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AzRaeL StoRmBlaDe 09-09-2002 08:39 PM

has anyone else seen this movie? If so i just wondered what YOU all thought of it. Personally I thought it sucked, BIG TIME. ridiculous patchy storyline combined with boring battle scenes and poor special effect make this movie terrible. again just my opinion, but i wondered what others thought of it?

Dundee Slaytern 09-10-2002 03:15 AM

My friend is trying to drag me to watch this. Adun save me... he is obsessed with Dragons.

Rimjaw 09-10-2002 06:08 AM

All I can say about it was: Stoooopid. The movie was some kind of mish-mash of the movies Dragonslayer and Mad Max. In addition to everything Stormblade said, the CGI dragons looked rather fake in some scenes and the plot was super thin. As for the acting, only Bale's was barely convincing. And the plot holes. The gigantic plot holes.

Where do 'Van Zan' and co. gas up their chopper and tanks? Why in bloody hell does he keep on chewing on his damn cigar throughout the whole movie and never lights it once? They claim that the dragons couldn't be killed by nukes, yet harpoons work? They have a fire suit that protects them from the dragon, and they only use it once? The dragons eat ash, yet they eat each other alive, yet the only thing that keeps them away is the smell of their own dead, which Quinn somehow knew without having ever seeing a dead dragon before!?!?

Oh the climax involving Van Zan jumping off the tower was LAME!

[ 09-10-2002, 07:44 AM: Message edited by: Rimjaw ]

T/-/alali 09-21-2002 09:30 PM

Really? its that bad? From the prieviews it looked pretty good.(don't they always)? :D

Ilythiiri 09-23-2002 02:03 AM

its going to be bad...
just hate movies that use tanks and helicopters against dragons...
its just so stupid!!!

Morgeruat 09-23-2002 10:38 AM

there were some really good special effects, but the plot was severely lacking, the dragon breathing fire down on the castle gave me wonderfully dragonfilled dreams for days afterwards.

but maybe I'm too used to most fantasy where dragons are much smarter than humans, and here they are portayed as beasts, rather than masters of all they survey, both through brains and power.

Thoran 09-23-2002 11:25 AM

I've yet to see Dragons on video portrayed as I imagine them. Read Robin Hobb's Liveship Series... great portrayal of Dragons in that one (and an Excellent story to boot). Lower quality writing but with great dragon involvement is found in some of the Dragonlance books.

The Pern books are quite good but with an alternate view of dragonkind.

Then there's always "The Hobbit", although Smaug has barely a cameo.

TaSSaDaR 09-24-2002 07:53 AM

So I see the Reign Of Fire is barely a film worth seeing... So what do you recommend as a good dragon-related movie?

Thoran 09-24-2002 08:16 AM

Well it was basically a kids movie but Dragonheart at least portrayed dragons as intelligent creatures. The whole "shared heart" thing was kindof silly, no dragon in their right mind would make themselves that vulnerable to help a HUMAN... it would be like us trusting our lives to a field mouse. Other than that the acting was ok and the special effects were good for the time.

I'd hold our for something better. Graphics are reaching the "near realistic" level and some top shelf fantasy is being made into movies.(that aren't comedies, or REALLY BAD like in the past) Hopefully we'll see a serious effort at a dragon oriented feature film in the not too distant future.

Barry the Sprout 09-24-2002 10:09 AM

Haven't seen it yet, heard its bad though.

In some ways I still want to see it, even if it is bad, as Christian Bale is a god among men. American Psycho is one of my favorite films of all time. I feel I owe Bale at least the courtesy of watching his naff films after his absolutely mind-blowing performance of Bateman.

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