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Tigger 11-11-2000 04:42 PM

I have a photoshop layred image of the 3 layers of the serpent temple with each level a different color (unforntunly you have to have photoshop to view all 3 layers)....if you want a copy just e-mail me at

Wyvern 11-11-2000 08:55 PM


How very excellent of you!!!
Will you be able to withstand all the email?? Hope so!
Such a nice thing to offer!!!


Wyvern 11-15-2000 09:39 AM

I'm pushing this message back to the top so people will find it more easily!

Thanks again Tigger!!!


Wyvern 11-15-2000 03:22 PM


Tigger, did you think about submitting your maps to Ironworks site to put into the hints section??


Wyvern 11-15-2000 05:25 PM

And yet again!!

Players need this where they can see it!


Tigger 11-15-2000 05:36 PM

Wyvern you are a genious I have never used Iron's main site I just found this board with out them

well I am hunting now and I will send it to them

Wyvern 11-15-2000 05:40 PM

Way excellent! the url is:

Do you have any paint programs or the like. It might be possible to translate your most useful maps to other formats such as .bmp and .jpg


Laurence 11-15-2000 08:39 PM

Thanks, Tigger, it is superbly helpful! I have converted to a tiff, to print on a single sheet in grayscale with white background. You can still make out the levels (eg lowest is darkest) and can now make notes on it as go along.
Great stuff, but how very lazy - I remember mapping Wiz 7 by hand, with each bush in green crayon etc !!

Tigger 11-15-2000 10:13 PM

well I can't seem to find where to send in graphics on ironworks????

if anyone wants any other maps I can put thows out also....I am thinking of doing the stout mines with different colors for up and down and a notation for slopes and elevators but I breased through that easily so I wasn't enclined.....if anyone is realy stuk somewhere I am a exilent map maker (I am only up to the dragon thow)

O and my map of the temple doesn't include anything after you put in the monkey statues if anyone realy realy wants that I think I can help....but the 4 elvator rooms I made a logic map for

Wyvern 11-16-2000 09:11 AM


Did you try dropping Ironworks a note to ask them where/how to upload your maps??

Do you have any idea how many players are blessing you for you efforts???

soooooooo nice!!


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