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Cloudbringer 06-25-2001 04:01 AM

the original thread is here:

<H2><font color="plum">Cloudy's Cafe</H2></font>
Come in, be welcome, be comfortable, be yourself

Welcome to Cloudy's Cafe, a place to have a cup of coffee or a good darjeeling and the finest in conversation and camaraderie.

The proprietor asks that you follow a few simple guidelines:

* this is a real conversation zone, not a role-play zone

* no flaming; if you disagree with a viewpoint expressed by any patron, please do so in a civil manner

* any topic is fair game, but keep posts to the standards that Ziroc has set for the entire forum, please (ie: foul language is not appropriate and things should be suitable for all audiences)
-a side note from Cloudy: I see this as a place for those short conversations about a new baby or the latest soccer fiasco, not for things that are big enough to warrant their own threads, by all means give those things the space they need and post separately!

* Please, no one word or smiley posts (Ziroc has declared them 'real spam' and the proprietor doesn't want the reptuation of "good spam" to suffer!)

* do feel free to be serious or silly and enjoy the company of others while you are here. By all means POST if you have something to say, even to start another topic , we can handle multiple chats, we're a CAFE!!! But be courteous and don't disrupt a conversation just to disrupt it.

<font color="pink"> Come on in! The bar is stocked with coffees, teas, juices and waters from around the world. And purple napkins, of course!

The lighting is low, the golden oak counters and tables glow with inviting warmth. Near the window, the lighting is brighter, as comfy, plush leather armchairs wait for those who'd like to read a book while relaxing to music or just lazily watch the world go by.</font>

Cloudy, your hostess


Raindancer of the Laughing Hyenas Clan
StormCloud of the Black Knight: Heart Mind Soul Forever
"To sleep, perchance to dream..."

Lord Shield 06-25-2001 06:25 AM

A half-orc blunders in, belches loudly, says "Gimme a beer!". Then he looks around, goes "oops - wrong bar!" and staggers out agai
Let's all have a group hug!!!

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp.

Sharpedge 06-25-2001 06:52 AM

*Sharpedge wonders in, sits down and orders a cup of tea*

Cloudbringer, while I am here, may I ask if you (or anyone else) know of a good place for a Paladin to join in with some Baldur's Gate 2 adventures? I have a couple of months to burn before I return to university and (among other things) I would really like to try some multiplayer, as I have never done so before.

*sips his tea*

What do you think? Anyone interested?

Ramon de Ramon y Ramon 06-25-2001 07:12 AM

Ramon enters the cafe, with a very solemn expression on his face, walks up to the hostess, embraces the little Stormcloud, very gently, turns around and leaves without having said a single word.

So long !

R³ - proud to be the official spokesman for the most noble Lady Bilqis, Desert Rose of Ironworks

Btw, the cow is queuing in the slaughterhouse right now !

Wulfere 06-25-2001 07:13 AM

<H3><font face="Veranda"><font color="ff99ff">Sorry Sharpedge, not I.
Cloudy, Kiwidoc and BladeMaster. As I am back from Omaha I will begin to copy and encode some MP3's from my celtic CD's. When I have a few ripped I will e-mail you and let you know. We can make arrangements to send them ICQ or e-mail if your box is large enough.</font></font></H3>

The line between good and evil is a razor sharp thing. Be careful of misteps,
as you may find yourself spitted upon your own blade.

[This message has been edited by Wulfere (edited 06-25-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Wulfere (edited 06-25-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Wulfere (edited 06-25-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Wulfere (edited 06-25-2001).]

Lord Shield 06-25-2001 07:26 AM

Not a bad idea. I'll hug Cloudy too when she reads this thread - *HUG!!!!*

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp.

kiwidoc 06-25-2001 08:52 AM

kiwidoc wanders in and goes to the fridge to pour herself a St Clements - orange juice and bitter lemon, and for the sake of ecxxtrarefreshemnt she adds a good splash of tonic water.


Anyone else want one while I am making them?

When I load the audioconverter onto my PC I will posat a few tracks of good, fast West Clare. I know the players wont mind cos the tracks used to be on their site

In the meantime you are still stuck with my two celtic songs blue.mp3

Is it hot and sultry enough for a bit of blues gospel?

There is only one kiwidoc, accept no substitutes

[This message has been edited by kiwidoc (edited 06-25-2001).]

adam warlock 06-25-2001 11:07 AM

*gets some ice cream*


Bahamut 06-25-2001 11:46 AM

is there a disco bar round somewhere? heehee...

hiya!!! long time! havent been hecking the board lately... sup??? update?

Yukishiro Tomoe

Cloudbringer 06-25-2001 11:52 AM

Ramon? Was that Ramon? Darn, he ran off...sigh... Ramon, if you are out there, do come here and tell me how your teaching is going!
PS...I have not been emailing anyone of late, dear one, so do not fret that it is only you!
Just haven't had time or energy and msn sure does take up whatever spare time one might have had! And you, sweet Ramon, are always booked solid on msn That'll teach me to get you onto new programs, won't it?!

Sharpedge, I think several people are starting or thinking of starting multiplay games at the moment. Keep your eyes on the board, I'm sure you'll see posts to that effect! I'm in a few that are full up at the moment.

LordBirdShield! That must have been the world's fastest hug! Hmmm...gonna have to teach you what a real hug is, I think!

Wulfere! THANKS! I'm looking forward to the music! Oh, and love the font color! TEEHEE!

Howdy Kiwidoc! That sounds like a very interesting beverage! You know, I think you should start a thread on what beverage a person is like! I asked someone that question the other day after thinking on your chat with me and it was a very interesting answer!

Hey, Adam! LOVE the icecream smiley! LOL How is work on your new 'regulation' sig coming?



Raindancer of the Laughing Hyenas Clan
StormCloud of the Black Knight: Heart Mind Soul Forever
"To sleep, perchance to dream..."

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