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Charlie 03-28-2001 03:33 PM

Say I'm in the South East corner (for example) of the map and a fight starts. I pause, target etc and then when I unpause for some reason I'm transported (the view not the characters) to the North West (for example) corner of the map. Absolutely miles from where the action is taking place. It then becomes a frantic case of pausing, locating the party, unpausing again and hoping that my view isn't once again taken to an immaterial part of the map. I have had it on several occasions that I'm constantly moved away from the fight with every succesive pause/unpause. This happened frequently on my first time through the game, happens fairly rarely in my multi-player (with others) game and is still happening on my second time through the game. This is really starting to piss me off big time. The game's patched etc and I've not read about this "bug" elsewhere.

Anyone else experienced/fixed this bloody annoying problem?

One love, peace.

MILAMBER 03-28-2001 03:38 PM

There were some fights that I experienced that with. Does the screen shake too? I think when someone casts the earthquake spell it happens. Does this sound like the problem?

Tremble and despair, for I am power! All here are now judged, and are found wanting.

Xanthul 03-28-2001 03:41 PM

Charlie Im not sure about this, but i think in the options there is a thing like "center screen when pausing" or similar, be sure it isnt checked. Im not sure if it exists, maybe ive mistaked with another game.

------------------ "Let my spells do the dirty work" Ertai, High Sorceror of the Holy Flame

Charlie 03-28-2001 03:44 PM

No, it's nothing to do with spells being cast but thanks anyway. I just bashed the Vamp's attacking whatsisname at the start, no magic involved and 3 times transported to a dark area of the map in the docks. This is another problem as you don't actually know where you are in relation to the characters. It just breaks the fights, fluidity and enjoyment to pieces.

One love, peace.

Throntar 03-28-2001 03:50 PM


I think that you're problem may be operator error. I've had a similar problem before and you'll never guess what it turned out to be...

When I paused to target enemies during a battle, I must have dragged the mouse pointer to the edge of the screen (like if you would want to pan over to view a new area) and then when I unpause, it would fly over there because I had pushed the viewing window to the new area with my pointer.

Is that possible???

Charlie 03-28-2001 04:01 PM

Thanks Throntar, Ertai (how are you btw buddy?)

Throntar, I know what you're saying but that's not it. Say I enter a new area and the rest of the map is pitch black, this in itself prevents me from "targetting" that area of map with my cursor, it doesn't however prevent my overall view being taken there. Again, I'm not talking a few inches, I'm talking as far away from the action as it's possible to go.

Ertai, the centre on character will centre on a character when certain paramaters are character death or trap found or whatever. Thanks anyway chaps.

One love, peace.

Epona 03-28-2001 06:09 PM

Had this problem big time for months. Finally solved it by turning off 'Critical Hit Screen Shake'. It's that that causes it. Did it to me in IWD when I installed HOW too (but not before, because there was no screen shake function). Turned screen shake off there and it worked in IWD too.

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Epona of The Laughing Hyenas.

Charlie 03-28-2001 06:29 PM

Thanks Epona, I'm slightly sceptical (in the nicest possible way ) as it would seem that I'm doing a critical hit first blow on many occasions. It seems to me that the very split second that the screen is unpaused then "bang" I'm a mile away. Your point is a good one though and easily investigated. I'll check in the "to hit" rolls the very next time it happens. Thanks for taking the time, I really hope you're right.

PS. Is HoW out here now?
One love, peace.

[This message has been edited by Charlie (edited 03-28-2001).]

Reeka 03-28-2001 06:32 PM

Charlie: I've got that shaking thing turned off my computer, but it happens to me all the time anyway. It's a bitch.


Reeka--The Hand of Death

slackerboy 03-28-2001 06:40 PM

it happens to me from time to time. but i just double click on one of my character portraits and it zips back to the right place instantly. then hit the = key. which selects every body again. Not really a fix i know. but in tech support we call it a work around.


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