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Larry_OHF 12-03-2005 06:09 PM


The following posts will consist of role-play by the newly-acquired gamers for the next installment of The Lord of the Forums, entitled The Burning of the North. Only those that have permission to post here will be admitted.

The role-play that is to be posted here will be an introductory pre-game session which will allow gamers to develop their character personalities, learn their strengths and weaknesses, learn more about their fellow gamers and to get a feel as to what it is like to take part in such a game.

<u>The following players are expected here:</u>



<u>The following players have permission to take part in this thread:</u>


This thread will last as long as it takes to get the next game started, in which the new gamers will be admitted. This is for two reasons.

1. Not enough space is on SoL to start a new side-story because we want part 7 to be the absolute last thread for that section.

2. Working out kinks and getting to know one another on a separate thread outside The Burning of the North will allow players to start into the action immediately once the official game thread starts. This is a way to get everybody together and warmed up for the run.

This is where your new adventure starts! I swore to Morgeruat that this would not be a tavern setting, because I am sure that everybody would throw me out of this place for being unoriginal if I were to do that. Therefore, I came up with a new idea.

Below, I have a list of important characters that are residents in the town that you all find yourselves in for one reason or another, whether it be born here or passing through. You may make use of them as support, advice, or information. They will not be there to force you in any direction, but may make suggestions. Of the five new players, one of you will become the <u>group leader</u>…but you all get to be the one to decide who that will be once you get to know one another.

One final note: The Lord of the Forums has always been a game where we brought aspects of the actual Ironworks website into the game. It is a medium between the real world and fantasy. References to Ironworks have been and will be seen throughout our games.

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<font color=white>

Now proud proprietor of Vindson’s Smithy and Armoury, getting there hadn’t been easy. Born a simple peasant Vindson had to fight his way to where he is now, but in the process he gained the respect of the town council and many of the inhabitants of the town, for his role in repelling the Orcish assault in the winter, fifteen years ago. When the militia’s defences were breached and its commander killed, Vindson had taken over command of the defences and had brought victory.

Two years later he was offered a place on the council, but since politics wasn’t his thing, he turned it down; however the council still asks for his advice at times. He preferred a life in his smithy, doing what he liked to do. His advice and training are highly sought after; the latter however isn’t always free. His steel and iron weapons and armours are renowned and many an adventurer requested his wares before an adventure. He still has a taste for adventure, but unfortunately his right leg has been giving him trouble the last half a dozen years and he can’t move too fast any more.


70+ year old appearing arch-mage, he is a drunkard whose magic took a turn about 12 years ago, several years after he first started drinking heavy. As a result of “the shakes,” casting while hung-over, drunk, or with a bottle in hand resulted in so many of his spells going awry that he can no longer cast as a standard mage.

He speaks often as his days as an adventurer but when pressed on why he got out of the business he often falls silent and his eyes drop, he usually reaches for his bottle shortly after that, he drinks to forget horrors most men would never dream existed, unfortunately he sees them again as often as not once he falls asleep.

Oley began adventuring as a wide eyed youth (for a magic user) at the age of 27, he quickly gained tremendous power and respect which he used to earn himself a place in the prestigious Order of Hermes, a group of magi who sought a deeper understanding of magic. He was kicked out shortly after he began drinking when he refused the help with his problem that the Order had offered. As prestigious as the Order is, being kicked out was a worse blow to his career than the alcohol had been, for the Order rarely cancelled memberships once granted, and with his well known reputation for loving hard drink few wanted to work with him. Although he had previously been a very successful and powerful magi, he was in danger of starving to death when he ran into Vindson by chance. The smith barely recognized his former friend who had really fallen apart in the few years they had been apart and Oley looked to be more than twice his actual age, but he took pity on his friend and helped him gain employ and a location to work his craft (a place several miles out of town where he was less likely to do serious or permanent damage to the area, the town, or it’s citizens.

~Simon Locke~

The youngest of the Locke brothers. He and his older brother are the two chief council-members. The other two council members were elected from good-standing citizens, but for lesser positions. Simon shares half of the responsibilities of upper-management with his brother. The Locke brothers are not generally a part of every-day life in town. Usually, a person only sees one of them by appointment/trial/special occasion only.

~Edward Locke~

The elder of the Locke brothers that govern this town. He has the last say in any matter of uttermost importance. Laws, criminal pardons, and other highly imporant matters go through him, though he is inclined to delegate a lot of his work to his younger brother. Of the two, he is the least known.

