Schiphol", right? Last month, a magazine called HP/Time or Elsevier (cant remember which one) had an article about two KLM airplanes crashing into the highest office building in the Netherlands. Because the airport found this article so appalling, they removed all copies of that magazine from all the stands in the entire airport! Same goes for this UTmod! It's tasteless and should not be allowed!

Barry the Sprout: so you think that in a couple of years, it's suddenly OK to make jokes about 9-11? In public? Here in holland, a couple of years ago an El-Al Boeing 747 crashed into some appartments in the Bijlmermeer. People made jokes about that event. They made small jesting songs about it. I thought it was sick. Making fun about the fact that several people lost their lives because of an accident and even more people rendered home-less because of it. Jesting about tragedy is amoral and NOT appropriate.

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