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Taski 01-02-2003 08:15 PM

"Behave, baby" :D

This time i have totally finished this amazing game, with all guild-quests, nearly all possible items (i think so) and lots of cash (800.000 Gold without selling my actual equipment).

Here are some hints for those, who are still in the game:

1. Train KungFu (+Dex & Agility), and equip char with a shield --> he attacks more often then. KungFu in addition to LethalFist and high physical attributes is the best weapon in the game...3-5 attacks per round and over 120 Damage !!!

2. Make one char to the MERCHANT and sell EVERYTHING with this char - hm, ok, u donīt REALLY need these amounts of Gold :D

3. Best Fighter is the SAMURAI - i have had 2 of them, equipped with 2 SwordsOfArgus and 2 blessed Wakizashis...Killer !!! :D

4. Assassin roxx - cool red armor, with coolie-hat on top :D

5. Best Spell: FireStorm, Nonsense-Spell: Blood to Gold ^^

And Oakenmir really brings 1.7 Mio. Exp for each char in a #6 Party. If u are not so strong, flee to the sea, there he cannot call for help (nothing appears).

And donīt forget the 2 treasure chests at the endfight - 1 great armor (best in game i think) and a useful sword.
I can answer ANY question now..."If u have a task ? - Here comes the Taskmaster!" :D

Plz, David, another game for us all !!!!!!!

macoati 01-02-2003 08:27 PM

Congrats, Taski! Now on to bigger (or smaller) things in the Gael Serran?

Wyvern 01-02-2003 08:27 PM


(virtual cartwheels)

Way to go, Taski!!! :D

Are you going to play again??


Taski 01-02-2003 09:16 PM

While playing i had the idea to restart with only ONE char - and i dreamt of playing with 1 ZenMaster...but this is impossible, isnīt it ? I mean i donīt want the whole stats (DeadlyStrike Level 8 in the crpyt??? :D ), so i want to start with a CLEAN, level 1 ZenMaster. But after RESET ADVENTURE he deletes the no chance 4 me :(

I forgot to say that i played this time on HARD and with OFTEN RESPAWN :D

But Valeria, Arwen, Shadow, Gandalf, Merlin and Keule were nearly immortal ^^ there any new game by Bradley ?

macoati 01-02-2003 10:38 PM

Wizardry 8 has some of his soul in it... unfortunately I believe he was the driving force for the Wizardry series and since he left during the early stages of developement of W8 (to do WW) it lost some of it's luster for me :( It's still a good game with a fairly dificult combat system. It does have too much emphasis on "modern" weaponry but the old hack and slash still has it's merits in it. The puzzles aren't all that bad and the storyline is contiguous with W6&W7 which is actually nice.

Taski 01-02-2003 10:56 PM

Hey Macoati, i have already finished Wiz8 also :D

I like it and u already mentioned everything that is not so good in this game.

the_young_one 01-03-2003 12:34 AM

If you want to start with a level one zenmaster, you can do the following:

1. Almost complete the game and collect all four tomes
2. Create your new hero who will start in Valeia
3. Take your party back to Valeia, and pick up your wannabe zenmaster
4. Return to the bushi-do in Brinloch Roon and have your hero accept the role change
5. Then restart game

If you want other replay challenges consider the following:

1. Play solo

2. Play solo wizard without changing roles.. Figuring out how to open chests without any lock pick skill is quite challenging and you also have to be more selective as to which fights to engage in. If you want extra kick, have a faerie wizard with strength 1 !

3. Try and complete the game from start to finish - I have heard several players doing this in less than 90 minutes..

Taski 01-03-2003 05:52 AM

Oooooooooookeeeeeeeeeeeeee....just started a new game with 2 chars:

Level 1 Human ZenMaster (thx to young_one for the hint how to start with basic stats) and Level 1 WhiskahPriest, normal difficulty, 10.000 Gold at beginning as bonus.

First death comes to me by rogue leader, 2nd by MonTheSculz :D Now ZEROCOOL (the Zenny) is lvl 3 and life is much more easier now ^^

It is a good chance to test bows and shurikens now :D

WillowIX 01-03-2003 06:41 AM

Congrats Taski. Good luck with your new party. Itīs a good thing you can restart your game otherwise one wouldnīt have time to try your new Zenmaster. Iīm glad you enjoyed the game and I notice youīve made Wyv cartwheel lol. :D

Packrat 01-03-2003 09:32 AM

As kev would say....Good onya, Taski!!!

I hope the victory...was sweeter...the second time around

...and...May all the your current game..soon be, on the gound.

After you finish this one...perhaps you'll consider trying a 'Fast Track' game???? Take your best character....Reset adventures...and try to finish the game in under 1 hour...
My first attempt fell short...or I guess, I should say... long.W&W...1hour...9min
So I tried it again...Sweet Victory

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