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<font color=silver>

All a man had to do in those days was walk far enough out into the country, drive a stake into the ground and call that his new home. A man who had vision and resources could do so and call it his new town. Such was the way that this particular town was created. Barnaby Locke packed his travelling bag, left the comforts of his city and travelled West through the great forest and found unclaimed territory on the far side of the gulf. There, he built his home, built a road and called his family to come make the settlement with him. They brought friends who were interested in the aspects of a new town, and that is how it all began. A man with a vision became a man with a town.

That was a couple of centuries ago, and no naturally-living human would remember a wilderness where this town now thrives. Those that do…well…we don’t speak of them. So don’t ask.

This is the town of Lockesville. It has some limited commerce with the peoples of the East where the town-folk might trace their ancestry, and also with trade ships from exotic places, but that is not often. Lockesville catches the attention of almost nobody. They are on their own, and that is the way they like it.

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<font color=gold>
<u>Gamer Reference:</u>

Member: Keal
Character: Kasimno, a young human male fighter

Member: Kazilan
Character: Pandaros, a young human male rogue

Member: Sever
Character: Sever, a human male rogue

Member: Milanthir
Character: Milanthir, an elven mage

[ 02-05-2006, 05:45 PM: Message edited by: Larry_OHF ]

dplax 12-03-2005 06:44 PM

<font color=green>Vindson

His mind was as intent on the task as were his muscles. Bending, twisting, forming the metal as he willed it. Steel links snapped into place and sheets of metal started forming under his expert hands. Five hours of work had already gone into the creation of this plate mail, yet at least that much more remained. He wiped the glistening perspiration off his brow with a dirty cloth, while with his other hand he held the half-formed plates into the blazing fire, which he had prepared beforehand.

It was hard labour, but it was in this that he found joy. He withdrew the glowing metal from the fire, and hammered away at it, before suddenly plunging it into the cool water on his other side. He repeated the process several times until he was somewhat satisfied by the result. For today the work was nearly done. It was almost time for him to meet his old friend Oley. Time for the two of them to reminisce about their mutual past.

Only one more thing remained to do today. A delicate operation, during which he had to fit together the two plates which would form the front of the plate mail. The first of the plates was already heating in the fire, and now he placed the second one next to it. Twenty minutes later the still slightly glowing plates had been melted together, and although the result was still far from a functional armor, he could continue work the following day.</font>

[ 12-03-2005, 07:36 PM: Message edited by: dplax ]

Keal 12-03-2005 11:42 PM

<font color=cyan>Kasimno

Kasimno walks by Vindson's shop and says hi the way he always does. Kasimno admired him in a way he fought his way to the top, just the way he has to every day just to survive, and now he helps people live that way by making their weapon's for them. Kasimno has lived in this old town since he could remember, he wasn't born here, but his family grew and eventually died here and that's all that mattered.
Kasimno then noticed Vindson working on something and said,"Hey need any help, I'll be happy to, no charge whatsoever."</font>

[ 12-04-2005, 11:19 AM: Message edited by: Keal ]

Kazilan 12-04-2005 01:43 AM

<font color = #66CC00>
"Yet another town, how many has it been this month?"

The young man ran a hand through his short brown hair and sighed as a small chunk of dirt tumbled free and bounced to the ground. He paused and took a moment to pat at the scuffed leather armor he wore like a second skin. More dirt, along with some leaves and pebbles, cascaded around his feet. Deciding the effort was wasted without a tub and serious scrubbing he resumed his walk.

"I need a drink," he muttered. His flask had been empty for a week and he was intent on making up for lost time. He walked for only moments before he found a tavern, pushed open the door and marched to an open table. Within minutes he had drained his first mug and was calling for more. He stuck a finger into his belt pouch and fished out a few coins, the remainder of his last payday. He grimaced and started his second drink with a discreet sip.

As Pandaros nursed his ale he took a quick mental inventory of his gear. His quiver, leaning against his chair along with his bow, held a dozen arrows in various states of disrepair. His short sword lay undamaged in it's sheath but he was in need of a new dagger, the old one lost days ago. A quick question to the server provided directions to the nearest blacksmith, but the familiar warmth had already begun spreading in his belly as well as his mind.

"Tomorrow," he muttered to himself. He settled into his chair and decided to listen in on the conversations around him. "Rule number 1: Always know your environment." He smiled ruefully to himself as he took another gulp of ale. Old habits do indeed die hard.

Ivelliis 12-04-2005 05:58 AM

<font color=gold>Vallo

"What do you mean I have to wait?" Vallo yelled, "I have an appointment to see him now!"

The secretary flinched, whoever this irate man was he needn't be so rude.

"I'm sorry sir, but your appointment is not until this afternoon"

Vallo frowned.

"What animal should I turn this unaccommodating whelp into?" He thought to himself.

