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Larry_OHF 07-15-2004 09:58 PM

<font color=skyblue>I was wondering why I no longer get hunted and chewed on by mosquitos these days, all the while watching them devour my family in mass feeding frenzies. People had several thoughts on this, such as Estrogen is a mosquito attracter, C02, and sweat. Well...I can mow grass and sweat and pant, but no mosquitos bite me anymore. However, they swarm around me until my wife comes outside, then they attack her. So I was starting to believe that stuff. I am also told that they have blood preferences, but both of us are O+. I also hear that they are attracted to alcohol...and though my wife don't drink, she wears perfume.

So...then today I find This on the website about how mosquitos find their prey. They can smell food from 50km!!!!! That is like over 30 miles! They will even fly that entire distance to get at the food, and though rare, have been spotted in cold artic climates.

So...anybody else enjoying this rare benefit of watching everyone around you being eaten alive while you sit and watch with not a single nibble?</font>

Sythe 07-15-2004 10:00 PM

Damn you man, you're so lucky! *slaps mosquito on neck* :D

[ 07-15-2004, 10:26 PM: Message edited by: Sythe ]

sageridder 07-16-2004 01:18 AM

They don't like me much either, but it seems to be a trade off.Spiders seem to love me.I think I'd rather have the skeeters tho can't tell you how creepy it is to be watching a scary movie with all the lights off and get bit.After that every few mins. your imagining another creepy crawly running across your skin.

Aerich 07-16-2004 01:27 AM

I'm reasonably immune. They don't go after me if there's any better targets around. It could also be that I don't swell up when bitten. I might be getting bit, but I generally don't notice.

We've also got some bylaws in my town against standing water; the West Nile virus scare is actually good for something...

That said, I can't stand the critters, ESPECIALLY when I want to sleep. That annoying whine as they circle the room just keeps me awake. I have to get up and swat all mosquitoes before I can fall asleep.

Illumina Drathiran'ar 07-16-2004 02:06 AM

Get down on your knees and thank whatever divine power you pay homage to, Larry... That's what I would do.

Firestormalpha 07-16-2004 02:23 AM

Let's see, after like 6 years straight of having not been bitten by mosquitoes I finally get hit twice in the same night this past week.

Black Baron 07-16-2004 02:53 AM

I am 90% immune (When i sleep i am bitten. :( ). I developed a very usefull skill: slippers throwing. I can hit a mosquito from 2 meters with a slipper. Naturally i clean the blood stain from the wall, but it is worth it. :D

Harkoliar 07-16-2004 03:45 AM

thank goodness its winter here. no flies and misquitos for me for the next couple of months.

B_part 07-16-2004 03:45 AM

I am reasonably immune from mosquitoes as well, especially if there is some unlucky mosquito bait around - my mother, some of my friends. [img]graemlins/evillaughter1.gif[/img]

Jorath Calar 07-16-2004 04:22 AM

No mosquitos here... too cold. But the hornets are the size of a seagull ... well almost and damn they are mean.

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