"I'll wait," Vallo muttered to the secretary as he took a seat.</font color>

[ 12-05-2005, 11:54 AM: Message edited by: Ivelliis ]

dplax 12-04-2005 09:17 AM

<font color=green>Vindson

His face broke into a smile when Kasimno arrived. He was an enthusiastic young lad, and had been polite to Vindson before.

"Nah, I'm managing fine laddie. Besides I have just finished work for today." He said putting his tools meticulously away.

He strode out from his workshop and with a key from the ring of keys hanging from his belt locked the door. He knew it wasn't a necessity in this town, as only a fool would steal from his workshop, it was simply a reflex he had acquired during his adventuring days.

He put a hand on Kasimno's shoulder as he walked towards his home which was two houses away.

"How about you give me a hand tomorrow? I'll be finishing that piece of armor then. I could show you the finishing steps of the process."

He smiled broadly. He made no secret of his craft. If someone wanted to do the same thing as he did they were welcome, but acquiring the experience and respect he had was one thing with which he could not help them.</font>

Morgeruat 12-04-2005 12:24 PM

<font color=lime>Oley

Oley had been in the tavern for most of the morning, he liked to see the new faces as they arrived, caravan guards, merchants, sailors, even the occasional pirate or other outlaw. He had a longrunning tab here though, and as long as he paid it off at the end of the week he was free to observe people all day if he so cared.

He was well into his cups today, he had dreamt of the end of his adventuring days the previous night, and so he had started a bit harder today than he usually did. The grog wasn't good, but he'd had worse. He checked his belt again, he still had his main weapon there, and as much as many would laugh at it, few could deny that he knew how to use a half brick stuffed into an old sock with a deadly skill.

He hadn't bothered to memorize many spells this morning, if left uncast he could usually recall them for several days and thanks to Vindson he had enough work with a few minor dweomers to keep him fed. The occasional mishap sometimes actually aided his work, fixing a broken pot and "poof" it suddenly turns several brilliant colors often earned extra tips. He had left several pieces of work in his home, he would get to them tomorrow, today the only thing he wanted to worry about was reliving the glory days when he'd been a respected archmage, and had the power to crush empires under his boot if he had so chosen.

He'd likely get an earful from old lady Vandree later when wilford/wilma showed up, it wasn't his fault the kid had snuck into the lab and gotten his gender confused, and after all he'd probably stop changing and settle on one in a day or two. Chuckling he took a small sip at the grog, wincing at the bitterness and ordered a glass of meekulbrau, knowing it's bitterness would at least give power to his voice later, and not just tear at his insides like the grog did.</font>

OOC: I know Larry hasn't said anything, but it is considered proper etiquette here to turn off your sig's for a regular game post. Posts in the discussion thread can have it or not as desired.

Keal 12-04-2005 01:14 PM

<font color=cyan>Kasimno

"Alright, I'll be happy to help tomorrow." Kasimno replied to Vindson as he turnwed and walked towards the tavern for some food, his stomach growling with hungar.

When he finally got there he noticed one of thwe town councilmen Oley. He wasn't the kind of guy Kasimno would befreind. He found the old man to be a drunkard without a cause, yet he still had respect for him. He had overheard great stories of his adventures a long time ago, whether they were true or rumor he didn't know, but he figured there's always a bit of truth within any rumor. Then there was another man, a rough looking adventurer with a bow and small sword at his side. Kasimno sat next to him and got some food.</font>

Kazilan 12-04-2005 03:25 PM

<font color = "#66CC00">


Pandaros nodded to the newcomer, his eyes slightly clouded but his face expressionless. He took a sip from his half-empty mug before speaking.

"I hope you don't mind a question, friend, but I'm curious to know and you look as though you live here. What's the name of this town? I've seen so many that I've lost track of which is which."


dplax 12-04-2005 04:44 PM

<font color=green>Vindson

After a short time at home arranging his personal things, it was time for Vindson to go and see Oley. He knew that his long time friend would most probably be found in the tavern, where he usually hung out.

The tavern had quite a few people for this early an hour, but Vindson took little heed of the others as he went to Oley's table. His friend, he saw from the contents of the table had already looked at the bottom of several glasses that day.

"Hello, old friend." Vindson greeted him. He didn't even have to ask for a drink, for even before he had the chance to seat himself the barman had already brought him a pint of the dark ale he preferred. Vindson wasn't a big drinker, but he drank with his friend often, always stopping before he even got close of his limits however.

"How are you today Oley? Troubled by your dreams again?" He asked in a soft voice, meant only for the ears of his friend. A lot of people in town knew about Oley's drinking problems, yet not many knew a lot about his past, and Vindson preferred not to talk about the details in front of others. If the two of them wanted a serious talk, they could always go to one of the private booths at the back of the tavern, where they were rarely disturbed.</font>

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